183: Simply Egg

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A/N: I decided to redraw Egg^ she looks more motherly now?



When Quillux and Optimus left, Egg had two less sparklings to deal with. And it was a relief. And for the icing on the cake, the chicks had tired themselves out roleplaying. So Egg was free to do as she pleased.

She hopped on her data pad and started "memeing" about the "Boomers" on this ship and rolled her Optics when she found Starscream's account back online, and of course he was complaining about being the victum.

She corrected him and called him a punching bag. Slay.

Then there was a knock at the door and Egg almost had a seizure, please don't wake the chicks, please don't wake the chicks!

The door slid open smoothly and one of the most considerate cons on the ship walked in. Soundwave. He seemed rather dreamy sometimes but that's probably because Laserbeak was displayed on his chassis.

Speaking of Laserbeak, he flopped down from Soundy's chassis and landed beside her. Egg narrowed her optics at him, they weren't fighting too long ago after all.

"Eggy." Laserbeak started quietly.

"Mmm?" Egg let out.

"I'm sorry about earlier, it's just... It felt like I had been looking after the chicks for hours-" Which he had been. "While you were frolicking-" Egg wasn't, she had a record breaking five panic attacks. "Which you weren't!" Laserbeak quickly slid in, "Um, I. But I realised that you deal with them a lot more than I do, I'm sorry I wasn't observant of that."

At that Egg rolled her optics and scoffed.

"Er?" Laserbeak started nervously.

"You're hooked up to all the cameras in the Nemesis, if you aren't 'observant' enough, then I don't know who is." Egg fluffed up. "Aaand" Great, now the hard part, "I'm sorry too, I was just rather stressed with little Optimus and I let it out on you." Egg said.

Then Laserbeak gave Egg one of his belly flop hugs. "I love you." Laserbeak said.

"I love you too."

"And Jazz is belittling Optimus right now." Laserbeak added.

"Awesome, send me the footage later." Egg said and puffed up happily while Soundwave recorded this wholesome moment.

"And I'll look after the chicks for the rest of the day." Laserbeak added.

"Don't be ridiculous-"

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"


"I'm fine with looking after them." She whisper squawked back.

And before she knew it, Soundwave moved her outside to force her to have some fun. Argh, bastards! The most fun she was gonna have was wondering the hallways and popping out eggs to surprise unsuspecting bots.

Or maybe she could have another fire breathing session with the Predacons? Yea, that was a good idea. She started to make her way to the landing bay-

"Pssst!" She heard for a dark and suspicions corner. "PSSST!"

"Yes?" Egg asked and paused her waddle as a chicken emerged. Fuck! She shouldn't have been strutting her stuff, or waddling! She sould have been taking long, dignified strides.

"The council of chickens have requested your presence." The chicken said and walked back into the shadows, "Are you coming?"

"Um... Yes sir!" Egg said, "Why aren't you rhyming-"

"I am a messenger, word play is reserved for the masters." The chicken said as Egg stepped into the shadows. "My name is Klutz. What is yours?" Klutz asked as they walked through tunnels Egg wasn't even aware existed. Perhaps it didn't even exist!




"That is unfortunate."

"What? And your name isn't?" Egg asked defensively.

"We are given new names as we progress." Klutz explained, "The Council have one set for you, Ignem Spirans Pullum-"

"Tell em I'm honoured but I like Egg." Egg said, "And do you know what that translates to?" She asked, she new.


"I find it offensively literal." Egg huffed but paused once the came into a large circular room. "Hmm." She let out a hum of approval and looked around for Klutz, he was gone. "Huh?" She did a full turn before she realised she was alone, so she did another full turn and there were three Chickens right before her. "Argh!"

"Be calm young one-" One started.

"Your test has only just begun." Finished another.

Oh shit! This was a test? For all the not-fun Egg was going through, she somehow stopped herself from slouching. "Errr what?" She asked, then the floor opened up and she fell...

She landed on a platform, surrounded by lava. They were definitely not on a flying ship!

"The end you must reach." One chicken said from above.

"Or to Primus you will preach." Another finished and there was silence.

Wait what? Egg asked herself as she noticed the molten whatever started to rise. WTF??!!! She looked around frantically, then remembered that when Predaking scorched her it did practically nothing and calmed down. Then agian, she wasn't prepared to find out if she were lava resistant.

She noticed there was a tunnel of some sort at the end and tried to find a path that allowed her to reach it. Oh great, parkour. Fitness. As if she hadn't already gotten fully accustomed to the gravity. She made the first leap to a pole that stuck out from the wall by flapping her wings as she jumped.

Egg, where are you at? Quilly's voice almost caused her to jump agian.

I'm a little busy right now, I need to concentrate. She said back.

With what? I need you to explore a portal that appeared in Optimus. He explained.

Mate, I'm doing parkour over lava right now (chicks are with Laserbeak), a portal sounds cool though. She said and that was that. She got ready to jump again and did so successfully, good thing she did too for not mere seconds later the pole retracted.

Those Mother Cluckers were trying to sabotage her? How dare they! Her anger fuelled her for two more jumps before she was panting. "Arggggggh." She moaned and watched the molten crap rise a bit.

Should probably get a move on. She jumped to the next one, barely caught a hold with her beak and struggled to pull herself up. If these elite Chickens have a fitness program, count me out! She looked ahead, only one more jump!

She jumped and made it! Yaaas! The tunnel was the only thing she had to go through now. And good Primus, for how long she walked, arggggghhh. When she finally came out, she was on the Nemesis? What? The ship was flying and they certainly don't have molten scrap with parkour poles in here!

She turned to look at the tunnel but it had disappeared.


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