129: Something stupid

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Finally I managed to flop my glossa out my intake. "Woppy!" I started and pointed at the thing.

"You sound like a sparkling." He retorted from his spot up against a tree. "A sparkling we never had." He added.

"Glowsa kinda wowking." I said, ignoring his last retort, we gotta move on.

"Say my name." He requested.

"Woptimus." I nodded.

"No." He shook his helm, this might become a pet name.

"Ow come on!" I said, my words still feeling numb and sparkling like.

"Fine, you're glossa's working but I'm still hungover." He said grumpily.

I dragged my wet frame over to him and flopped onto him. I regretted it immediately as he purged and I hurried to get out of range.

"Wagging light weight." I grumbled.

"Your fault." He shot back.

"No!" I argued as he hauled himself over to the river.

"Argh, Ratchet's calling me." He grumbled.

"Hang up or decline." I shrugged as I flopped down next to him. Then I got a call from Megs and declined, "Like I did." I added.

"Did Meg-"

"Yuppy." I nodded, "Wanna go to bass?" I asked as Meg tried to squeeze himself through the spark bond.

Oppy glared at me before he wobbily got up.

"Yay! I could kish you wight now!" I exclaimed.

"Why don't you?"

"You just puwged, I don't want that tast-e in my intake." I pointed out as he called for a bridge.

"Um..." Oppy started as he brought a servo to his com, "Ratchet says you should stay away for a bit- why?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Sounds serious." He added.

I huffed. "Fiwne." I said as he left me all alone.



With Optimus.



He strolled through the groundbridge expecting a energon shortage. But instead he was greeted with the same awkward stares as the one he was greeted with when they had a run in with MECH's version of him, Nemesis Prime.

"Is something the matter?" He asked, desperately trying to shake off his hangover.

"Nope." Bulkhead said, as if he had fifty scaplets under his frame.

Oppy raised a Optic ridge. It's so hard trying to seem professional with a hangover. And he was still getting over his embarrassment of Megatron watching the whole thing.

"Sooo." Smokescreen started, gaining the Prime's attention and quickly shutting up.

"The humans babbled." Ratchet helped out.

Optimus was proud to say that it took no longer than 30 seconds to comprehend his words. "Ah." He glanced at those who this would be new news for, Bulkhead, Arcee, Smokescreen and Wheeljack. He couldn't find Bumblebee.

"I just want to say, I knew from the start-" Smoke started.

"Sure." Arcee grumbled before looking over to Oppy, "My respect for you outweighs my disgust, so I don't really care." She said, that was an odd way to express loyalty.

"Well, we ain't no Decepticons." Wheeljack joked, "Or Starscream, so we won't try to undermine your authority." He said.

Ultra Magnus looked at him, Repeating the words, "Won't try and undermine your authority."

"Ah great." Oppy muttered.

"Congratulations?" Bulkhead suggested.

On a dead sparkling? Optimus wondered, "Ah thanks." He sad stiffly, did they know about the sparkling? "Where is Bumblebee?" He asked.

"He was a bit conflicted." Ratchet said, "I mean, he likes Quillux, but then again, he looks like Megatron and he, well.... He's happy for you." He finally finished.

Oppy nodded.

"And they know about the sparkling." Ratch added.

Smoke rushed to give him a tight hug of comfort.

"Thanks." He patted Smoke on the back struts, "But I'm hungover and it's to tight."

"You've been drinking?" Trion started, he had been recharging the whole time and now he wakes up?

"Can I join one of your drinking sessions?" Smoke asked as he loosened his hug. Oppy definitely needed some recharge.



With Quillux.



I strolled through the ground bridge leading to the Nemesis and noticed Meg smiling a little to much.

"Hawppy with the blackmail?" I asked.

"What blackmail?" He asked.

"You know, dwunk Oppy-"

"Don't call him that, and no. Something else." He said. "What wrong with your voice?"

"Had a spawk failuwe- What is it?" I asked.

"Well, you know how you said to catch one of the Autobots and blackmail for surrender-"

"I nevew said that." I said.


"I said, blackmail for peac-e, as in, no pwisoners." I clarified.

"Oh, that works to, I guess." He shrugged. I glared at him, waiting for him to elaborate, "Bumblebee's in the brig." He finally let out.

"Oh fucking- you could have just asked me to ask- you could have asked him youwself!" I argued.

"To late."

"Okay, just wun me by the tewms and conditions." I requested as we walked through the halls, "And have you towld anyone?" I asked.

"Had a meeting about it this morning." He said, "So... terms and conditions?" He stopped to think. "Your scout for peace?" He suggested.

"What kind of peace?" I asked.

"As in, we don't kill them and they don't kill us?" He suggested.

"Okay, and then?"

"We rebuild Cybertron."

"What kind of govewnment?" I asked.

He blinked.

"Who's in chawge?" I asked.

"Me." He said confidently.

"How about, both." I suggested, "That way thewe would be mowe of a equal society." I added.

"Argh, fine." He said.

"How's Bee?" I asked.

"Who?" He asked, "Oh...." He paused, "Depends."

"I'll check," I said and bounded off. I made it to the brig in a spark beat. "Oh hey!" I greeted, Bee's angry optics looked up but softened, he could move freely, just not out the cell. No serious injures, just a bit battered. "Good news-"

"How?" He beeped, "Oh! Congrats on the dead sparkling!" He said, it sounded sincere.

But is was hurtful too, I frowned.

"Oh! I didn't mean it like that I-"

"Eh, it's fin-e." I shrugged, "How'd you find out?" I asked.

"Miko blabbered." He shrugged, so they know, wonder how Oppy's doing...

"Anyway, Meg intends to use you to blackmail for peac-e." I told him.

His optics narrowed and widened in thought before he finally clapped.

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