20:Hot Rage

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"MURDERER!" I shouted hot with rage, faceplates twisted murderously. Amora stiffened instantly. I snarled as I took a step forward, the others were to surprised to do anything. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACEPLATE!" I roared as I took another step forward, she took one back. As if that would help. I leaped at her taking angry swipes at her, I unsheathed my blades and pushed her into the wall.

I stabbed at her shoulder and hit my mark, she let out a yell of pain. My blade pinned her to the wall, she let out feeble kicks. I wasn't small, weak and scared anymore. I was furious and vengeful. "You will get everything you deserve." I hissed as I pulled my blade out, cutting her further on the way out. "But you won't live afterwards."

She took out a blade and swiped at me, I blocked at with my left before I delivered a hard punch with my right. It made contact with her gut and knocked her to the hard metal floor. She looked up at me with hard optics, a expression which held no regret.

I stomped a hard ped on her chassis, she vented heavily as she tried to push it off.

Someone forcefully pulled me away before I could inflect more well-deserved damage. Dreadwing pulled my servos behind my back and kept them there tightly as I tried to free them. Amora made to lunge at me but was held back by one of Soundwave's tentacles, she took it as a warning and backed away.

"What is the meaning of this?" Megatron growled.

Amora was first to speak, "I was merely defending myself, My Lord."

I scoffed, "and how often do you have to force yourself to choke out 'My Lord'?" She glared at me silently. "How embarrassing it must be to call your own creation, 'My Lord'." I hissed.


I turned to my twin whilst trying to shake off Dreadwing, he did not give. "Our carrier has been feeding you lies." I said venomously. Megatron looked over at the femme with a unreadable expression.

"I don't know what your taking about." She snarled, trying to make me sound crazy.

It spawned new rage in me, "LAIR! DECETE!" I flung accusations as I struggled more powerfully against Dreadwing.

What are you rambling about? Megatron hissed angrily in the spark-bond.

She isn't Swiftkill, or whatever the slagger has told you, she is Amora, our carrier!" I hissed back at him.

"AND SHE KILLED HIM!" I broke free and lunged at her, taking a large swipe at her with my blade, a large cut etched its way across her chassis as I followed through. Amora gave up trying to act innocent and thought back. She tried to kick out my peds from beneath me but I kicked her into the wall before she could do so. I rapidly followed it up as I transformed my blades into my cannon and shot with true aim.

It hit bellow her chassis and prevented her from standing, her legs were unmovable. She snarled at me as she to took out her guns and shot at me, her blasts were weak due to the energon she was losing, they simply bounce of my armour.

"ENOUGH!" Megatron bellowed, putting a stiff arm before me, Amora ceased her shots and glared. "Knockout, Dreadwing, take her to the medbay and restrain her." He ordered strongly, no one dared think of disobeying him, power radiated off him like light does the sun.

The two instantly took her and left swiftly, I was still venting heavily, trying to calm down from this event. It clearly was not helping my spark as it gave a sharp sting, I grunted in irritation rather than panic, that was her fault too. A heavy arm snaked its way around me and pulled me with it.

Megatron and I both walked the hallways to cool down, me more than him. We walked in a comfortable silence as we reached the landing bay, the sky was darkening slightly. "Would you care to explain?" My twin broke the silence as we stopped.

"Explain what?" I seethed, glaring at him out of the side of my optics.

"Your rage."

I snorted and turned away from him as I crossed my arms over my chassis. I vented angrily. "Rage does not help." He said.

"It seems to help you plenty." I hissed venomously as I bared my dentas. I looked out at the horizon, the sun was setting slowly leaving a peaceful gradient of colour behind. "Lies." I stated.

"Is that all?" Megatron pushed on further.

"Abuse." I continued and felt anger come from Megatron. "Murder." I finished sadly and I looked down at the hard metal floor. Megatron approached me and put a supportive servo on my shoulder pad.

"Of whom?" He asked. And old memories stirred.

Why can't I reach him? I wondered as I sat on my berth looking out the window. It gave me a clear view of the streets outside. I tried again but got the same response, "Invalid number." I kicked a empty cube across the room in frustration.

"Missing your friend?" A sickly sweet voice came from the doorway, I didn't bother to acknowledge it. Wait, how did she find out? I turned to her frowning, observing her hiding in the darkness of the doorway. What she said next made my energon run cold. "I dare say, you won't see him ever again." She stepped forward, energon covered her frame, helm to peds.

And it wasn't her own.

"Of whom?" He repeated. I turned to him, a lone tear wondering away from my optic.


There's a little back story, hope you liked it.

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