170: Orion's Diary: Superhero Orion saves the day! (agian)

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It was a day like any other in the archives. Bots were reading books and books were being read. The usual.

Such a boring place really, no one would suspect who would hide in the shadows (When he wasn't sorting datapads), simply lurking, watching.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from behind.

Of course, those who hide in shadows have people who can hide in their shadows. "EP!" Orion jumped and turned to face the lurker that lurked behind the lurker. "What are you doing?" He shot back at the head archivist, "Sir." He added.

"Asking you what you are doing." Alpha Trion said.

"Taking my well deserved beak." Orion said stiffly, he deserved respect, and here's this geezer who questioned him every step of the way. Argh.

"Your break ended a breem ago." Trion started and handed him three datapads, so Orion huffed and got back to work.

If that bot knew what he did in his spare time, oh he'd be worshipping him. Orion continued to bitterly sort datapads, avoid a shrieking sparkling and continued to sort datapads.

More datapads to sort.

Some more datapads.

Another handful of datapads.

But wait! There's more!

More datapads!

Oh the glamorous life of an archivist. So F#ck!ng fun.



The ground shook! Explosions exploded! And Orion stopped twiddling his thumbs.

Bots raced outside to see the commotion and raced back inside when they saw the commotion. So Orion raced outside to see the commotion. Nothing he couldn't handle of course. Just a giant fanged cat the size of buildings. Perhaps a little mutated too.

Orion raced back inside- not out of cowardice no- but to save the day. The faster he got to the washracks, the better.

Once he made it there, he checked if anyone was around, no? Good.

He whipped out his superhero disguise!

His red cape!

And his Sexy goggles!

With his identity hidden he burst out of the washracks, surprising some bots that then started to cheer. He raced outside, with cheers of many bots trailing him.

Then he flew towards the cat with his fist outstretched. But the cat's tail swatted him out of the air like a fly. Oh dear, what will his fans think? He could not let them down, so he got up- then he was stepped on.

F#*ging Scr#p.

But he was strong! He was Brave! He was everything good and nothing bad!

He rose up like the primes of old and struck the cat with ten percent of his power.

"YOWL!" It screeched and fell back, rubbing it's now sore nose.

Perhaps Orion would need to use more than ten percent of his power. Oh well, this was an okay warm up anyway.

He hastily used twenty percent of his power and preformed a superkick to the cat's gut. There were many cheers and Orion gave himself permission to pose for the cameras.

He took so long with the posing that the cat had recovered and managed to knock him silly.

But Orion was strong! He was brave!

He was unable to recover from getting stepped on a second time.



He awoke underground. What? He stood up and looked around. He was in a cage! How dare they! Who do they think they are!

Then some cats wandered in front of his cell. "What is this place?" He asked them

"Darkmount." One of them answered before they both left. (Yes, superhero Orion could understand cats.)

He waited a little before he used his superpowers to break out of the cell. They think they can contain him? Well yes, they think so but alas- they cannot!

He strutted along the gloomy hallways, he must be underground, before almost walking into a large opening. A cat army gathered, meowing in unison.

This must be their hideout! The big one must have been a lackey! He could find the overlord and take him down!

Orion continued to look around and soon came across a empty lab. This must be where the mutated cat came from. He had to take down the leader before he could make more!

He wondered around before he ran into a patrol of highly trained ninja cats! Oh no. They somehow managed to outwit Orion's superior strength and restrain him. Perhaps he was just unlucky.

"Release me I say!" He started but the ninja cats just stared at him.

"Take him to the lord." One of them said and off they were.

They eventually made it to a large room (only because Orion was cooperating out of curiosity) and threw Orion down on his knees, facing the backside of a grand chair.

The chair dramatically turned and revealed a scruffy gray cat. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here, Iacon's freedom fighter." The grey cat started. "Unmask him!" He bellowed and Orion's cape and sexy goggles were wrenched away.

"Megatronus, how could you!" Orion started as Megatronus recoiled.


"This is what you get up to in you spare time?" Orion asked, spark-broken. "I trusted you!"

"This is what you get up to in your spare time?" Megatronus shot back. "Run around in a oversized cape and goggles?" Megatron continued, "You could have at least consulted with me for fashion choice!"

"You killed-" Orion started

"Corrupt officials of the senate." Megatronus finished for him.

Orion couldn't believe it.

His cat- a super villain he must stop. And now he's arguing with him about politics! "Why?" Orion asked with a spark wrenching tone.

Megatronus just sneered, "Perhaps next time, you will think for a second time before you give me a bath!" He yowled.

Oh primus, Orion knew he hated baths, but not this much. "All of this, because of a bath?"

"All of this- because of this mistreatment of cat kind! We are forced to walk the streets, live of your scraps-"

"I buy you premium energon-"

"Which you poison-"

"With the medication the vet prescribed!" Orion argued, "I just want what's best for you! Please!" Orion started, "leave behind your evil ways-"

"And abandon my compatriots behind? Let them fend for themselves?"

"Just send me the adoption forms and I'll fill them out." Orion said, the cat food was going to hurt his pockets but oh well.

Megatronus studied him, "Very well." He said and Orion hugged him.

"I need my disguise back though." He added and Megatronus scowled.

And they all lived happily ever after. The end.



Note to self: commission art for cat Megatronus

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