135: A Pair of Eels

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"Based on a true story"? I've never heard more bullshit in my life. Egg snorted.

"Egg is questioning it's authenticity." I told oppy, the Chicks had fallen into Recharge.

"I don't know what your talking about." Oppy said stiffly.

"The 'based on a true story'-"

"Yup." He nodded.

Egg snorted.

"So how'd Megatron turn into a cat?" I asked.

Optimus blinked. "Maybe I had a cat called Megatronus." He suggested.

But I had already dialled Soundwave's number, "Yo, did you ever go on a little double agent mission under the achieves?" I asked, Oppy sunk.

"Don't believe everything you read." He said and hung up, he must have the whole diary memorised.

I glared over at Optimus, "Liar liar, aft on fire." I teased before tackling him to the ground. Or tried tackling him to the ground, he dodged and I landed in some thick mud.

He snorted, it turned into a giggle.

"Has Ratchet read this?" I asked.

He froze in horror.

"Ohh! So he hasn't!" I said and tucked it away.

"You don't know of the extent I wrote in there-" He started.

I cut him off with a slap to his aft. "Chill." I snorted and swallowed his faceplate in a kiss.

Oppy hastily pulled away once we heard a gagging sound from the bushes. "It's like two eels flopping around the place." Meg muttered as he gathered the chickens.

"Excuse me?" I started and he added Egg to his collection, Op was bright blue.

"Laserbeak was worried, he wouldn't stop screeching." Meg explained. In translation: I'm using this as an excuse to check on you.

"We're not a pair of eels-" Oppy started.

"Sure you are." Meg scowled, "Absolutely no grace-"

Oppy looked like he regretted that statement.

"You need to tease the other, soft touches, pits, you don't even use denta-"

"Like this?" I asked and went to bite Megs neck cables.

"Yes, perfect- GET OFF ME!" He shrieked and slapped me off.

"Did you see that Oppy?" I asked.

His optics were watering in embarrassment. If Meg was trying to make this awkward, it was working.

"And mind you, you shouldn't just grope each other you-"

"Please demonstrate." I requested and pushed Oppy towards him. And the tables have turned.

Meg recoiled with the speed of light, "Lazerbeak wants them." He added and quickly left with the chickens.

"That could have gone two ways." Optimus started, absolutely horrified.

"Well you were lucky." Magnus said and stepped out off the tree line.

"How long were you there?" I asked.

"Just woke up." He said, "Sir." He greeted Optimus. Oppy looked so stressed, so I gave him a cube of high grade, he took it. "I've already called for a bridge." Magnus added and just as he said it, one popped up.

"Lovely." Oppy grunted before we walked through. What we saw on the other side was to be expected after a party. Bots littered the floor, Magnus got to work waking them up.

With the exception of Ratchet and Soundwave, they waved us over. "We've been discussing plans for Cybertron." Oppy took a very large sip from his high grade, emptying it, so I gave him another. "Reviving it, using the plans Shockwave has would work but would use up lots of energon-"

"Synthetic energon." Soundwave added.

"Yes, it'll take a while to get that sorted." Ratch said.

"What's Shockwave's plan?" Oppy asked, swirling the remains of his second cube.

"Reconstructing the omega lock." Ratchet said.

"Why didn't I know of this??" I asked. They all shot me a glance. "Heh, heh, right." I frowned and cast a glance over to the previously sleeping bots which were trying to stand.

I tuned out of their conversation and spotted Meg walk in, Smoke stumbled against him. "Hey Quill.
He greeted and Meg received a nice fat hug.

Soundwave recorded the little interaction. That was until he slapped Smoke into a wall. He shook his helm, "Oh Meg-" He scrambled behind Magnus.

"How'd you-" I started.

"What, you thought I'd let you run about without a tracker?" He asked.

"Since when?" I gasped while Optimus leaned on me to keep his balance.

"kidding." He said "Soundwave supplied me with coordinates.

Ratchet slapped him, "I told you not to tell." He whisper shouted.

Soundwave shrugged and they continued their talk while the others kept a close optic on Megs. Most of them glaring daggers, I guess many years of war will take more than one party to clear up.

Meanwhile, I was waiting how long it would take Optimus to realize he was staring at me. He had that dreamy look.

"I love you." He whispered into my audial.

Oh right, he has a low high grade tolerance.

"I love you more." I said.





"Well I love you 3000." Optimus insisted in a whisper and let his helm fall into my chassis.

Wheeljack was snickering.

"Then I love you infinity." I argued.

"Infinity?" Oppy got out his digits and started counting, he got to ten, "That's a lot." He whispered and his legs gave out.

"Optimus?" Ratchet asked.

"He had like, two cubes." I said.

"Just two?" Ratch asked as Op tried to stand by clawing his way up my frame. He should have picked a better support because at that moment I had an overcharge.

"Bombs away." I muttered before I fainted. I woke up a second later thanks to Oppy's large bulk falling on me. "You're heavy." I noted.

"Spark problem?" Ratch asked.

I nodded and stood, feeling giddy. "Hey do you-." I started, staring at Optimus.

"No." Ratchet cut me off.


"Whatever it is, it's a bad idea. Go lay down." Ratch grumbled and pushed me to the medbay berth.

"Can I come?" Oppy asked.

"Sure." I said and he stumbled in after.

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