153: The relics

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I and Alphy just ended up standing silently behind Ratchet as he examined Gold. He let out some grumbles of disapproval.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"Argk!" Ratchet jumped, "Don't sneak up on me while I-"

"I didn't mean to!" I complained as I popped Egg next to the chicks, they glared at her suspiciously. She squawked- they hugged her.

"I was about to take him out of stasis." Ratchet grumbled.

"Already?" Trion asked and Ratchet seemed to stiffen.

"He's been doing well." Ratchet said cautiously.

Wake him up then! Egg clucked.

"Egg wants you to-" I started.

"Give me a moment!" Ratchet yelped and slapped me away.

"Don't slap me!"

"I'll do what I want!"

"I'll tell Optimus." I threatened. Ratchet bit his glossa and turned to the chickens. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Ep! Let me concentrate!" He hissed as he ran some scans and disengaged stasis. Then the monitor beeped a flatline sound.

"What-" I started.

He's dying! Egg shrieked and started assaulting Ratchet.

"He's fine, I just disconnected the monitor!" He argued and we watched the little chick online his optics.

"Peep?" Gold asked.


"Peep pepp!" Zinc answered and Egg sat herself down next to them.

Ratchet huffed, "See? He's alive." He was trying to sound stern but he sounded to happy for that to be so.

Gold's awake. I told Meg.


Gold's awake. I repeated.

Hmm? Oh!

And ten seconds later, Meg was sandwiched between me and Trion- Alphy look slightly uncomfortable.

"We were gonna go to Earth and fetch the relics." I told him.

"Hmm?" Meg was a little distracted at the moment.

"With Optimus." I added, waiting for the upcoming argument.


I blinked, "Maybe with some other Autobots."

"Mmm hmm." Meg nodded, watching Gold. Must have been pretty worried about him to not give a damn about me and Optimus' future... Entanglements.

Gold tried standing up. "Ep ep!" Ratchet started as Gold fell into Egg's wing. He gave a peep of frustration.

He's hungry- tell Ratchet- Egg started.

"He's hungry." I said.

"And how would you know-"

"Egg says he's hungry." I repeated and with Meg's threatening stares, Ratchet got some energon. He then had to make sure Gold didn't drink it too fast.

The Optimus stuck his helm in, soon realizing there wasn't enough room for him. He tried gesturing for me to come over. I just nodded at Gold.

Pfff, just go, it's way to cramped for my liking. Egg snorted.

You guys will be fine? I asked.

We're a bundle of fire breathing chickens! Of course we'll be fine!

Okay then, bye! I bade and squeezed out the medbay.

"Is Gold alright?" Optimus asked as we stood outside.


"Are you sure, he can't stand-"

"Gravity." I nodded. "Are the others-"

"They're coming, they're in the command unit." Optimus explained as we started to walk.

"They want to see the humans?" I asked as I swung a arm around his waist.

"Yes." He nodded, "So keep the fluff to a minimum." He added.

"Fluff?" I asked.

"It's what Megatron calls, well, this." He said and gestured to my arm.

I huffed, "Fine, if you don't like it-"

"I didn't say that-"

"Oh it's completely understandable-" At that point, Optimus found a effective way to shut me up. He kissed me. "You're forgiven I suppose." I grumbled as we walked into the unit. "Soundy!" I started and waddled over to him. "Gold's awake!"

Laserbeak popped off and darted out the door.

"He's not coming is he?" Arcee asked.

"I'm coming." I answered but she kept staring at Optimus.

"He's coming." He confirmed and her shoulders sagged slightly.

Soundwave opened a bridge and then we were off. We ended up at their base, with some humans startled enough to aim their guns at us, but Optimus managed to calm them down.

"Can I go find Raf?" Bee asked and Optimus gave him a nod.

"Can we-" Bulkhead started.

"Yes." Optimus said and they were off.

"Oh look at that, we're all alone with all the time in the world." I started.

"Yep." Optimus said and headed inside, he really can't take a hint can he? I followed him to the corner, where the star sabre leaned against the wall. He picked it up, it glowed.

"Gimme-" I started but he had already handed it to me, "Still got it." I waved the glowing sword around.

"Don't go blowing any holes in the wall-"

"Meg will be pissed." I started.

"Well, yes, he likes his ship-"

"No no, that this swordy works for me- why does it work for me?" I asked.

"I don't know? Ask Alpha Trion?" He suggested.

"Maybe I'm like a honorary Prime? Or our sparks are linked?" I suggested.

"We haven't spark merged-"

"I dunno, maybe we were drunk-" I started.

"We'd be able to feel it." Optimus explained and handed me the Phase shifter, I put it on and stuck my helm in his aft. Cool.

"What are you- stop that!" Optimus yelped as he scrambled away. I ran aft-er, helm first. It was fun! He had to jump over the crates while I could run through. Untill Optimus somehow manage to snatch the shifter back while my ped was in crate.

I was knee deep in a crate. Great.


"You can stay there till I'm done." Optimus said and started gathering the other, safer relics and handed them to me.

I huffed and tried to move, the crate was lighter than I thought. Still heavy, but I managed to drag it along.

Squreeeee. Metal against stone really sounded bad. Optimus turned, "What are you-" He blinked, realizing he was in reach. He took a step back.

"Damnit!" I cursed then froze.

"Do you need to use the wash racks?" Optimus asked, noticing my change in mood.

I took out the sparky mix, only to realize it was empty.

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