180:Orion's Diary: Orion's heroics once again because he's just that great!

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It was a dark and stormy night...

And Megatronus was trying to scare the fearless Orion by telling scary stories.

"Nothing?" Megatronus asked in a very defeated tone.

"Nothing." He said, purely bored, then his super spy watch lit up. "Wait!" He said and Megatronus flung himself to his side. "Down, the spy tubes! There's a problem to solve!" He said and pushed a very secret button, that opened a very secret tube to a very secret room.

The both jumped down and ended up in seats in front of a very large, secret, top notch monitor. Alpha Trion's faceplate was displayed, while Karl, the top archivist typed in the background.

"Sir." Orion saluted, Megatronus followed suit before handing him his disguise, a very nice hat.

"Agent Orion and Trusty sidekick, there is a problem, a very big problem." Alpha Trion started.

"No!" Orion started in disbelief.

"Yes." Alpha Trion said grimly, "Tell them Karl."

"Sir, The Mad scientist Shockwave has built another inator he intends to test on a damsel in distress-"

"That's enough Karl- It is paramount you save the unidentified damsel in distress." Alpha Trion, "Go- save them, while we watch from the side-lines."

"You got it sir!" Orion said as the monitor turned off, "To the super-agent flying vehicle!" He said and they both got into a highly advanced flying car thing.

Orion drove, because Sidekicks don't drive nor are they good at driving. "Can I have a turn?" Megatronus asked.

"No." Orion said in a very profesh tone.

"Aw." Megatronus whined.

They whizzed thru the rain, all the way to the secret lair of Shockwave- The tallest tower in Iacon. They landed on the roof as it was convenient.

The both sneakily jumped onto the balcony and decided to eaves drop.

"What ever will ya do?" A high pitched voice started, one which Orion instantly recognized for Jazz. Oh no! His cover could be blown! But wait- He had a disguise!

"That's Jazz!" Megatronus started, slow to the point as always.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Orion shot back and they continued to eavesdrop.

"With my superior intellect..." Shockwave started. "I will turn my cat inator upon the city of Iacon-"

"Oh no!" Jazz started and tried to wriggle free of his restraints.

"Oh yes! And it will turn everyone into cats so that I can lead supreme!" Shockwave said and dramatically threw his servos into the air before glancing over at his creation (which was hidden behind some red curtains).

"But why?" Jazz asked, "Why cats?"

"Ahh, you see, when I was a young mech..." Shockwave started, "My mentor's love for me was stolen away by cats. It was a dark and stormy night and... I'm getting carried away, anyway." He said, "I must first test my invention."

"On who?"

"You." Shockwave said menacingly.

"Oh no! Whatever shall I do! I am trapped and helpless, I need someone to save me!"

That was Orion's cue.

"It is I! I will save you!" Orion said and stepped forward dramatically while Megatronus filled in the spare space in the background.

"Orion the spy!" Shockwave exclaimed.

"Orion?" Jazz asked.

"No! Orion the spy!" Shockwave corrected and stepped back.

"Wooooow!" Jazz started in awe.

"I can not allow this to continue!" Orion said and Megatronus nodded in agreement.

"I beg to differ!" Shockwave shouted and drew the red curtains back to reveal A tiny gun with a tail. "Feast your optics upon... The Cat inator!"

Megatronus get out a gasp as Shockwave picked it up.

"With this mighty weapon, I will be unstoppable!" Shockwave said and aimed at Orion the spy, "Any last words?"

"Um..." Orion started.

"Very well." Shockwave said and fired right at him.

For some reason it did not hit. Then he realized why...

Megatronus had taken the hit for him and was now at his peds, a cat. "You took the hit for me..." Orion started. Well, what else are sidekicks for? "Your sacrifice will not be in vain!" He said and rushed at Shockwave.

He found himself seeking cover under the heavy fire. He must save Jazz and destroy the cat inator! So he had to unplug the power cord that powered the gun! He tracked the cord from the gun into a wall and dove to the socket.

"No! You will not swart my plans yet again!" Shockwave started, but Orion had already pulled the plug from the wall and was on his way to destroy the inator.

He kicked it out of Shockwave's servos, throwing it to the ground and then stepped on it. It let of one final shot in a completely random direction (which probably hit another one of Soundwave's inventions).

Surprisingly, Megatronus turned back into his normal form and freed Jazz.

"My hero." He started dreamily as Megatronus showed him the fire escape, he hastily fled.

Megatronus and Orion got ready to leave in their fancy flying vehicle and in the background, they could hear Shockwave cursing.

"Curse you Orion the spyyyyyyyy!" Shockwave croaked and they flew into the horizon.

They returned their fancy vehicle to their secret spy base and walked back to the achieves.

That went well." Orion started. "We saved the city once again."

"It was all you Orion." Megatronus started, he was such a suck up with all the flattery and stuff.

Then Jazz cam out of nowhere, "Orion! You'll never believe the day I had!" He started.


"Yea, there was a guy that looked like you and sounded like you but he wasn't you!" Jazz started eagerly. "He wore a hat and was called Orion the spy!"

"Really! Well it can't have been me, I'm just a normal archivist!" Orion exclaimed in fake surprise.

"Then the evil scientist..."

The End

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