84: Therapy

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I got back to the Nemesis in a bad mood, so I went straight to my berth room to drop off the sleeping Cyberchickens and left for the high grade. I made it to the storage room easily and started a cube.

It was taken form me by Breakdown. "This is the worst coping method." He said in a matter of fact.

"Don't care." I muttered and reached for it. He tossed it away. "You're so wasteful." I complained.

He got me to sit on a crate and sat on one himself, opposite me. "Get talking."

"You offering me free therapy?" I asked.


I looked at him, "You're experienced in this field?" I asked.

"I deal with Knockout on a daily basis."

"Fine, let me just organize my thoughts." Oh, this would take a while.

"I can help."


"I ask questions and you answer them honestly." He said.

"Megatron put you up to this, didn't he?" I accused.

He shook his helm, "Nope, but if you lie, you can also lie to yourself and that makes everything worse." He explained. I looked at him and he looked at me, we had a mini staring competition.


"Great!" He clapped his servos together and handed me a regular cube. "How do you feel?" He asked.

Ah, shoot. This is a hard one, Megatron could answer it easily, using the spark bond.

How do I feel? I asked him.

With your servos? He was confused.

I mean emotionally.

Irritated, sad and guilty. He told me, Why?

No reason. I told him and left.

"Irritated, sad and guilty." I told Breakdown.

"Good." He paused, "I mean good to know, not good 'you're in a bad mood and I'll feed of your pain' if you know what I mean."


"So, why do you feel like this?" He asked.

I glared at him, "This stays between us." I told him.


"I'm not allowed to visit the Autobots anymore." I told him.

"Yea, well, Megatron makes that clear." Breakdown snickered.

"Yea, but now Optimus says 'no'." I told him.

He took his time to let that settle. "So you actually do visit them?" He said slowly.


"You know where their base is?"

"Yea, I thought this was a therapy session?" I asked in accusation.

Breakdown had to vent a little before he continued, "So, why did Optimus say that?"

"Close call." I said vaguely.

"Right, and why are you sad about that?" He asked.

"Either, he doesn't like me, so that makes me sad and I don't get to see the others." I explained and felt more sad.

"And why does him not liking you make you sad?"

"Because I like him." I said.

"Just 'like' or 'like, like' or love?" He asked.

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