179: The Brat

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Bumblebee was long gone and I just watched him wail.


"Waa!" I mimicked back at him. He paused his crying for a moment then continued. "WHAAWHA!"

"WHAAWHA!" Oh how mature I am.

He paused and glared, took in another breath and I copied. "Wha-"


"Stop it!" He shrieked.

"Stop it!"

"STOP IT!" Ohh, that had a large voice crack, how was I supposed to do that?

"StOP I-It!" Nailed it.

"I'll tell on you!"

"I'll tell- who are you gonna nark me to?" I asked.

"Alpha Trion." Optimus said, way too smugly for my ego to allow.

"Alpha Trion."



Optimus blinked when he realized I started again. He let out a squeak of dismay and just sat in silence, which lasted half a minute. "Can I have energon?" He asked, "Please?" Ohhh, using manners is he.

"Yep, just have to fetch some filtered stuff." I said. "Want to come?" I asked.

Optimus considered it, he really did. "It's too risky." he said.

"You sure? You'll be all alone here, at anyone's mercy." I added.

"Hmpf, wrap me up." He grumbled and I wrapped him in two blankets before swinging him over my shoulder. "I changed my mind." He started.


"Put me down!" And I did so.

"Don't like me holding you?" I asked.

"Erm no? Yes? I don't know. It safer here." He determined.

"Okay, toodles."

"See you later alligator." He waved back as the door closed. Maybe I should go to the medbay for the filtered energon. Yea, it was closer anyway.

I walked in and found Ratchet glaring at Knockout. "Why so tense?" I asked.

"He interrupted us." Knockout said while Breakdown looked awkward.

"You have a berthroom!" Ratchet argued. "Use that! I can't have you contaminating the medbay!"

Knockout let out a huge gasp, "How dare you, I clean daily! So does Breakdown-"

Breakdown looked at me and shook his helm.

"Do you guys have any filtered energon?" I asked.

"Looking for a change in diet?" Knockout asked.

"You need it." Ratchet grumbled and practically threw a cube at me.

"Thanks?" I wondered and headed out, a made it to the door and once again heard talking. Just invite yourself in I suppose. I decided to eavesdrop.

"Again!" Optimus said, "Weeeeeee!" He shrieked, "Again Quilly!"

Eh? I wasn't... Ah. I walked in and found Megatron swinging Optimus by his peds.

"Bleep?" Optimus asked and looked up at me, then Megatron. "SCREEEEEEE-"

"Give me him-" I started and grabbed him.

"Tsk, we were having fun." Megatron drawled and stuck out his glossa at a pouting Optimus. "Weren't we Orion?"

"You could have dropped me!" He shrieked with more venom in his tone than I thought possible.

"I thought you were asking for more-"

"Quilly-" Optimus started.

"Yes?" Megatron shot back teasingly.

"Duck you!" Optimus swore and blew a raspberry, obviously trying to get some spit on him, but I was the only one in range.

"Thanks." I grumbled.

"Sorry." Optimus said way to sweetly.

"Anyway, I have energon." I started and gave a cube so large he could barely hold it. "Ep!"

"Tsk, he'll have to be fed." Megatron teased.




This continued for five minutes and I have no idea how Megatron found the patience for it.

"Quilly." He started and looked back at me for support.

I blinked at the too large cube. "Want me to feed you or him?" I asked and his optics started watering.

"No-ooo." He whined as Megatron pat him on the helm. "NO!" He shrieked and started to full on sob.

"Now look what you've done!" I started.

"He got upset with you." Megatron argued back.


"Shoo! Shoo!" I started and waved my spare servo at him, "Shoo-"

"I'm not a damn cat." He grumbled but left.

Thirty seconds later, and Optimus was fine, albeit sulking. "It's not that bad-" I started.

"You don't know!" He shrieked, "I'm physically changed, I'm mentally changed. And sure, you're offering support but belittling me in the process- Hic."

"I'm not belittling you-"

"You are!"

"Well okay then, lets put on your big boy pants-"


"That's belittling." I started, "Like it or not, you have different needs at the moment, just be glad wash tanks aren't one of them." I grumbled.

"Hmpf." He grumbled as I put him down and offered to feed him. He glared.

"Would you prefer to drink out of Egg's bowl?" I suggested.

He considered it, he really did. But he eventually reached up for the cube and tried to hold it. Yup sure, he's holding it, he doesn't need to know I'm supporting most of the weight. Maybe he could fit in the cube when it's empty.

Ah, he's not that small.

He indicated for me to stop, he wasn't even halfway done. "That it?"

"I'm full." He grumbled, "Why so much?" He asked. "Energon goodies?"

"Yea, fine." I said and gave him one, "One." I said and he swallowed it.


"I said one-" Then he gave me the biggest, cutest optics I have ever seen. I'm not sure why I gave him another three, but at least he was happy.

"Thank you." He said and climbed onto me. "Can you dangle me by my ped?" He asked. Okay, so he did enjoy that.

"Er, I dunno, wouldn't that put a bit of unnecessary tension on some joints?" I asked.


Well, then, he clearly knows what he's talking about. I dangled him by his peds.

"Now swing me!" He demanded and I did so.

Then Egg walked in with the chicks in pursuit in a tidy line. She looked affronted.


What do you mean what? You're swinging him around as if he were a rag doll! She screaked and I put him down.

"Spoil sport." Optimus grumbled as I put him on the berth. Then the chicks bounded up to him and Copper looked at me expectantly.

"He wants you to-" Optimus started.

You are not dangling him by his peds! Egg squawked and me.

"Okay." I grumbled, "How about a story for entertainment instead?" I asked and pulled out the datapad everyone loves.

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