52:An Old Bot

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I basically crashed right into Megatron because the bridge lead into the command unit and I was in my alt. I transformed and grinned at Megatron, he glared at me and lead me out of the room.

"I think that one was Soundwave's fault." I raced to excuses and Egg held quiet in my chassis.

"Why did you not reply?" He said as we kept walking through the hall.

"Huh?" What was he talking about?

"Spark bond." He explained calmly.

I paused in thought, "I had a spark failure, those block the spark bond." I explained.

"I though you were ignoring me." Megatron said.

"Ignore the mighty Megatron?" I gasped, "How terrible!" I exclaimed dramatically. He huffed.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Oh that's a long story." I said and he looked at me as a gesture to go on. "I went down for a walk, ran into Arcee, followed her and then there was a spider thing. Aracky or something then Maggie came and I dropped during an interrogation, they took me to Ratch. Fix, fix and then I left." I told him, skipping the Optimus bit.

He blinked, "You just left?"

"Yep." I said, "The weather is nice." I directed the conversation elsewhere and he nodded.

"You won't, by chance tell me where-"

"Nope." Then I felt Egg lay an egg in me. I took it out and closed my chassis again quickly. "I have a present for you." I said and took his servo and dropped in it.

Then I walked off.

"Another one?" Megatron said, dumbstruck.

I headed for my berth, once I got there I let Egg out and gave her some energon. But first she went to the bin.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit Egg." I told her, she let out a squawk.

I have some questions and I need answers. I walked through the corridors and ended up getting some energon, I put some in my chassis. It took a while until I found him but I eventually got there.

"Dreadwing!" I called after him, he turned.


"I need relationship advice." I stated as I stopped in front of him.

"And why would you come to me?" He asked, confusion lacing his tone.

"The advice you gave to Predaking sounded decent." I explained.

"You heard that?" He said slightly panicked.

"Yea, Megatron too." I said and his shoulders slumped. "How do you tell someone that you like them?"

He looked at me as if this was based of real life. "Just tell them."

"Okay, how do you know you like someone?" I lined up the next question.

Now he was getting frustrated. "You think of them a lot, want physical contact with them or just be with them"

"How do you know this stuff?" I asked him.

"It's either common knowledge or I'm guessing." He said, "Is that all?"


"Try and work it out yourself." He said and headed off. Well that was helpful.

I flew back down to Earth to deal with my thoughts. Do I like him, yay or nay? I mean he's nice, really nice. But does he like me?

You know what, I'm gonna let time figure this one out. I'm such a great problem solver.

I landed, there were so many trees? Like big ones and really green. Like the ones in a jungle. Oh, it was a jungle.

I got caught in vines immediately, one caught around my neck cables triggering my spark. Yay! A spark attack, the pain left fast but it was painful.

Then there was a bunch of rain. Wow! I'm so lucky! The Nemesis was some way away so I went of find some shelter.

I found a cave! My luck is turning! I skipped over to it and ducked into it, I walked further in to find it was actually rather large.

Then the ground shook and the entrance collapsed, why does this always happen? There goes my luck. Strangely, there was still some light, but it was not coming from where the entrance was.

Maybe this is a mine?

I headed further into the cave, towards the light.

I felt like a moth.

I tried contacting Megatron through both the coms and the sparkbond but I received no signal through either. I just had a spark failure so no sparkbond and the cave must be blocking the signal.

Finally I came into a large room.

There were some electrical lights next to some energon. But there was a figure laying against a wall. I almost screamed in shock.

He seemed to be recharging.

Primus, he looked old. He had a beard and everything, Red with a tint of purple plating and he was about my size. Maybe a little smaller.

I went over to him and knelt beside him, I tapped him awake.

He online his optics slowly.

"Your entrance collapsed." I told him and he seemed to be confused.

"Megatron?" He leaned forward slightly.

"Nope, this is his twin, Quillux." I told him and he raised an optic ridge, I held out a servo for him to shake, he did so. "How old are you?" I asked him and we let go.

"Old enough to know when ones time is near." He said and sat up straighter.

"Nice, you must feel accomplished." I said and got a cube for the old bot, respect your elders.

I gave it to him and he took it. "How did you get to Earth?" I asked as he drank a bit.

"An escape pod, it was destroyed in landing."

"Yea same." I nodded my helm, "Why did you leave Cybertron?"

"Decepticon invasion." He said and glanced at my insignia.

"So you're an Autobot?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Cool, there are a few here..." I counted my digits, "Eight."

"And Decepticons?" He seemed mainly curious.

"An army? A warship." I said. "Don't ask me to count them, there's to many." I warned, "What's you designation? You never told me." I sat down opposite of him.

He smiled softly, "Alpha Trion."

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