54:Tutorial on... How to Fuck Up

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"Where are the others at?" I asked as I got bored fast.

"Patrol." Wheeljack said.

Ratchet got back to work and the other one was resting on the berth.

"Can you teach me how to fly a ship?" I asked Jackie as I glanced outside.

"My ship would be to small." He said.

"I wasn't referring to yours." I said and he had to think on it.

He grinned and we sneaked outside and onto Ultra Magnus' ship. I sat down in the drivers seat and Wheeljack in the co-pilots seat. "He's gonna kill us."

"Yup." I said and pressed a button.


We shot off up in the sky. Wheeljack quickly scrambled to shut it off. Once he did we were already out of the atmosphere. "What did that do?"

"Hyperdrive, we were lucky it was not warmed up." He panted.

Suddenly, Wheeljack received a com, he put it on the ship's speaker. "Why is my ship's signal in the middle of nowhere?" Ultra Magnus asked.

Wheeljack shrunk into his seat.

"My bad." I spoke up and hung up for Jackie.

"He's gonna kill me." He said grimly.

"I'll take the blame." I assured him and he took control of the ship.

Suddenly a loud roar came from behind, Jackie and I exchanged glances and I look in the rear view mirrors.

"Heh, heh." I chuckled nervously.


"Predaking." I said.

"Buckle up." He warned and I got in a seat. He shot off. We barely avoided a army of flames. "Can't you call him off?" Jackie yelped as Mr Hot(literally and figuratively) spat another flame.

"Then he'll go tell Megatron I'm with you. I'm surprised he can't recognize my scent." I squealed once again.

Suddenly the ship shook, he must've clamped on. We could hear him try and walk up to our screen while Wheeljack tried his best to shake him.

He got to the windshield. He looked downright confused at the sight of me. I gave a wave.

Suddenly Jackie slammed a servo on the Hyperdrive, shaking Predaking off and quickly disabling it again.

"Ratchet..." He said through a com, panting. "We need a bridge." We were back in the atmosphere now.

"How did you get up there?" He asked and sent a bridge. We went through it and landed the ship. We got out and glanced at the ship.

"Damn." I exclaimed, there were black scorch marks all over it.

"He won't notice." Jackie tried, "Hopefully."

Then two trucks drove up, they transformed and both glared at me. Jackie slid away. "Explain yourself." Ultra Magnus ordered as Optimus glanced at the ship.

"Um, stay put Wheeljack." I yelled after him and he trotted back up.

"Tried to teach him." He mumbled.

"I pushed a button!" I explained. "Oh and another thing." I started, "I found an Autobot in a cave!" I said, waiting for approval.

"Where are they?" Optimus asked, walking toward the hanger.

"On the berth inside, he's really old." I chirped and followed him, leaving Wheeljack with Maggie.

Optimus peaked inside with me, his optics widened instantly. "Alpha Trion?" He walked inside over to the recharging bot and glanced down at his cracking plating.

"Yup," I said quietly, "Ratchet says he doesn't have long though, because he's old." I explained.

"Best let him recharge." He said (probably still getting over the shock and requiring distractions) and guided me further away. He dealt with the surprise quickly, "How did he escape the Decepticons?"

"Dunno." I paused, "The sword still works for me." I added as he went over to Ratchet.


Then I received a call. "Hello?" I asked and Optimus looked over to me.

"Explain yourself." Megatron demanded.

"Oh shit." I muttered under my breath and Optimus seemed more attentive.

"Well?" He growled.

"Long story really." Well, not really because I wasn't gonna tell him scrap. "So I went for a walk, something I do more often now, then I came across a ship."

Optimus was trying to keep a straight faceplate.

"So, like the naturally curious being I am, I went inside, pressed a button and zoooop." I carried on, "What I did not know, was that there was another on the ship in the back room. He was a bit alarmed that I put the ship in hyperdrive so he did not bother with slicing my helm off." I awaited for his judgement and I gave Optimus a 'thumbs up'.

"I don't believe you." He sneered.

"Would the concept of: Predaking being on LSD, be more believable?" I asked.


"Causes hallucinations." I explained.

"Then no, but I know you're lying." He said.

"If I were, how would you know?" I asked. I need feedback so I can work on improvements.

"One: You normally do. Two: It's to well thought out. Three: You used formal language. So there, you lied."

I hung up. "Fuck." I cursed, human language is so creative, as I blocked the spark-bond.

"What happened?" Optimus asked.

"Predaking flew after us and saw me in the ship, he told Megatron." I grumbled and slumped into his arms dramatically.

He caught me. I snuggled into his chassis.

"The scorch marks made that clear." He said and rested his chin on my helm.

I felt like I could stay here forever. "He's probably gonna lock me in my berthroom again." I grumbled.

"Escaping should be fun." Optimus said optimistically.

"Hmm. Wait, remember that time on Cybertron you were called to an abandoned storage unit and you found 'Megatron'?" I asked.

Optimus frowned. "Yes?" He said slowly. Wondering where I was going.

"Well, that was me." I grinned. I could feel his chassis vibrate slightly as he laughed silently. Megatron tried calling me again and I hung up, I was going to get an audio full when I get back.

Ratchet walked in the room and Optimus stepped away from me. Aww. "He's old." Ratchet started.

"I know." Optimus nodded, "And if his time comes, we will have to accept it." He ended. Ratchet nodded and turned to me.

"Wheeljack said that the Predacon-"

"Yup, Megatron knows." I declined his call again. "He's trying to call me."

"Best you get back then." Ratchet suggested and Optimus nodded in agreement, rather sad.

Well, this will be fun, I thought as I turned to the exit.

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