45:Blending: Part 4

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"Oh no." Optimus muttered and dragged me off to a clothe shop. We hid behind a row of clothes.

"I think they are looking for us." I stated as one of the agents pointed to the store we were hiding in.

"They must be thinking we stole me."

"How does that work?" I asked as we snuck further into the store.

Optimus shrugged, "Lets go into the changing rooms and change our form." He suggested as we headed over there.

"Okay, but I like this form so once they're gone, I'm changing back." Optimus nodded as we each got into one changing room.

"I don't think we're supposed to share these but this is fine." I said and Optimus went a bit red in the face.

I dropped the bag full of whisky and turned into a femme, wearing only undergarments.

Optimus sat down on the small bench and formed a dark blue tux with red shoes. I felt like a prostitute.

Suddenly the curtain opened and one of Fowler's guys looked in. "Oh, sorry." He apologized and closed the curtain quickly. "No one here." He called.

"Alright lets go." Another said.

Optimus and I looked at each other and grinned in victory.

"Agents. Am I right?" I smirked and turned back into my regular form as did Optimus. He checked his pants.

We left the shop twenty minutes later, just to be safe.

"My internals feel weird."

"Yea mine too." I agreed before I found something else. "Pet store!" I pointed over to it excitedly.

Op and I rushed off.

We got past all the pet toys and stuff and got to the actual animals.

I admired the rabbits (Fatter than the one we saw at the forest) and petted it. "Optimus!" I called him over and he seemed to melt. "Pet them." I demanded and he did so.

A large ginger rabbit caught my eye and I waddled over. Then, my eye caught the most adorable yet most dorky creature ever.

A Chicken.

"Optimus, It's a Chicken." I told him but he seemed not to have heard. He was petting the rabbit with his eyes closed.

I think we spent an hour to three hours here in total.

It was nice, but our insides really hurt now.

"Can't we disable our holoforms?" Optimus asked as we left.

"No, we ate stuff and we have to dispose of it before we disable out holoforms."

"Why?" He stopped for a moment.

"We would leave a bunch of sludge behind." I said as I found the human wash racks. "There." I pointed and we went in.

We took a stall next to each other. No one else was here.

"How do we-" I begun as I sat down on the bowl thing.

"As we would do in our regular forms?" Optimus suggested.

Somehow, it came out. I looked down the bowl. "It looks terrible." I told Optimus.

"Why would you look down-" He asked. "You're right."

"I know right?"

"Can we turn of the holoforms now?" He asked.

"Yea, all the... Residue would be left behind." I told him.

"Meet back at your alt." He said.

"Okay." I said and disabled my holoform.

Then I realized I left the whisky behind, damn.

I waited patently for Optimus, he was clearly taking his time.

Once he finally got here I transformed into my alt.

"Ratchet called." He explained vaguely and also transformed. "He got a call from Agent Fowler but he has explained that I am fine."

"Does he know about the holoforms?" I asked and Op shook his helm.

"Oh I see, well this was fun." I clapped my servos together and grinned.

Optimus chuckled, "Eventful."

"We should do this again!"

"Or something less... Stressful." He suggested, "road trip?" He asked.

I just looked at his warm optics. How had I not noticed that they were that pretty?

"No? Yes?" Optimus asked again.

"Your optics are pretty!" I blurted out. Maybe I just don't have a filter.

"T-thanks." Optimus said surprised and smiled softly.

"You're welcome." I said in a state of mild shock and opened my subspace and felt for some high grade. I found it and took it out.

Optimus smiled sleepish-ly, "I better get back to base." He said.

I nodded, "Yea that's probably a good idea."

Optimus looked at me surprised.

"Megatron has a temper." I explained.

"I am aware of that fact, however, you willingness to cooperate surprises me."

"I agree when I had a nice day with a nice mech." I gestured to him.

He blushed, again, causing me to grin widely.

"And I like that too." I teased and snuggled into his side.

"You're like a sparkling." He said as he hugged back lightly.

"I'm not gonna deny it."

We both called for a ground bridge and waited.

A ground bridge opened and Optimus walked through, waving me goodbye.

Another opened and I stepped through.

Strange thing was...

I ended up in the Autobot base.

Ratchet frowned, "What are you-"

"Oh shit." I realized the problem. "We mixed up the ground bridges."

Ratchet blinked, "Wait."

"Optimus is on the Nemesis." I said and heroically waddled back through the still open ground bridge.

I came out back in the warehouse and spotted Optimus on the floor venting slightly. The ground bridge closed behind me.

"Lol. That went well." I joked and poked his helm. "What happened?"

"The bridge was still open and I escaped through it." He said.

"Then why are you on the floor?" I asked.

"I ended up in the command unit." He said and sat up. "Megatron, Soundwave, Breakdown." He listed.

"Ah, well you're alive, that's okay."

"'That's okay?'" He asked.

"Megatron will be wondering why you were with me." I explained. "Help me with an excuse."

Suddenly a ground bridge opened and Optimus Transformed into his alt. "Bye." He said and quickly drove off.

Megatron stepped through with his cannon charged, troops followed. he raised a ridge as he saw me.

I made up a lie quickly. "Oh, Hey." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was temporary prisoner." I grinned and nodded.

"Oh?" Megaron strolled over and leaned over. "Not because you enjoy his company?" He asked.

"Well I like that too."

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