87: A Call to Duty

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3 days later.



We didn't know, well, I didn't know, but the make-up was really hard to remove. Megatron was ticked off. He was probably thinking of getting it off as soon as he left.


It's still there, just a little faded. But he looked great! Breakdown didn't mind, he liked it, but he was ruddy surprised to see my brother strutting around with the little decorations. Purple spirals under is optics and trailing down to his intake.

And my plating's still shiny!

I'm in my berthroom at the moment, the melted metal solidified. Which was good, less sticky, but there are now a bunch of little Cyberchicken ped prints. And I had no idea how to get rid of them.

If my twin finds out... The little guys are screwed... Or he is.

But the prints kept the chicks entertained. They were following them around everywhere, even up the wall. (I have no idea how those got there.)

Thank Primus, they're behaving. Egg muttered from my berth beside Laserbeak.

"Yea." I agreed, they have been better over the past days. Laserbeak also interacts with them more positively.

The three of them climbed up the melted side of my berth and sat on Laserbeak. They're hungry. Egg told me.

"Okay." I said as I got up and stretched. I walked over to a melted cupboard and struggled to open it. A few bits of metal snapped off as I forced it open.

I got one out and decided to leave the cupboard open. Soundwave made little bowls for them, those sat in the corner so I pored some for them.

I brought the rest of the cube over to Egg and Laserbeak. 'Beak drunk like Soundwave while Egg waited.

Then I got a com, "I have a call." I let her know.

Alright. Egg was fine with it.

I picked up the com as I left. "Hello." I greeted.

"Hello." Optimus started, "Why haven't you called?"

"It's just been three days." I pointed out as I walked through the hallways.

"Yes, but you normally call daily." He informed me.

"Oh, I kind of wanted to know how long it takes for you to call me." I told him, "Tsk, three days Optimus." I said, adding a disappointed voice.


"Well, it's nice to know that you missed me." I grinned.

"Yes." Optimus said, defeated, "How are the chicks?" He quickly asked.

"Behaving, I had to threaten them, but it was worth it." I told him.

"That's good." He said and paused, "I was wondering, do you want to meet somewhere?" He asked.

Wow, him making the first move? "Oh yea, glad you asked." I giggled giddily as I looked out a window, weather was good and the sun was past halfway, so it was past midday. "Do you want me to bring some high grade?" I asked, I still had a little in my chassis but not much.

"Sure, why not."

My optics lit up, feeling brave is he? "Righty, I gotta make up a excuse or Megatron will be onto me." I told him.

"Understandable, I'll send you coordinates." He said, sounding cheery and satisfied.

I basically skipped of the storage, high on my own emotions. I snagged some high grade and left to find Megatron.

I might as well tell Egg while I'm at it. I'm going to meet Op, will you be fine on your own? I asked.

Yea, I got Laserbeak. Have fun! She said.

I will. I told her as I made it to the command unit. I opened the doors and went in, "Megs!" I waved and started to walk up the catwalk.

"Yes?" He said tiredly, still facing the monitor.

"I'm going to do some orienteering." I told him and turned to leave.

"What?" He asked as he turned. He looked dashing with the make up.

I paused, "You know, around Earth."

He blinked.

"To get to know the terrain better." I added.

"Earth is big."

"Not as big as your ego, and I know all about that." I snorted.

"When will you be back?" He shrugged off my comment with a sneer.

I shrugged, "Depends on how fast I fly."

"A few days then." Megatron huffed and turned back to work.

I scrambled out and searched my messages for coordinates, I found them and looked for a monitor. I found one and put in the coordinates and finally stepping through the ground bridge.

I think I was a bit eager, strutting through the ground bridge like that.

'Cause I went straight over a cliff.

"Ah fuck." I cursed as I hastily transformed and flew back up. I spotted Optimus and landed. He looked like he was trying hard not to laugh, I transformed and huffed.

He let off a snort, "Nicely done." He added.

I grumbled in embarrassment, "Like to see you do better."

He smiled causing me to smile. Then he frowned, "Since when were you so shiny?" He asked, noticing my dazzling plating.

"After Predaking licked me." I shrugged it off. "And then I went to Knockout, did Make-up on Breakdown and Megatron." I added.

"Megatron allowed it?" Optimus asked rather surprised.

"I had black mail." I skipped over and hugged him, he hugged back, bless him. "I got high grade too."

"That's nice- Predaking licked you?" He cut himself off mid sentence.

"Yea, I asked." I told him and looked around, "If you're gonna have high grade, we ought to move away from these cliffs." I told him.

It was literally just cliffs all around. And rocks, lots of rocks. "Good idea." He said as he walked to the edge and looked down. I snuck over behind him.

I may or may not have pushed him.

He fell faster than I did, but he has a jetpack so he was fine, he flew back up and landed on the edge to find me wheezing. "Very funny." He muttered while blushing. I slung my arm around him to keep me from falling.

"Come on, lets look for a better spot." He said with a smile after I recovered.

We flew off.

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