44:Blending: Part 3

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I enabled my holoform outside of the police station and as promised, Optimus' alt was there.

He was already sitting in the driver's seat, arms crossed.

I skipped over and got in the passenger seat. "Maybe we could go to the mall." I suggested.


"Lots of shops, we can buy stuff."

"With what?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I said as I sent Soundwave a text stating that I need human money.

He told me to go to a ATM or a cashpoint.

He started driving and turned on the GPS.

We made it there slower than how fast we arrived at the police station.

Optimus stopped at a car park and we stepped out. I spotted a ATM and headed over there, sending Soundwave a text to ask, "What now?"

Suddenly, lots of paper came out of the ATM. I took it and handed it to Optimus. "Count it. It's money." I said and he nodded and began.

I waited patiently.

"This is... A suspicious amount." He said and pocketed the money.

"Okay, lets go!" I said as I dragged him in. "We should try human food!"

"Can the holoforms-"

"Yup, but we have to dispose of the foods like humans do."

We got in and the liquor store caught my eye, I nudged Optimus for his attention. He looked over and I nodded in it's direction.

"Alright." He smiled, "Not much."

We strutted in and browsed through. So many options!

I plucked out something call 'Whisky'. I showed Optimus and he nodded.

"I don't think we can get drunk in these forms." He said as he took the bottle to the checkout.

We exited the store having paid for the bottle and I opened it. "You first?" I asked as we kept walking.

Optimus took the bottle and took a sip. He coughed weakly. "It's strong, humans have more variety in foods and drinks but I did not expect that." He said as he handed it to me.

I took a swing. WHOOOOO! "Oh yes." I took another gulp and Optimus chuckled. "It makes me feel fuzzy!" I said excitedly and took a bit more.

Some humans passing shot worried glanced as they walked by. I closed the bottle and put it in my bag.

"Should we try that one?" Optimus gestured to a Kebab shop or something.

"Yup. You know this will have to come out." I said.

Optimus nodded grimly.

On our way there a femme crossed our path.

"Hey!" She greeted.

"Hello." We both said back. I noticed that she was barley covering any of her skin with clothes.

"You're hot." She giggled as she tapped Optimus' chest.

He blushed, surprised.

For some mysterious reason fury and jealously flooded through me. Hot and angry jealously.

What's wrong? Megatron asked through the sparkbond, so he felt it. Great.

Nothing. I mumbled before I closed the bond.

"Hey do you wanna bang?" She pouted.

"What is that?" Optimus asked me.

"Sex, Optimus. She wants sex." I explained and he looked at me numbly. "He doesn't like you." I told the girl.

She scoffed, "I wasn't asking you."

"I know, but you're just not worth his time." I said as I dragged Optimus away who seemed to be in shock.

"Here we are." I said as I pulled him into the kebab store and snagged a menu. Then I proceeded to haul him to a table.

"I was unfamiliar with that human custom." Optimus stated as I pulled up two chairs.

"Eh, happens I guess." I said as I laid out the menu in front of us. We both stared at it blankly.

"How do you read human?" I asked, Optimus shrugged. "Okay, so lets do something I did with Paradox." I started.


"Never mind." I shook my head, "close your eyes." He did so. "Now put your figure somewhere randomly on the menu."

We got a result. I waved someone over.

"What will it be?" He asked.

"This one, two." I pointed at what Optimus picked.

"Alright, will that be all?"

Optimus pointed at his shirt. "A beer?"

"What kind?"

Optimus looked confused.

"You pick." I helped Optimus.

"Alright, it won't take long."

"Thank you." Optimus said as he turned to leave.

"How did you know that is beer?" I pointed to his shirt.


I nodded and our meals came, brought to us by another human who just left.

It was wrapped in stuff and stuff was inside.

Beer looked good. Optimus poked the foam as I watched the little bubbles bubble.

The guy also brought us some glasses and water.

I took a glass and poured some whisky, some people at neighbouring tables stared.

"Lets try this." I said as I picked up the thing, Optimus nodded.

We took a bite.

It wasn't bad. The red stuff hurt my tongue a bit but it was good.

Optimus stuck out a bit of his tongue and drank a bit of beer.

"Like it?" I asked as I took another bite.

"Yes but it is a bit painful." He smiled.

As we ate my altmode's com went of. I answered it with my alt.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why are you in a human city?" My brother asked.

"Holoform, I was curious." I stated.

"Oh Primus. How long will you be there?"

"I dunno. There is a lot to explore." I chuckled.

"Aright fine." He gave up and hung up.

I laughed using my holoform. Optimus looked up at me from his food, seeming slightly irritated that I distracted him.

"Megatron called." I explained and he nodded, getting back to his food.

He was a fast eater. Not a fast drinker though I already finished the whisky bottle.

"We need to get more whisky after this." I said and Op nodded.

We finished our food and paid before we left. I bounced off to the liquor store with Optimus following.

I snagged a large variety of the shelves and we went to pay.

As we left, I could barely fit all the bottles in my bag.

I looked around and tapped Optimus on the shoulder. "Is that Fowler?" I asked pointing over to a bunch of formal humans with Fowler in the middle.

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