156: O' wise one

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With my exit blocked by a fire breathing Chicken, I did the only thing I could.

"O' wise one! Please spare me-" I feel down to me knees before the chicken, "I pledge eternal loyalty to you, your children and your children's children. You are my only master and I shall fulfil your every wish-"

Meanwhile, the chicken was looking up at Mr Red in confusion.

"He had a spark failure and doesn't remember much- This holy chicken in your simbiote." He explained with a grin.

I looked up at the Chicken, "Such a sacred being would accept me as her simbiote?" I asked and the Chicken nodded, "I am honoured by your choice." I said with a bow.

Glad you feel this way. Um... She started and looked back up at Mr Red, You may rise? She added and I hastily got to my peds, Now carry me, my peds are sore-

"Yes of course Master." And I obeyed.

Jee, where did this fondness of Chickens go?


Well, you don't exactly treat me like scrap, but I certainly ain't treated like a holy deity. She explained.

"My deepest apologies-"

My words were cut of by Mr Red's laughter.

"You dare unveil such unbecoming actions while in the presence of such divinity?" I asked, utterly offended.

Kick him in the shin. The holy one ordered.

I kicked him in the shin. Moderately hard.

"Ow." He chuckled then frowned as his optics trailed behind me, I turned. Mr Angry was standing right there.

He just looked confused, "Ah, come." He started.

"No." I stomped my ped and stroked my Master.

Where to?

"Where to?" I asked.

"Medbay." Mr Angry mumbled.

I scoffed.

Just go with him, you can see my chicks. My Mater said.

"You have princes?!"

Yes, and they deserve upmost repect-

"Take me to my master's Children." I requested.

My Angry nodded slowly, "Okay, this way?" He started walking and we followed, even Red followed. Eventually we made it to a door, it opened. Ohhhh, fancy automatic opening doors! Cool!

Inside was Mr Orange, Mr Sexy, Mr Old and Mr Buff. "Where are the Princes?" I asked Madam Egg.

Through the other door. She said and I waddled past.

"Gee, no hello?" Mr Sexy asked.

"Nope." I muttered, shielding Madam Egg from their unworthy optics. Then I saw the most precious things in the whole universe-


I needed to sit down to take in their beauty. "They're-" I started in utter awe. Then I saw the blue butterfly- dangerously close to the princes. "What is that?" I asked in disgust.

"Laserbeak, he's their Sire." Madam Egg explained as she flapped over to them- rather sloppily and undignified.

Then Mr Angry came in, I glared daggers.

That was untill he started squawking.

"Brk?" Mr Angry asked.

"Bik Bok!" The Gold chick clucked back and gave a deep wheeze.

"Brckle brk." Mr Angry added and sat down, I just stared in question. "Knockout integrated their language into my translator." He explained. Mr Red stood in the doorway, looking very confused.

"Can have that too?" I asked Madam Egg.

Sure? I thought your translator and thereby Meg's translator wasn't able to have it integrated. Egg started.

"The deity-"

"Oh here we go." Mr Angry muttered.

"Wants to know why it wasn't compatible with my translator?" I asked.

"It wasn't. But then again, Knockout wasn't very keen on finding a solution." Mr Angry explained.

He probably held a gun to Knockout's helm and had him make it work. Egg suggested.

"Who's Knockout master?" I asked.

The red medic. Egg said.

"Is he single?" I asked and heard some coughing from the neighbouring room. Meanwhile, Mr Red took on a rotten expression.

Nope, and neither are you. Madam Egg explained.

I scoffed and glared at Mr Red, "I would never."

Mr Red just shrunk away while Mr Angry looked hopeful. I just got out another cube, this was all so stressful.

"Ep." Mr Angry started in protest.

I just slapped his servo away, "Frag off!" I snapped, and he did. He looked slightly scared.

"Soooo..." The Sexy Medic started as he walked in, "Memory problems eh?" He asked.

"Yes." Mr Angry said while I said "No."

It was clear who the medic believed, he started scanning my helm. "Stop wiggling or I'll have someone hold you down." He threatened.

I don't like threats, so I scratched him.

He took a step back as if to register my action, "My paint!" He shrieked.

"You can fix it later." Mr Angry started.

Mr sexy started scanning my helm again, servos shaking, he must be a little angry. "Can you integrate chicken speech into my-"

"No." Mr sexy said bitterly but hastily corrected himself under Mr Angry's glare. "Yep, I'll just go get the adapter-" He and fled the room.

Gee, you're kinda scary. Madam Egg stated.


No no, keep it up, it's hilarious. Egg said and her chicks nodded.

Then Mr Sexy came back in, making a beeline for me. "Erm?" I asked as he tried to put something on my helm.

"It's just a data transfer, might sting a little as it's a little experimental-" He started to explain while ramming it into my helm.

"Hey!" I started, it felt like it was drilling into my prosessor- but he was quickly done.

"Ohhhh, there's energon-"

"Sick!" The chicks started.

I just stared at them while Knockout cleaned up the energon. Then Mr Red was back, "Can you do me too?" He asked.

"'Do you?'" Mr Sexy started with a smirk.

"I mean-"

"Yea yea." He muttered and left the room, my attention was drawn back to the chicks. "A normal transfer would work for you."

Did it work? Egg asked. "Yo, did it work?" She asked.

"Brrrrrk?" I asked.

"No no, you don't ummm." Egg started.

"Think it worked." I tried again.

"Yo! That's so dope!" The silver one said.

"He looks a bit shook-" The bronze one added.

"Epiiic." The Gold one wheezed.

"What's wrong with him?" I squawked in panic as I stumbled up to Mr Gold's side.

"Oh you know, undead Predacons were resurrected because a Predacon clone wanted someone to play with." Egg explained.

I blinked, "Huh?"

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