79: "Just like Voldemort."

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He glared at me, he had blocked the spark-bond so I was clueless to his next actions. My spark was a bit of too, it was starting to sting.

So I played the first move. "It was a clone, I'm fine." I said and grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

Megatron got up, throwing me off.

"I'm sorry! Okay? Maybe it was too much." I added and got up as Megatron looked at the corpse.

"Maybe?" He hissed, spinning angrily. Then started blinking rapidly as if to stop lubricant from gathering, he turned away quickly.

"Okay! To much!" I agreed and stood next to him. We both stared at the corpse. "I didn't online it. And I had to decapitate it because his faceplate was normal." I said in a matter-of-fact, gesturing to my cracked faceplate which still had to heal over.

"At least you have a little intelligence." My brother muttered.

I had no idea what he was feeling, it was scaring me scrap-less. I vented heavily, "At least I know you love me." I said.

He turned sharply, "What makes you say that?"

"You felt grief." I said nervously and watched his expression, "You think it's a weakness to love, don't you?"

"I don't think, I know."

"Just like Voldemort." I muttered.

"Who?" He asked.

"Oh, he's from a human story, thought love was a weakness." I paused, "He died, by the way, twice." I told him.

"Are you saying that I'm destined to die?" And the tension grew, "Twice?" Megatron added.

I shrugged, "I'm not a prophet or superstitious, I mean, You could spit in Primus's faceplate and I'd laugh."

He glared at me and I stared back hopefully.

"Never again." He huffed and nodded to the corpse.

"Yup." I agreed and we both looked at the dead me.

"Should we just leave it?" He asked.


Then he called for a bridge, so my plan worked, I'm getting back to the ship early! Then Egg contacted me. Are you coming back? She asked.

Yup. I told her as a bridge opened and we both moved toward it.

Great! Bring Soundwave down with you. She said and left it at that. She sounded exited.

We landed right in the command unit and luckily, Soundwave was right there! I skipped over, Megatron being in a bad mood, snorted in distaste and returned to work.

"Egg wants you." I whispered to him, he turned and tilted his helm. "Fine, I'll ask." I said, why do you want him? I asked.

The eggs are going weird scrap, and we lack an experienced individual. Egg explained.

Wait... The eggs are hatching? I asked.

They're jiggling...

I grabbed Soundwave's arm and dragged him along, surprised he didn't resist. I mean, if he did, he would have lost an arm, they are so skinny! It felt like I was flying a kite.

Laserbeak ejected and flew ahead, leaving Soundwave to stare, confused. We made it to my berthroom quickly and we both got down to look inside.

One of the eggs had a crack in it and peps could be heard. Soundwave looked on in shock, then he stared at Laserbeak in accusation.

"Ratchet did it, not him." I told him and then he stared at me in shock. He has a visor! How can he stare in shock?

Then a little, gold beak popped out. Egg and Laserbeak were leaping around in excitement (Laserbeak was flopping). Soundwave and I watched hopefully and the other two eggs cracked.

Egg and Laserbeak paused in their celebration to watch but couldn't wait so they ran around another lap. A bronze and silver beak popped out then all three decided to show their helms.

Their peps were adorable, Soundwave gently stroked the bronze one with a single digit while I helped out the silver one.

Egg and Laserbeak danced/flopped around the gold one.

"You two need to pick names." I told them and they paused in panic, they both weren't very creative. They looked between each other and the chicks. Egg pecked the gold one.

This one's name is Gold, because he's gold. She paused, The bronze one called Copper and Laserbeak wants the silver one called Zinc so that's it.

"So, this one's Zinc." I told Soundwave and pointed to the silver one, "That one's Gold." I picked up the gold one while Egg stared protectively. "And that one is Copper." I said and nodded my helm to the one Laserbeak was trying to sit on.

Soundwave took some pictures then asked, "How?" Using a recording.

"Ratchet did some science stuff." I told him, "But Laserbeak has agreed to Sire them." I told him.

He looked down at Laserbeak proudly. Not wanting to question why Egg was with Ratchet.

I really hope they don't mess them up. "And we're the uncles." I added. The chicks were now waddling around in a line, Gold in the front. Then he tripped and they all crashed into each other.

My spark was stinging a bit from the cuteness so a took a little bit of the mixture, but if it got worse, then it would be worth it.

Egg gathered them up and sat on them, Laserbeak sat on her. Twice, the warmth, I could triple it...

I moved to sit on them but they all scrambled away. "I wanted to help!" I argued and crossed my arms.

You mean squash. She said and rounded up her chicks as they franticly ran around.

"This is chaos." I muttered to Soundwave, he nodded so I went and grabbed us a cube. Once again, he drank like an Elephant.

The chicks all turned to watch from beside Egg and Laserbeak, then they charged at us. We jumped on my berth in panic. Ha! They couldn't fly yet!

Give my chicks some! Egg demanded and Laserbeak chirped in agreement.

I glared at her, emptied the cube a little till it was half full and set it down next to them. They stared at the liquid, then Zinc jumped in and almost drowned. I fished him out of there and popped him down next to Egg. She cradled him with her little wings.

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