68:An Angry Kitten

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I never felt happier once I got of the berth. For some reason Egg was full of amusement.

That is one big pole. She commented as she ran out the medbay from behind me. Was she watching the whole time? I can't see how that was painful, I lay eggs everyday!

I was tempted to lock her outside but then I realized that she could just melt her way back in. Megatron was also trying to force himself through our spark bond.

You calm down yet? I asked.

No. He snarled.

Well, it was a prank, I didn't think you'd take it so serious. I said. Honestly, I'm a little upset that you'd think I would do that. I lied, playing the victim.

Megatron was still pissed. I don't care, you're not on the Nemesis. He hissed.

He's angry because he cares, I reminded myself.

Yes I am. I lied.


Yes. I insisted and I got a whole lot of anger back, And I'm gonna take a break from you. I said snobbishly.

Don't you dare-

I cut of the bond, he couldn't get anything else through. I grinned, oh the irony.

"What are you so pleased about?" Optimus asked.

"Oh, I keep defying Megatron and well, no one else does that." I giggled.

"Reminds me of Wheeljack." I heard Ultra Magnus grumble.

"So, what was going on in there?" Miko asked, no doubt that she had heard my complaints to the pain.

I looked purely uncomfortable, I guess.

"He did some stupid stuff." Ratchet said.

"Like what?" Miko asked.

"Have high grade." Ratch grumbled.

Optimus leaned over to me, "What happened?" He asked.

"I got a part of a pole up my aft." I whispered to him. Magnus heard and raised a ridge.

Optimus looked confused, "Why would you-?"

"I don't know." I shrugged then received a com. "Hold on, someone's calling me." I warned him.

"I wonder who 'someone' is..." Optimus muttered.

I picked up. "Where are you, Soundwave couldn't find you on the cameras." Megatron hissed.

"I went for a fly." I lied smoothly.

"I want you back on the Nemesis or I burn all the high grade." Megatron threatened.

"Right away." I shot off and hung up. "I need to get back. Egg, do you wanna stay?" I asked.

Yup, I think I'm in love. She said and looked up at Ratchet.

That's disgusting, the age gap Egg- I started.

Shut up. She snapped.

I realized the pain killers wearing off but the pain wasn't as bad as before. "Well, this was... Enjoyable." I started my farewell. "And if I don't come back, it would be because Megs locked me in a cellar." I told them as I headed for the exit. "Agian." I muttered under my venting.

"Bye." Alphy and OP said before I took of.

I actually managed to track the Nemesis so I didn't need to call for a bridge. I landed on the hanger and spotted Predaking curled up snug. I walked over to him and sat on his back.

He woke with a huff, looked at me and went back to sleep.

Why isn't he giving me attention? I climbed onto his neck to get a reaction. He shook me off and transformed.

"Why do you have to choke me?" He asked tiredly.

"What's Megatron's mood like?" I asked.

"It's like he's been murdered, resurrected and murdered again but he's still alive." Predaking tried to explain, then paused, "It's like a femme on her period."

"Are you in any mood to hide me from him?" I asked, resting my servos on his shoulders. Then I decided a hug would be more comfortable.

Predaking stood there awkwardly, looking off to the hanger entrance. I peeked over to where he was looking, Megatron was looking vivid.

I gathered my courage and strutted over. "Hey, Meg." I greeted.

He glared at me silently.

"So what did you get up to today?" I asked.

He glared.

"Are you gonna ground me?" I started, cracking under his stare. "Cause if you are, I'm not staying put." I warned him, "In fact, I will take it as a challenge-"

Megatron grabbed me by some plating and dragged me inside.

"Primus, you need to lighten up." I mumbled. "Start by painting the walls, I get depressed just by looking at them." I complained.

Megaron stopped dead and turned. "You know what." He hissed. "I am this far-" He pinched his digits together so there was a small gap between them. "-From kicking you off the ship."

I blinked, man he was mad. "Yea, but you wouldn't." I said.

"DO YOU WANT TO TEST THAT THEORY?" He thundered at me.

"N-no." I stuttered quickly.

"Then go to the medbay, let Knockout work on you and go straight to your Berthroom until I let you out." He snarled.

"Yup, great idea." I said and trotted off. No way was I going to deny him. The fury in the spark bond makes me wonder how I'm still alive.

I got to the medbay fast but KO wasn't there. So I did some snooping around, I found another holoform disk and got an idea. I subspaced it for later as KO walked in. "Oh, you're back." Knockout said.

"Yup." I said and sat on the berth as Knockout got the medicines ready.

"Just the painkiller today." He said, "Can't have you take to much." He said and injected me. I watched with disgust. Why did I look? "Done." He said.

"Thanks." I said and paused, "How did you and Breakdown get together?" I asked.

Knockout looked up from his work, "Oh, I was at a low point and Breakdown helped me back up. Why?" He asked.

"Relationship advice, so if I pushed someone over and helped them up, would they like me?" I asked.

"They'd sign you up for therapy." Knockout snorted. "Don't stab someone in the back and pretend to help them. If you did that then you'd be Starscream." He said.

"Ok, Bye." I said and left, hearing a faint 'bye' from KO.

I didn't go to my berthroom, instead I went to where Megatron was. I tried his berthroom first and barged in. He was there.

"I TOLD YOU-" He started.

"Yea, no." I said and he blinked, I got out the disk and held it up. "I got a better idea." I grinned.

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