119: "Well, sex can't kill me."

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After around three hours, it was getting late, so I sent the two preds home.

Ratchet seemed to be happy, Skylynx was basically his apprentice. And Bee, Smoke and Darksteel now labelled themselves 'the three musketeers'.

"What happened to your neck cables?" I heard Ratchet mutter at Optimus.

"Fell over." He muttered back as everyone started to disperse to recharge, save Ratchet and Trion. Then he strolled over to me.

"'Fell over'." Ratchet snorted.

"Was that a good idea?" Oppy asked me.

"Predaking wanted some friends and they aren't going to be involved in the war, and we don't intend on telling the others." I told him and the sparkling gave a kick of agreement. "The kid agrees." I added.

Optimus poked my chassis, "They're there? Yes?" He said pointed just under my spark.

"Yup." I nodded.

"We really messed up." He muttered.

"Yea..." I nodded, "Why?"

"We're in the middle of a war." He reminded.

"Doesn't feel like it." I told him, Maybe Meg will come round. I snorted, "Meg was drunk last night."

Optimus snorted, "How did that go?"

We exchanged some knowing glances.

"I should probably get back before he notices I'm gone." I said.

"You better pray to Primus he doesn't see the affectionate gifts Optimus left on you." Ratchet called over.

I snorted, "I'm capable of lying."

Ratchet came round and dragged me to the medbay, "I want to do some scans." He said, "You shouldn't be interfacing." He added.

"Why not?" Optimus asked, growing in concern.

"Because he would be left with less energy than before." Ratchet said, as if the question had offended him.

"How's the leach- I mean sparking?" Optimus asked.

"Alive." Ratchet said as it gave a hefty kick, show-off, "Nice." Optimus and Ratch said together.

"How did you make the clones?" Ratchet asked as he put away the scanner.

"We stole 'Shockwave's logical diary'." I said, "It's like an instruction manual, and we used the remains of the last lab. In the cave." I said, "Would you be okay if Predaking came along?" I asked.

"No." Ratchet said instantly.

Optimus nodded, "We can't have him knowing where base is."

"Oh, he knows." I told them.

"You told him?" Optimus asked in shock.

"No he smelt it out a while ago." I shook my helm.

The both exchanged glances, "Best not bring him for now." Op said, "The others may react negatively." He added.

"Fine." I said and bade them goodbye after I grabbed the Chickens.

I flew off and called for a bridge, ending up next to Soundwave as soon as I flew through. He put a smirking emoji on his visor. He must've seen the marks.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" He said, using Knockout's voice as he turned back to work.

When do the 'hickeys' normally disappear? I asked Egg.

I'm a chicken. How should I know? She snorted as we arrived in my berth room, I let them out and looked for some energon.

"We're out, I'll get some more." I told them and left for some energon. I ran into Megatron on the way there. "Hi." I greeted and walked on.

He followed, "Who did that?" He asked rather heated already.

"Who did what?" I asked.

He sneered and prodded my neck cables.

"Me." I lied.

"By breaking your neck in the process, don't lie to me." He said, I felt him getting a little angrier in the spark-bond.

"Well, perhaps, maybe, I am sexually active." I crosses my arms, "Like you and Soundwave." I added.

"With who?"

"Does Soundwave do oral?" I asked, it just popped into my processor.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"He has tentacles, that's twice as good." Megs crossed his arms.

"No oral then." I muttered.

"Who?" Megs brought back up.

"A nice individual." I said, my spark getting a little panicky. "Why do you even care?"

"Because you often make regrettable decisions that can endanger your life." He hissed.


"Well, sex can't kill me." I muttered.

"What about STDs." He asked, "Thought about those? You have a bad spark, oh! I know!" He went on, "What if you get sparked? Think about that, even if you survive you have to take care of the pest." Yea, but it would be Op's job to change the wash tanks.

"They're not a pest." I said.


"It's a leach if anything." I said. Then I realized what I said.

"You're sparked?" Meg's plating flared.

Dig me a grave, a nice one. I told Egg.

What material for the tomb?


A metamorphic rock? Marble looks nice. She suggested.

Sounds good.

Then again, granite it nice it may be brittle but long lasting, it's an igneous rock. She advertised.

Sounds good too.

But marble with a platinum or gold lining would have a nice look. But volcanic glass on the other hand-

What's that?


You pick.

"Well?" Megs asked.

"Maybe a little." I pinched my digits.

Megatron let that sink in for a bit, "You-"


"What were you thinking!?" He snarled.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I was drunk!" I argued as my spark flared in irritation. Meg knows I'm sparked. I told Egg in panic.

Well shit.

"With who?" Meg hissed and neared threateningly.

He wants to know with who! Help! I told Egg.

Just say me! I'll back you up! She was sharing my panic.

"The Chicken." I blurted out.

"You'd split her in half just by trying to fit your spike in." He said as he pinned me to a wall.

"Maybe we got creative!" I argued.


"Maybe she used her spike!" I argued, I didn't even know if Cyberchickens had both.

"Shockwave Castrated her." He said.

"How did you know that!?" Initiate full panic mode.

"Shockwave told me."

"Why would he tell you that?" I asked.

"I don't know! It just came up!" He was panicking slightly too.

Then my spark did something funky.

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