171: Stakeout

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When I finished, Optimus was pretending to be in recharge, Bee's optics were smiling and Ratchet was questioning life choices.

They chicks were overjoyed though. They were playing a little superhero game of their own.

"Did Megatron read that?" Ratchet asked.

I elbowed Optimus. "Ow, I was recharge-"

"Your venting patterns suggested otherwise." Ratchet shot him down. "Well?"

"He found where I hid it and read through it yes." He grumbled.

"Is that was were he got the idea to name his tower 'Darkmount'?" Ratchet asked.

"I did come up with the name." Optimus muttered.

"Copyright." Bumblebee started. "You could bring it up with Ultra Magnus."

"And admit to a Decepticon instigation?" Optimus asked.

Ratchet snorted. "That would be a bad rep."

Then there was scattering.

"EP!" Optimus started and threw himself into me.

"Oh what are you, a sparkling?" I teased, he could at least start calling me daddy now.


"Prove it." Ratchet grumbled as he himself moved closer.

Optimus slowly pushed himself away and began to sulk. "May I have a chicken?" He asked and I handed him Zinc.

"Can I-"

"Me too?"

I handed those two the other chicks and cuddled with Egg

You're all sparklings. Egg grunted, somehow sounding worn in years.

Optimus somehow found his way back to me without the other two noticing and almost squished Zinc between us. "Sorry." He started, "Language." He added.

"What he say?"

"Nothing I care to repeat." Optimus grumbled and the scattering stopped.

He was insulting his weight.

"But he just lost weight!" I stared. "Have you been drinking much energon?" I asked and whipped out the only type of energon I had in my chassis. High grade.

"No-" He started.

"It would be better than nothing." Ratchet pointed out, "After all, where are your energon levels at the moment?"

"Fifty two-"

"Lies, your bio lights are dimming." Ratchet started and Bee glared while pointing at the cube.

Optimus groaned, "One."

Maybe two, or three. I thought as I handed it to him. "Besides, you need the energy to run from Scraplets." I said.

"I do not see the use of a drunken stumble." Optimus started snobbishly.

"You guys want one?" I asked.

The chicks started screeching.

No, they won't have one, but I will. Egg said and I gave her one.

"Pass." Ratchet said.

"Yes please!" Bee said and I gave him one. Optimus tried to protest while he swallowed some high grade.

He ended up choking.

"I wish you did that on my spi-"

"ANYWAY-" Ratchet started, "Have you heard anything from Megatron?" He added.

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