42:Blending: Part 1

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I awoke to a loud bang. At five in the morning.

Great start to the day.

I exited my room and saw a gloomy Predacon stomping past.

"What's up gorgeous?" I yawned.

He turned to me, "The sky?"

I rolled my optics. "Why are you so gloomy?" I said sleepily.

"The Autobots have destroyed the predacon clones." He frowned.

It hit me like a brick. "What? No." I shook my helm. Those cute unborn Preds, murdered in cold energon!

Predaking nodded and walked off.

I took the moment to com Optimus. He did not pick up so I left a message.

"Listen here you little shit." I started, the more urgent it sounded, the faster he will be there. "Meet me at these coordinates." I sent some coordinates and got to the nearest monitor where I could get a ground bridge.

I did so and bridged to the coordinates.

Lots of trees, BORING. It could be more boring but Optimus better hurry up.

Eventually... After an hour. He did show up.

As he stepped out of the ground bridge, I frowned. "What took you so long?" I huffed.

He looked up at me as if I have false expectations of him. "I was recharging." He said in his deep, sexy voice.

I marched up to him and slapped him across the faceplate, reasonably light.

He blinked in surprise.

"That's for murdering all the predacon clones." I seethed.

"I... Was not there." He said slowly.

"Oh?" I crossed my arms.

"It was the Wreckers." He explained.

"So... It wasn't your fault?" I asked.

"I believe not." He sounded rather confused.

"Oh okay." I fiddled with my digits. "I should not have slapped you."

"You should not have." He agreed.

"You can slap me back so we're even." I suggested.

He shook his helm, "Unnecessary."

"Well, on a nicer note. How was your day?" I asked.

"It has barely begun but so far, good." He said.

"Me slapping you does not count?"

"No, the forest is nice." He said looking around.

"Yep, defiantly." I lied, it was terrible entertainment. "Shall we take a walk?" I asked gesturing towards the forest.

"Why not." Optimus smiled gently. I internally squealed, he looked so cute!

"After you princess." I bowed.

"I am a mech." He said as he walked by.

"Then act like it." I teased and trotted after him.

Walking behind him was a good idea because it gave me a good view of his aft.

When I wasn't looking at his aft I was looking around, trying to find something other than the still life of the trees.

I spotted a being scurry into a hole and I scrambled over to the hole.

"Is something the matter?"

"I saw a rabbit." I said as Optimus came down beside me.

Where?" He asked.

"Went down this hole." I pointed to the hole we were trying to look in.

"I can't see it." He said as he nudged me aside.

"Yea great, move over." I said and pushed him aside.

"Oh, there it goes." He said and I looked over to where he was looking.

I realised the rabbit had a second exit as it scampered away.

"Some humans keep them as pets." Optimus stated.

"Where do they get them?" I asked.

"Pet store. It is a shame we cannot wonder around the cities like humans do."

"Well..." I started.

"We are not strutting around a city." Optimus cut me of.

"Yea, I know, but what about Holoforms?" I suggested.

Optimus narrowed his optics.

"You know, devices that you insert like a com." I explained.

"I know what they are, where would we get one?" He asked. So he was somewhat onboard with my plan.

"The Nemisis. There are spare ones in the medbay."

"I'm not going on the Nemisis." Optimus put his ped down.

"Okay, I'll fetch 'em."

Optimus slowly nodded and I commed Soundwave for a bridge.

"Soundwave," I sang. "I need a bridge."

Almost instantly a bridge opened, "I'll be back soon." I told Optimus as I stepped through the bridge.

As soon as I came through Soundwave displayed a question mark on his visor.

"I fell of the Nemisis." It was a lousy excuse but I walked off before he could question me further.

I made it to the medbay quickly and looked around. No one was here.

I looked through the drawers, making a small mess but not to big. I found them and plucked two out. This is gonna be so much fun, I thought as I got to a monitor and typed in coordinates.

A bridge opened and I walked through.

"Got 'em!" I said as soon as I spotted Optimus. I strolled over to him.

"Hold your helm still." I ordered as I got out one of the disks. He kept moving his helm to try and look at the disks so I ended up having to hold his damn helm still until I got it on him.

"Done. Now you help me put it on." I demanded as I gave him a disk.

He slapped in on the side of my helm.


"Lets test it." I said as I transformed into my altmode, Optimus followed suit.

It worked a charm.

I Started customising my form as did Optimus.

I made mine moderately muscular as did Optimus. I made my skin tone darker and gave myself long grey hair which was tied back.

Optimus had tanned skin and blue hair with red tips.

He looked over to me.

I giggled, we had no clothes.

I gave myself a purple hoodie, purple sport shoes with loose grey jeans along with a brown leather bag.

Optimus had a red t-shirt with a beer on it, a blue jacket, Blue jeans and rather formal black shoes.

"This feels wrong." Optimus furrowed his brow.

"How so?"

"The clothing."

"Can't be much different than plating." I said and jumped up and down a few times.

He frowned.

"Alright, I'll have a look." I looked at his clothing. "Where is it weird?"


"Then turn around." He did so and I snorted. "Those are orgy pants."

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