195: Improved Realations

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I managed to convince Egg to bring herself and the chicks down once Knockout finished up. The best part of this whole makeover was that Starscream still mistook me for Megatron... Dispite the changes made to my frame.

Awhoop, jump scare. Egg started as she walked in. What's the occasion? She asked.

"I look better and less stabby."

Egg blinked, Is that why Optimus was leaking-

"Yup, and that won't be a problem no more. And we're going on a social excursion." I added.

The chicks cheered, although they probably had no idea what I said.

Where to?

"Some ground base on Cybertron." I shrugged, "Is the base a little tent they just set up?" I asked Knockout.

"I have no idea." Knockout shrugged before pausing. "What's a tent?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to reply, but could figure out how. "A thing- are we going now?" I asked.

"Mmm hmm." He nodded and walked out the door. "Do you know where Breakdown is?" He asked.

"No clue, don't you have his com?" I asked.

"Oh yea!" Knockout said and dialled him up, we ended up meeting him near the bottom of the ship.

"What's up?" He asked.

"We're going on a social excursion." Knockout said, a little more cheery.

"Ohhh fun! To the ground base-"

"Yep, been there already?" I asked.

"Nah, just stared at it through the window." He said.

"Nice to know what you do in your free time." Knockout snickered as he transformed, the rest of us followed and we got to the ground base in no time. I landed a little behind the other two, after all, it's useful to have a shield just in case.

After no one seemed to notice I let the chickens out and plopped Egg on my shoulder. "Act cute and wholesome." I told the chickens as the chicks started squawking at me.

They want to sit on your shoulder too. Egg translated.

"Of course they do." I mumbled and sat them down on my other shoulder, they dug their tiny claws in to get a grip as I followed the other two.

Sure, some of the nails and Autobots were giving us glares and a lot of them were hiding from me specifically, but they didn't shoot us.

"Where are we heading?" I asked as someone spat at my peds (Egg covered for me by squawking who knows what).

"Ahhh" Knockout started. He shrugged, "Dunno were the medical bay is-"

"I suppose we can ask around?" Breakdown suggested as the white mech called Prowl walked over.

"It's the po po, scram." I muttered to myself, but loud enough for Prowl to hear. He raised a ridge at me. "Where's the-"

"You're causing social unrest." He cut me off.

"What? I brought cute chickens and everything!" I argued, only then did I realize the chickens carried menacing expressions I didn't realize were possible. "I told you all to look cute!" I hissed at them.

We have a reputation to uphold. Egg said briefly. The buildings look flammable... She started, rather sus.

"Erm- Are the buildings flammable?" I asked, only just realizing that they put up squats and scaffolding for more.

"The bonds that are keeping them together are-" Prowl started.

'Where's the medbay?" Knockout slid in. Prowl pointed the biggest shelter. "Thanks, toodles!" Knockout said and headed off. I made to follow but was held back by the grumpy mech.

Egg squawked at him and made him recoil. "You need to leave." He said, rather serious, "And take your chickens, they're unsanitary-"

Egg was furious and so were the chicks.

"Watch yo profanity." I mumbled before detaching the chickens claws from my shoulders and sticking them in my subspace. Might aswell drop them off at Soundwave.

"You're leaving?" Prowl asked.

"Yea yea." I grumbled, "Spoil sport." I added, again, loud enough for him to hear. Once I got out of the grumpy ground base, I transformed and shot off. I landed on the hanger not much later and found Arcee and Airachnid in a heated argument.

I watched for a moment before realizing this might escalate. So I decided to be mature and give them a common enemy.

"Throwing a hissy fit?" I asked. That common enemy being me. They both looked at me and glared. I snorted, "Cute-"

What's going on? Egg asked.

I'm, breaking up a fight. I explained.

Ohhh, strangely mature of you! Egg laughed.

"Mind your own business." Arcee hissed while Airachnid hissed a swear towards either one of us or both.

"What a vibrant personality you both have." I snorted sarcastically. "No wonder you both can't find any partners-"

Arcee went deadly silent while Airachnid just smirked. "I work alone."

"And I heard, through a little bird, that things didn't work out with Starscream." I shot back. "Even when you get partners, you can't keep 'em-" That seemed to have done it.

Airachnid spat some acid at me (that missed) while Arcee started to shoot at me (and she had good aim).

That went well. Egg said sarcastically.

I know! Mission success! I said as I scrambled to get out of melee range and into the hallways for some cover. They both managed to stab me on the way there though. Arcee got my thigh while Airachnid narrowly missed my T-cog and spinal cord.

"Ow ow ow." I basically chanted as I ran through the hallways and into a closet where I hid for a solid ten minutes.

Egg was strangely silent throughout. "You alive mother-clucker?" I asked lowly. They didn't stab into my subspace, I know that much.

Yea... Egg started, Ah why though? She asked.

"Give 'em a common enemy dah. They won't go after each other." I explained like the smartest bot alive, then winced at my singed plating thanks to the many shots Arcee hit me with.

Then the closet opened and I let off a rather high pitched shriek. It was Smokescreen. "Are you talking to yourself?" He asked, suggesting I was crazy.

"I-um-no, Chickens-" I started.

"I don't see no chickens- What happened?" He asked, noticing some energon leaking from my frame.

"Ahh..." I started, then Soundwave popped out of nowhere. "Ah!" Both me and Smoke jumped.

"Shockwave, Chickens." He played.

"Ah, Shockwave needs chickens?" I asked, he nodded and I handed them off.

"Go to the medbay." Soundwave played an older recording of Megatron.

"Right." I said while Smoke stood there awkwardly as Soundwave left. Jokes on him, there's no medic on the ship.

Smoke looked back at me. "So what happened?"

I smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know weather boy."

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