117: Give me a 'S'! Give me a 'M'! Give me a 'U'! Give me a 'T'!

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When we made it to the Autobot base, it was utterly empty. Except for Alpha Trion who was recharging, so I dropped the chicks off at him and they stayed quiet out of respect.

I went and looking for the others. I started checking berthrooms, everyone was empty other than the last berthroom.

Guess who's it was.


I peaked through the door and spotted him reading, "Where is everyone?" I asked.

He jumped in fright, "Oh hi."

"Hi." I said, "Where are they?"

"Oh, Ratchet and Wheeljack are patrolling and Smokescreen is looking for Magnus, the rest are with the humans." He explained as I sat down next to him.

"So." I started.


"Wanna frag?" I asked jokingly.

He flushed blue, "Well, um-I'm not really good at that." He jumbled out

"You were great!" I protested.

"Right yes, I agree." He paused, "I'm not so good sober." He said.

"You know I said that as a joke, but now that you're taking it seriously-"

"What if I get you sparked again?" He asked.

"I can't get sparked while I'm sparked-"

"What if I get sparked?" He asked.

"Well, we'll use some protection this time round." I said, "You got any?" I asked.

He snorted, "No, we didn't exactly think that was something we should bring with us from Cybertron."

"So." I got hot with irritation, "I'll be bottom." I spat out while crossing my arms.

Optimus blinked, "Wait, you were joking before-"

"To late now, move over." I said and got down on his rather comfortable berth.

"Ok." He said and stood over me.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well what?"

"Get on with it!" I demanded.

"You need to open you valve first-"

"No, you need to let out your spike first." I argued with a grin.


"It's the rule, spike first." I smirked.

He did his best to frown seriously, "Same time?" He asked.

"Fine!" I said and pulled him down on me.


The following includes not-so-graphic interfacing. Don't like it? Skip to after the next bold words.


I heard his port open.

"I though we said 'same time'!" Optimus complained, he clearly hadn't done this often.

"Well, yea, I was gonna do a countdown." I said and opened my port as I looked down, "Is that it?" I teased.

"It's size is fine!"

"It's tauntingly average." I added.

"Are you sure I can't get you sparked again?" He asked.


"Did you lock the door?"

"Yup." I lied.

He got up and locked it before flopping down on me. He paused, "What exactly do I do?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Last time I fragged someone sober was before the war!" He argued, "And I was receiving." He added.

I snorted, "Just put the little guy in me and..." I paused, "What ever feels natural." I shrugged and hugged him around the neck.

He blushed and looked down to improve his aim. It took him a while, "Feels a bit dry." He mumbled as he finally squashed it into a hole.

"Yup." I said uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed me cringing.

How do I put this gently? "Um..." I paused, "You got the wrong hole." I said.

He blinked, "Huh?"

"That's my afthole." I added.

He hastily pulled out, "Sorry!"

I snickered as he coordinated himself, he got the right hole this time, "Good job!" I kissed him, he blushed deeply and we waited a bit, he still hadn't moved.

"What now?" He asked.

"Hump." I snorted, "Lemme-" I rolled over and got him under me.


"Watch, then you do it." I said, this seemed more like I was educating him. I started the rhythmic movements of life.

Optimus' plating fluffed up in surprise. "Is that it?" He asked.

"Yup, roll over." I said and we switched positions again, almost rolling off the berth. "Ready, set, go!" I said.

He rammed in hard.

"ARGK!" I shrieked.

"SORRY!" Optimus.

"You go slow, then you speed up." I told him.

He did as told.

"See! Not so hard." I told him as he started to multitask, kissing me on the derma and moving down to my neck cables.

I did the same to him, but paused, "Did you just?" I asked in shock.

"Huh?" He asked and paused his snake-like humping.

"You discharged already?" I said flabbergasted.

He blinked, "I can't control that! And you're highly arousing!"

"I forgive you." I said and went back to nipping his neck cables as he began thrusting harder, trying to get me to overload.

"Ow." I muttered as he sped up.

"Aren't you supposed to moan?" He asked.

"This ain't the movies." I said, "Though if it'll make you happy- EHHHEHHEH!" I shrieked in time to one of his thrusts.


"EHEHHEHEH!" I went again.


"EHHEGHHEHEHHEHEHHE!" That final, forced moan caused me to overload, never thought that was how it was gonna go. Op felt it and decided to move on to simple kissing.

What was that terrible noise? Egg asked.

Optimus' expectations of me. I told her.

Forget I asked. She said grimly.


End of not-so-graphic interfacing.


Or hungry kisses ended in panting and we lay still.

"Don't fall asleep on me." I warned.

"I would have showered before that happens." He noted.

"I'm hygienic!" I complained.

"To wash off the smell." He said and got up.

"Oh." I said and followed.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I followed him into the washracks.

"I'm gonna shower too." I said.

"Huh?" Optimus asked, "Or washracks aren't big enough." He stated, that didn't stop me.

He was right, they certainly weren't big enough.

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