75: Mixed Emotions

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We walked into the main room, same bots including Ultra Magnus. He was looking a bit weary.

Well, for good reason.

Ratchet seemed to have explained the reason of my absence, so he bothered not ask. "Where are the others?" I asked.

"Smokescreen and Wheeljack are STILL IN RECHARGE!" Ratchet yelled, so they could hear. For good reason, it was evening after all. "And the others are with the humans." Ratchet said.

And then a small human door opened, Agent Fowler came through. He looked tired but once he spotted me, he was wide awake. "And when did he get here?" He asked Optimus.

"Just now." I told him, "Looks like you need some sleep." I told him.

"If it weren't for those two running amok, I would be." He huffed.

"'Those two?'" I asked.

"Two humans broke into one of their military bases and stole a tank." Magnus explained.

Optimus looked surprised, oh no. He didn't know about that, Ratchet was watching with a mixture of amusement and dread.

Fowler turned to Optimus, "Same human that abducted you and another, so you can keep a eye out." He said.

Optimus was trying not to look vivid, his holoform identity was at stake too. However, with passive aggression, he lead me out of the main room and outside.

"It was Megatron's idea." I said the moment we were out of audio shot.

"You stole a tank?" Optimus asked as Magnus peeked around the bend.

"Yes, but like I said, Megatron's idea." I reminded him.

"Yes, but you did not have to do it." Optimus said with a pained expression, as if he was taking pity to my stupidity. Magnus had enough and left for the main room.

"He told me to throw a grenade too, I didn't do that." I pointed out, trying to make my position more comfortable.

Optimus looked at me and then went back inside the base, leaving me out here. But then he came back. "Since you are bound to do so again," Optimus started, I'm glad he was so good in predicting futures. "I believe it to be best to teach you the road laws." He finished.

"Good idea." I told him and transformed into my alt, as did Optimus. I quickly snuck my holoform into he alt and he drove off.

"Where are we heading?" I asked as I climbed into the drivers seat as Optimus drove, he did not enable his holoform.

"Far away from civilisation." He said grimly.

He had a point, I was a hazard even if I did not mean to be.

He stopped once we were in the middle of a desert. He's way to dramatic.

"So, now what?" I asked in anticipation.

"This is the break," He manually pushed down one of the things, "And this is the gas." He pushed down the other.

"Great! I forgot from last time, Megatron was pretty good at it though." I said and memorized it.

Then he explained the buttons, I may have pushed each of them and a little extra.

"Stop pushing my buttons."

"Literally or figuratively?" I asked.

"Both, now adjust the chair so you can reach the pedals comfortably." He told me.

I struggled to do so, my figures were all over the place, trying to pull things that weren't meant to be pulled.

Optimus made a sound of discomfort.

"Don't like me figuring you?" I asked, then paused, "That sounds so wrong."

Optimus adjusted the chair for me.

"You could have done that the whole time?" I asked him.

"I regret not doing it earlier."

Time flew by as he taught me, not the theory stuff, that was boring and he had to honk to wake me up. Crashing him was fun, we fell down a ditch which he could barely transform out of.

But when it got darker, we decided to call it a day. Besides, I was probably going to forget this tomorrow.

He drove back, even though I wanted to, in good spirits.

However, I got a little sidetracked. "I gotta disable my holoform, see you at base." I told him and disabled it before he could comment.

I was back to my alt, and two humans were sitting in my cockpit. One patted my dash board, "Maybe he's sleeping?" He asked, the other shrugged and looked around nervously.

They clearly weren't meant to be in here.

"Maybe we can manually fly him..."

"What if he wakes up?" The nervous one said from the back. The one in the front shrugged.

Optimus rolled up and transformered and I decided to do so too.

The two humans were scared shitless, and gazed up at me wide eyed as I caught them in my servos. Optimus raised a ridge as I carefully put them down. They scrambled away.

"I'm surprised you didn't drop them." Optimus said.

I scoffed, "I'm about to be an uncle, I need practice."

Optimus looked alarmed, "Megatron's carrying?" He asked in shock, his optic widening.

"What? No!" I said, shaking my helm, "No, Ratchet did some magic science and now Egg has three eggs." I told him. "They're fertile."

He raised a ridge, "That's nice, when are they due?"

"Few days."

"Will they breathe fire?" He asked, worried.

I shrugged, if they can, I was going to have to make up a scrap-load of excuses for the burn marks.

"They could chase Megatron around and then Shockwave would get in trouble because it was his fault Egg escaped!" I said, plotting.

"It was your fault she escaped." Optimus pointed out.

"Yea but Megatron doesn't know that." I told him and we walked into the base. Smoke and Wheeljack were up, yawning. They recharged the whole day! Ratchet was making them mop the floors.

Alpha Trion was getting a check up from Ratchet and Magnus was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Magnus?" I asked Ratchet, he looked over to me annoyed as if I had ruined a important process.

"Working on ship." Ratchet mumbled.

Wheeljack rolled his optics, "More like, checking if I damaged it." Wheeljack said.

"Did you?" I asked.

He gave a smug grin, "Is fine if you don't tamper with it."

We heard a small explosion.

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