202: Assorted Goodies

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I stared at Meg untill he stopped laughing. I have no idea how long it took, because it seemed I also lost my sense of time. Once he gained enough composure I poked him. "What?" I asked.

"You were ignoring me." He said, not even sounding upset.

I stared at him.

"Well?" He asked, a little impatient.

"I had a spark failure." I blurted out,

He blinked. "Oh."

"Don't sound so disappointed." I said five seconds later.

He narrowed his optics, noticing the extended silences within the conversation. "Are you-"

"I gotta decode what you say, so give me a bit." I interrupted and he shut up. "Am I what?" I asked, figuring out what he said.

"Your helm is all muddled up isn't it?" He said and waited rather patiently for a response.


"So not much of a difference." He added and started walking off.

I watched him a bit before I scoffed, "Frag you. How'd the meeting go?"

"The NAILs get most control over construction. Seemed to be enough for them." He said, stopping.

"Oh so rebuilding. They get to do hard labour." I snorted after a while.

"Considering how many of them there are, seems reasonable. But it also means they will have some control over the allocation of resources. With our permission of course." He explained.

I stared at him for a long time, he said a lot. "Our? Oh get them to hand over the high grade-"

"'Our-' No not you, myself and Optimus." He corrected.

"Ohh. I'll get him to get the NAILs to hand over the high grade." I said after a bit, right as Optimus walked out.

"No you won't." He said and walked past, not feeling talkative.

"You going to the market? To get that collar?" Megatron mocked and Optimus sped up his walk to get away.

"Can I have some money?" I asked, then blinked, "Oohhh, good one!"

"Oh good grief, for what?"

"Collar." I said, a little faster.

"Ooh sure!" He said and transfered me a little more than I needed.

"That's a little much-"

"Oh get a pretty one will you." He said and walked off with a grin.

I blinked at him, does he think I'm going to get one with rime stones? I just need one where I can attach a lead. Anyways, I made it to the market with minimal hostile interactions and started browsing. Just my luck Ultra Magnus popped out of nowhere with the Metalhawk guy.


"We discussed that you would not be-" The NAIL started, awfully brave for his size.

"Eh?" I asked Magnus.

"That is Quillux- You're also not supposed to be here." He started.

"Why?" I asked a full 2 seconds later.

He gestured at the mechs taking the widest possible radius around me. "Pfff." I started, "I'm just here to get some collars-"

"What-" Hawky guy started.

"Yes, why?"

"For the chicks duh, who else." I rolled my optics, my response time coming back to normal. "Ohh!" I added before bounding over to a stall with heaps of ropes. They had heaps of colours. But no collars. I let out a disappointed huff which terrified the shop keeper.

"You probably won't have any luck for collars, pet keeping isn't that common." Metalhawk started.

"Better luck in a sex shop at this point." Magnus mumbled.

"Oh yea, do you know if there's one-" I started and Metalhawk pointed in a southern direction, where the market seemed calmer. "Thanks!" I said and headed off. I assumed it was the dimly lit tent he was referring to.

I peaked inside, Knockout was there. Right place them. "Do you know where the collars are?" I asked and he blinked at me. "What?"

"I thought you were Megatron." He said and looked around. "But you'd never see him in a place like this-"

"Yea, he'd send someone in his place." I snickered. "Oh collars!" I said and headed over. They were adjustable so they would fit the chicks. There was actually a pretty rhinestone one! It was pricy though.

Do you like rhinestones? I asked Egg.

What's that?

Shiny stuff. I clarified.

Ohhh, yes! She said.

Well then, she's gonna get it! It was pricy though, so the chicks will get some cheaper ones. I found some leads too, it might help Egg keep her chicks in a line.

"Oh for the chickens right"? Knockout asked. "Where'd you get the shanix?" He asked, eyeing the price tag.

"Megatron, though I think he wanted me to buy a collar for Optimus." I said. Knockout let out a snort as I went to the till.

"Just these?" The mech at the counter asked.

"I didn't see much of a selection-" I started as he brought some more out. "Ohh!" I let out and started eyeing the ones with rubies.

I need more shanix. I told Meg and he swiftly transfered some more to me. "I'll take that one too!" I said and gladly paid for all five of them and the leads. "Thank you!" I said and waited for Kockout to pay for his things before leaving. "What were you after?" I asked as we walked to the Nemesis.

"Oh, ornamental makeup! It has a nice sheen!" He said and showed me a pale gold and silver container.

"Silver for Breakdown?" I asked, I can't image a yellowy gold on him frankly.

"Yep, and yellow for me, goes with the accents!" He said excitedly. "Who's the fifth collar for?"

"Ahh, well I don't think Optimus will let me put it on him, so me I guess?" I shrugged.

"Would work with Megatron's colours too." Knockout joked.

"Oh it would, perhaps I'll give it to Soundwave if Optimus is so utterly appalled by it." I snickered.

"Soundwave- Ohh, would explain some of his visits to the medbay." Knockout nodded. "It's a shame collars are sexualised in all honesty, would be a rather fashionable add-on otherwise." He said as we got to the Nemesis' lift.

As we reached the top, we were met by Soundwave, and the chickens. "Eyyy." I greeted and yoinked mama hen.

Where's the shiny stuff? She asked as the chicks leaped from Soundwaves arms into mine.

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