148: Part 4: The Swap

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Meg just snarled, "Sober already?" He asked me.

"Ratch gave me some magic elixir." I said, oh wait, I need to use formal language.

"Then perhaps you could tell what happened to the energon reading?" Meg asked, "Magnus made me none the wiser- the opposite actually." Meg looked like he had the most traumatizing experience in his life.

"Oh, weeeee." Optimus started but faltered once he gained the attention of Megatron. "Ah, found an orb." He said and nodded, "Orb, orby orb." He was trying to act like me too much.

"Orb?" Meg asked.

"Orb." Oppy nodded.

"Do you have it?" He asked.

Optimus opened my subspace to pull out Meg's clone's helm- he dropped it in fright.

"You still have that?" He asked.

"Ahhhhhhh" Optimus picked it up and put it back in, "The Orb's in your subspace." He said.

"No it's not."

"I put it there." Optimus said.

I blinked and handed Magnus to him, then I pulled the orb out. "Ahhh!" I dropped it, luckily it didn't break.

"Ahh?" Meg asked as he picked it up, he shook it. "What's it do?"

"Brrrrrrkkk Buk buk." Magnus said, flapping his wings.

"'Buk buk' huh?" Meg said as the orb begun to glow.

"Run!" I said and snatched up Optimus and Magnus- dragging them down the hall and hiding behind a corner.

"What?" Meg started but was cut off with a clunk.

Optimus stuck out Magnus around the corner, "What happened?" He asked and peeked his own helm out after.

Meg was on the ground.

"We didn't swap frames?" I asked.

"Maybe there's a range we were out of." Optimus suggested.

"So he had no one to swap with?" I asked as Meg slowly came to.

"What happened?" He asked and blinked.

"You're Megatron right?" I asked.

He snorted, "Yes."

"Oh thank primus." Optimus muttered, "Nothing happened."

Then Soundwave popped up, "Status?" He asked.

"Fine." Meg grumbled as Lazerbeak ejected, heading right for Magnus.

"Brrrrrr?" He started, confused.

Wait Lazerbeak and Soundwave can understand chicken!

"SQAUCK!" Lazerbeak started- absolutely vivid. Soundwave looked at him in question. I looked at Soundwave in question, "SQAUCK SQICK SQUAKLE-"

"Translation- What did you do to Egg?" Soundwave started.


"Motherclucker." Soundwave added.

Magnus opened his beak- seeing his chance to end the fun. So I snacked Magnus up and fled. "We're having way to much fun." I said as he started to argue, then I spotted Egg. "You're not gonna ruin this for me."

"Ayyyye." She started- the Uranium seemed to be wearing off.

"Could you look after Magnus for me?" I asked and waved Magnus around- he looked terrified.

"Awww, so cute- hic!" Egg said and gently cradled him, "Wanna learn how to flyyyyyy?" Egg asked.

"Have fun." I said and waved goodbye.

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