2:Messing around

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"Hey Megs," I chuckled as I strutted into the commanding unit/main control room.

Megatron turned and glanced at me, he was rather accepting of me and tolerated my lack of urgency, to which I am thankful for (as I lack it entirely). "What is it?" He asked not wasting time with idle chit-chat.

"You know where the high grade energon is?" I asked trying to act innocent and hide my true intentions, it didn't work.

Megatron snorted, "your not having that!" I rolled my optics, I'll find it one way or another, I promised myself.

"Well, can I do something useful? I'm tired of sitting on my aft!" I exclaimed, I was like a sparkling, getting bored almost instantly.

Megatron thought about it, "why not," he muttered to himself.

"There is a energon mine you could supervise-"

"I'll take the job!" I interrupted eagerly, turning on my heel but stopped short. "Where is it?" I asked as I realised I had no clue as to where it was.

"Just go down the hall and to the left, and tell Soundwave to bridge you there." He said.


I sped of to Soundwave, maybe he can tell me where the high grade is... I grinned mischievously. I entered the room Megatron gave me directions to and coughed slightly to get Soundwave's attention. Slowly he turned, "Where's the high grade? I crave it right now." I smirked, I will get my answers!

But Soundwave merely responded a recording from Megatron, "your not having that!" He then continued to open a ground bridge, he gestured for me to enter.

"Your too smart for your own good," I muttered and walked through.

I was soon greeted my a large cavern with multiple layers patrolled by Vehicons and large energon crystals coating the walls and ground. Megatron must be quite hardcore when it comes to mining energon. I walked down to the ground floor, earning respectful nods from passing Vehicons, they knew it was me, hence, the missing fusion cannon.

I glanced around and saw the camber containing energon and decided a quick peek won't hurt, but that was before I found the high grade.



Bumblebee's POV



Ratchet opened the ground bridge to the most recent Decepticon mine, Optimus, Arcee, Bulkhead and I were to raid it for energon. Optimus nodded at us and gestured us to follow, so we did. We exited the ground bridge and where welcomed by blaster fire, I crouched down low and shoot the few Vehicons closest to us. Then rolled behind a cart for cover and began shooting those further away.

Soon they were defeated. "Lets get the energon and get out of here!" Bulkhead's voice came from behind me, I clicked in agreement, enjoying the peace while it lasted. Suddenly a crash came from the energon storeroom, our leader drew his blasters and so did I. We expected a Vehicon, but instead got Megatron.

Megatron stumbled out clutching a energon cube, he grinned at us. "'ello" he waved at us. I narrowed my optics, and heard blasters charge from beside me, we all had then pointed at Megatron.

He stumbled out further almost falling but catching himself by clinging onto a wall. ::Did everything go as planned?:: Ratchet's voice came through our com links.

::Yes, but Megatron is here... I think he's drunk.:: I responded in clicks.


::Yea, tipsy:: I confirmed.

Megatron looked up at us and at the Vehicons on the floor, "hey! No recharging on the job!" He slured his words and threw his arms in the air. His fusion cannon wasn't on his arm.

I turned to Opimus he seemed to have noticed too. "Megatron?" Optimus said with a little concern.

Megatron turned his helm towards us, "Megatron?" He asked puzzeled then his optics widened in understanding. "Oh, no. My designation is Quillux, Megs is my brother." He said nodding wisely as if it was obvious.

He was babbling nonsense, but Optimus narrowed his optics. Arcee snorted, "where's your cannon?"

Megatron, who was claiming to be Quillux, blinked in confusion. "Hmm?"

Optimus stepped forward and lowered his cannon slightly, "your fusion cannon which is normally on your arm," he explained, returning to his stoic manner.

Megatron looked down at his arms, "its gone! I must've dropped it!" He began to look under carts. This would've been laughable if we weren't still surprised.

"So bucket head's had some high grade." Bulkhead stated as he watched Megatron/Quillux look under the carts used to transport energon.

"Looks like it," said Arcee lowering her guns. "Should we offline him or-" Arcee was cut of by Megatron/Quillux who was giggling hysterically.

"What's so funny?" I asked also close to a fit of giggles.

"She... Wants to... Offline me!" He gasped still giggling. "Sadistic Glitch!" He gasped. Arcee growled angrily but before she could act, a ground bridge opened beside us and we al jumped into a defensive position. What came through surprised us even more.

Megatron dramatically stepped through with Starscream and roughly 20 Vehicons. Another Megatron!? "Optimus, I see you have meet my twin." The new arrival snarled.

Twin? Megatron has a twin? I look back and forth from the loopy one to the snarling one. I stood there in shock, but came to when someone spoke. "Autobots, fall back." Our leader commanded and told Ratchet to open a ground bridge.

We were once again fighting, Megatron went to his... twin? And grabbed him by the arm, I faintly heard him argue: "I gotta find my cannon Meg!"

The ground bridge opened and we fled into it. We emerged back in our base, the ground bridge closed behind us.

"Now, what happened?" Asked Ratchet facing us. Optimus stepped forward recovering from the shock first or is still processing.

"We secured the mine then supposedly Megatron, drunk, came out of the storeroom-" Ratchet cut him of.


"Yes, he had a lot of high grade it seemed. Soon a Bridge opened-"

It was my turn to interrupt him. "Then another Megatron came out and said that the drunk Megatron was his twin!" I clicked furiously, he stayed silent for awhile.

"His twin?" He spluttered.

"Yes, and I believe his name is Quillux." Confirmed Optimus.


Quillux's POV



The green swirly thing disappeared along with the colourful bots, I looked at the servo holding me and noticed the scratches on it, some of them even formed a smiley face! I giggled. My twin looked down at me, "What were you thinking?" He growled.

Behind him Starscream looked happy beyond description, I might lose my rank after all. "I wanted high grade." I slurred grinning and swayed into Megatron, he caught me.

"Soundwave, bridge us back," he said into the com link, seconds later it appeared. My twin looked down at me, anger in his optics and perhaps a bit of worry, he guided me through with me leaning on him heavily. "Don't do that again." He whispered in my audio receptors so only I could hear, "you had me worried."

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