172: Juicy Chicken

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After Optimus fuelled on some NORMAL energon, we headed for Cybertron. But Megatron caught us on the way.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Cybertron." I said.

"Alone?" He asked.

"We're going-" I gestured to Optimus and was about to announce that the chickens were in my chassis.

"On a date?" He asked, already moody.

"No." Optimus started.

"We're taking the chickens." I said and pointed to my chassis.

"Oh? Then you won't mind if I come?" He asked.

"Sure." I said, although Optimus' expression said otherwise. "Although, it would be preferred if you don't-"

"I'll come." He said and waited for us to move.

"Nice job." Optimus grumbled at me once we started walking.

"Oh how was I supposed to know!" I argued in a whisper, hoping Megatron wouldn't hear. "He doesn't have any friends either so we might as well-"

"Excuse me?" Megatron asked.

"What?" I asked.

"What did you say?"


"That wasn't nothing."

"He was making a point on the fact that you do not have any friends." Optimus said, I slapped him.

"I have friends." Megatron started.

"List them." Optimus challenged.


"That is a friend, what about friends plural?"


She snorted.

"Gold, Laserbeak, Dreadwing-"

"Chickens don't count." I started.

Excuse me? Egg started.

Megatron was silent.

Oh look at that, you've depressed him. Egg started.

"See." I pointed out to Optimus, "He doesn't have friends so we could at least invite him to make friends." I said.

"I do have friends." Megatron started, "My priority was the war-" He started, trying to make excuses.

"That was my priority as well." Optimus pointed out, "I have friends." He added.

"I think I'll stay." Megatron started.

"No, you're coming, and you-" I started, glaring at Optimus, "Stop bullying him."

"I'm not-" He started.

"Are too!" Megatron started.

"See! You hurt his feelings!" I said as Megatron let out a (fake) sniffle.

"He's just pretending because it's getting you upset with me." Optimus tried.

"Oh please, he's better than that."

"Why do you think so little of me?" Megatron asked, really putting on a show now.

Optimus seemed generally pissed now.

"Oh come on, we're just playing." I started.

"Why so serious?" Megatron started.

Optimus stopped in his tracks and glared at Megatron, "That would be easy for you to say."

"Why is that?" He asked, slightly more serious now.

Did it just get really hot or is it just me? Egg asked.

This does seem to be a bit heated.

"You do not have friends-"

"Oh Primus-"

"You did not grieve for the losses the war has brought." Optimus started.

"Oh this again."

"You hold not an ounce of regret! You believe everyone can overlook your actions, forget what has been done. After all this, it is a good thing you have no friends. At least then you can't hurt anyone!"

"Tell me, did you grieve for the younglings you killed when you bombed the nursery?" Megatron shot back.

Wait a minute.

"I believed it to be a training camp-"

"With 100% certainty?" He asked, Optimus was quiet. "You need to understand we are both in the 'wrong'. In the end, it doesn't matter who shoots first. It doesn't matter who shoots last. In the end, it's the bullets that matter. The bullets, and what's in their path."

Odd, that sounded like a Optimus Prime quote.

They were quiet for a while so I decided to put in my own wise quote. "We can't move forwards while hanging onto the past, so... Are we going for that stroll or not?" I asked.

"Fine." Optimus grumbled.

I looked at Megatron, he didn't say no.

"Lovely, lets show the chicks how dangerous cyberfoxes are." I said and headed off.

"Is that wise?" Megatron asked, clearly in a bad mood.

"Depends, do you feel like protecting them?" I asked.

"Of course!" Optimus and Megatron both started. Then they glared at one another, obviously not liking that they were like minded in that aspect and blame one another.

We made it down to Cybertron with two bots sulking slightly less than before. I let the chickens out but kept the chicks in my servos. "You stay here." I told Egg and left her in a open, exposed planet while I dragged Optimus and Megatron behind some scrap.

What are you doing? Egg asked.

"We're watching from a safe distance!" I shouted.


"For educational purposes." I said as I pointed at the chicks.

On cyber-foxes?

"Yup! You're bait! And don't worry, we've got you covered!" I shouted, and sure enough, Optimus and Megatron had their guns out, in case any foxes felt over confident.

Lovely. Egg grumbled rather bitter and sat down.

"Try to look delicious!" I added, "We gotta keep quiet." I added to the others. They nodded.

Delicious? I'll show you delicious! Egg squawked and got up to start posing. She somehow managed to make herself look nice and plump (which made her legs rather appealing but nevermind). She also made an awful racket.

Optimus was cringing.

"What?" I asked him.

"You are lucky you can not understand her." Optimus grimaced, then nodded at Egg, "Fox."

"Already?" I asked, "Well, chickies, see that there?" I asked and pointed to the prowling creature so sneaky Egg had no idea it was there. They nodded, "That is a cyber-fox, they are so stealthy even a fire breathing chicken cannot see them. And when they do, they'll have already chomped down on your little helms and you'll be offline." I explained.

"You have warned Egg yes?" Optimus asked as a second appeared. Egg was still busy advertising the menu.

"No, why?" I asked as the cyber-foxes pounced.

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