65:Buried Alive

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We left a giant snowman in our wake. Any human that goes here will be thinking, 'aliens'. Just like the pyramids in Egypt.

I puffed my chassis out with pride as I stepped buck to admire our good work. Megatron definitely wanted to move on but patiently waited. Spark failures seem to make him more tolerant of me. Maybe I should give myself spark failures!

I took a mental picture and walked over to Megatron as a sign that we could go. His shoulders sagged with relief, did he think we were going to build another?

"Hold up!" I stopped. "We need to sign it!" I think I screamed, Megatron rolled his optics but humoured me. We both scratched a 'M' and a "Q' next to the snowman. Then I gave Megatron a hug, why did he always have to look so confused?

Anyway, we got back to tracking the signal and we ended up next to a huge glacier. It was huge, I glanced at the semi clear ice and walked along it. However, Megatron stopped before it and narrowed his optics.

"What's wrong?" I asked, or yelled.

His expression morphed to a blank one to a startled one. And I don't think it was because of my yell.

The ground shook and ice crumbled away.

I just caused an avalanche, a massive chunk of ice broke free from the rest and begun the race to get us. It's like it was sleeping and we woke it up so it was pissed.

So be honest, it was terrifying, something so large full of power was something to marvel at. Or run away from, or fly, that's what Megatron did.

But I'm an idiot, paralyzed in fear.

Luckily, Megatron came to my aid and tossed me out of he way by ramming into me with his alt. I lost awakeness.



I woke when my audios picked up aggressive yelling (can you yell without sounding aggressive?), it came from a bunch of ice. Where was Megatron? I sat up and looked around, I was half submerged in snow but brushed it off.

"Megatron?" I asked, was he stuck in the ice?

"So can hear me?" He asked with anticipation.

"Yep." I said and got up, snow slipping off my plating. "How long was I out?" I asked.

"15 minutes?" He said, "Now can you dig me out you ungrateful aft?" He grumbled.

"Oh, thanks!" I said and got to digging, eventually my sharp digits cut into metal.

"Ow." Megatron complained.

"Sorry." I apologized and tugged at him, he got up and looked at the scratches I left behind. He glared at me silently as if to say that this was my fault. Well, it was.

"Hmpf." He huffed as snow fell down his plating, "Well, just before you got me buried, I saw what we were looking for." He said and looked at me.

I looked back, waiting for him to expand. He did not. "So, where was it?" I asked.

"I saw it in the glacier." He said and crossed his arms.

"And what was it?" I asked.

"Dark energon."

I looked at him and he looked at me. "Really?" I started, "All that hassle just for your drugs?" I would be fine with it if he shared some with me, but then Optimus would get mad at me.

"It's a source of fuel-"

"You're addicted to it." I told him.

"You're addicted to high grade." He shot back.

"Well, yes. But it's not toxic." I argued.

"It is."

I paused. "Ok, maybe it is. But I take it in controlled amounts." There that should do it.

"No you don't."

I scrunched up my servos in frustration, "Is it so wrong to be concerned for your health?" I almost screamed at him.

"No, but stop complaining when I'm concerned for your health." He growled and turned to the remains of the avalanche.

That did it! I round-house kicked him in the back of the helm. He dropped like a fly and did not get up. KO! Now he can't snort any dark energon. Wait, he doesn't have a nose.

Once my anger started to settle I realized what I had done. Well, scrap. He's gonna have my helm! He'll get his loyal troops to assassinate me! I need to make up a lie, fast!

Think, think, think! Why is it that when I don't think, ideas come to mind but when I do, I'm left with a blank? Argh, I'm just gonna do this old school.

I opened the bond to Egg. I need help burying a body.

Dead or alive? She asked.

I sat on Megatron, I could fell his spark pulse. Alive.

Awesome, that's my favourite kind. She chuckled darkly. How am I going to get to you?

I'll arrange it. I told her and called up Optimus.

He picked up. "I think you are being clingy." He said.

"Ah ha." I mumbled, I can call him as much as I want! "I need Egg back." I demanded.

"Yes, she is staring at me." He said lowly, "Why?"

"I need help burying a body." I explained and he was silent.

"How can Egg help with that?" He asked, "Who's body?" He changed the question.

"Don't worry, he's still alive." I said and patted Megatron's stiff frame.

"Even better." Optimus mumbled, "I'll send Egg through a bridge, can you supply the coordinates?" He asked and I sent them and ended the com.

Next thing I know, both of them are coming through the bridge. "YOU'RE NOT KILLING HIM!" I screamed at Optimus, who was only just taking in the scene.

He blinked, "Careful, you might cause a avalanche." He said as he glared at Megatron's frame.

"I already did. And I'm gonna pretend I caused another to it can be a good excuse as to why he's unconscious." I crossed my arms and Egg jumped on Megatron's aft.

"Why is he unconscious?" He asked and kept his distance.

"I kicked him, and if he finds out, I'm going straight to the pits." I huffed and walked up to Optimus' side. "Now, help me bury him or watch.

He sighed, "I'll help. Where-"

"There." I said and pointed over to where the snow was thick due to the last avalanche.

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