105: A bunch of Sobbs

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"You just died and you decided to visit your chickens?" Meg snarled and grabbed hold of me.

"OW!" I yelped as Predaking followed, a little awkward.

"You're going back to the medbay." Megatron growled and dragged me with him, rather fast.

"Slow... Down." I panted, having only taken a few steps, "Or I'll have another seizure." I added and he put one of my arms around himself, taking some weight of my peds.

"What was dying like?" Predaking asked.

"How should I know?"

"You died." Meg stated.

"When you die, you don't grow more conscious! You lose consciousness, so how was I supposed to be conscious when I was unconscious and witness me dying?" I spat in frustration and we slowed down further.

"Maybe you were conscious." Meg shrugged.

"But you forgot." Predaking added, Meg added in agreement.

"Oh that sounds believable." I grumbled as we reached the medbay.

"How in the pits did you get out?" Knockout asked as he grabbed me and put me on the berth.

"I got up, walked, opened the door, and walked." I muttered.

"Ah ha, you two out." Knockout pointed at Meg and Pred. Pred left but Megatron was rooted to the spot.

"Is that an order?" Meg asked, in a very threatening tone.

"I um-" KO started, "A request." He said meekly, "Patient confidentiality?"

"Sounds legit, out." I ordered and he did so. "Holy shit, that worked."

"Right." KO paused as Breakdown walked in. "So, I found that your recent spark failure are due to the leach you are nurturing."


"Your sparkling is draining your spark to sustain itself." He said.

"Greedy bugger."

"Well you're it's carrier." Breakdown muttered.


"You need to recharge and I'll run further scans." Knockout said and injected me with sedatives.

But I haven't even listened to Op's voice mails...



I woke with a bang.

Mainly because I fell of the berth.

"Nice." KO smirked, "Feeling better?"

"A little more awake maybe?" I got up, "Did I die again?"

"Nope, but I did do more scans." Knockout said as Breakdown gave us some energon.


"So, due to your spark conditions and your sparkling's growth patterns" Knockout became rather serious. "It is likely that you could both offline due to lack of sustenance."

"Huh?" I was overcome with fear for a being which didn't even exist.

"We have to remove the sparkling or you may offline... Again." Breakdown helped out.

"As in, push the abort button?"

They both nodded.

"I just found out I was sparked and know I need to say goodbye?!" I shrieked.

"Well, you found out two days ago, but yes." KO nodded.

"So, get rid of the sparkling and I live, or we both die?"

"Yup." They both nodded.

It took a moment to sink in, "Can't you like, supercharge me?"

"That could risk a seizure and overloading the sparkling." Knock said and Breakdown nodded along sadly.

"And a foreign energy source would be rejected by your spark while carrying." Breakdown added.

"However we can wait for a bit," Knockout said and Breakdown lightened up, "If you manage to make it to three months without any serious damages there is a chance that you will both survive."


"Would is say that if it weren't possible?" Knockout grinned. That's all the hope I needed. "However it is more likely that the sparkling will be starved of energy and die before that point." He frowned.

My hope was shot and thrown into a deep abyss, never to be seen again.

"You can leave the medbay if you want, to think about it." Breakdown said and I nodded before leaving. "Good luck." He added.

Meg better not be feeling how upset I am. Why am I even so upset? I haven't even met the leach. And why am I so desprite for such a serious responsibility? I'd be a terrible creator. Optimus would be decent...


You're an emotional wreck. Egg said blandly

I'm sparked! What do you expect! I shrieked at her through the bond even though I was right outside my berthroom. I entered and she looked up at me.

You good?


You're crying. She added.

I hastily wiped away the tears I knew not existed. The little guy probably won't survive.


My spark. I said and buried myself in my berth.

Egg gave a sad squawk, Just make sure to spark Optimus next time. She advised and I nodded.

"How am I supposed to tell him?" I wailed and felt Egg sit on me.

No clue, the chicks are with Soundwave. She added.

"We'll tell him tomorrow." I said and the door opened. Breakdown peeked in.

"I need to monitor your health." He explained as Egg stiffened. "What happened to your room."

"Egg." I muttered as Egg gave a squawk In greeting.

"HUh?" He said and spotted Egg, who was glaring daggers. "Is that the Chicken which trashed Shockwave's lab?"

Egg nodded proudly.

"Yea, and now only you, Soundwave, Pred and Meg know about her so don't tell anyone else." I stated, welcoming the distraction.

"I heard she can breathe fire..."

Egg blew some flame.

"That's so hot." Breakdown muttered in awe.

"Literally or figuratively?"


Egg blushed.

"Does anyone else know that you and you know who fragged?" he asked.

"Pred suspects, he has a very good sniffer." I told him.

At that point Soundwave walked in and his visor lit up slightly. "Condition?"

"Alive." Breakdown said as he noticed the chicks, "Oh! Congratulations!" He grinned at Egg who took a bow.

"Why are you- Sulking?" Soundwave asked, his words strung together.

"I stubbed my ped." I sniffled as Predaking walked in.

"You need a bigger room..." He stated, "Or less visitors..." He added, "You're awake!" He grinned and gave me a hug.

"Yup, I know." I said.

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