126: Oh d-d-d-dear!

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Meg decided to fly around for the rest of the day before we finally called it a night. I led him to his berthroom and locked the door, for safety reasons, then I went back to the chickens.

Soundwave was still there. "Meg is in his berthroom." I told him and he left with a huff.

Hey.... Egg started awkwardly.

What did you do? I asked, she carried that look.

The chicks and I aren't very good with interrogations. She started.

What did you tell? I asked.

It was mainly the Chicks. She said and vented. He knows it was Optimus. She said but hastily added, But he won't tell anyone!

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

Doesn't want Megatron to overreact and him to trigger your spark. She explained.

"Oh that's nice of him. I'm gonna get some recharge." I added. Sparkling sitting a Semi competent mech was harder than I thought.

Go for it. She said as I fell into recharge.



Once I woke up, I filled the chicks bowls and raced over to Meg's berthroom and opened the door. He had fallen off the berth.

"Yo." I kicked him, gently.

"Hmmm?" He asked as he soozled awake.

"You still empty in the helm?" I asked.

"No no." He said and sat up, then went full on blue in the faceplate.

"Ah, you remembered." I said and squatted next to him.

He seemed to be in shock.

"You didn't even get to say goodbye to your pride-"

"Shut up." He hissed and got up, rubbing the back of his helm. "Which Autobot did you frag?" He asked and turned swiftly.

"Oh! You remember that?" I asked, nervously.

"Yes and everything else." He said.

And since I knew he was gonna press, I had a fake spark failure. I cut of our bond and pretended to faint. I collapsed in a 'clang' and played dead.

Meg let off some Kaonian curses before he hauled me onto the berth and at down on the edge, "If it weren't for you spark." He muttered.

I had a fake leg twitch and kicked him.

"Bloody hell." He cursed and moved away to start poking me.

"Argh." I started, "Leave me alone." I stated.

Meg recoiled as he noticed the sparkbond was open, "You didn't have-"

"Yup." I said and bolted for the door.

"Oh I'm not done with you yet." He grumbled and grabbed me by the arm.

I slapped him, "You know, maybe I'm sick of you constantly nagging for my personal business." I started and jabbed his chassis. "Maybe I'm sick of you threatening the things I love-"

"I don't-"

"Remember Egg." I hissed, "And my friend-friend." I added.

"Who's that?" He asked.

I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Fine, I won't hurt them or you for your relationship." Megs choked out.

"Or how about, you don't hurt them at all." I snarled.

Meg was prepared to argue, "I'm your brother! Had you told me of the sparkling and I would not have pushed you so far!" He argued, "Pit, you may be unlucky enough that I even kill your 'lover' on accident."

"I highly doubt it would be on accident." I muttered.

Meg scoffed, "How deep is this relationship? Just fragging?" He asked.

"And courting." I crossed my arms, I should not have said that.

He recoiled.

"Why don't you just end the war?" I asked.


"You heard me." I crossed my arms. He opened his intake but closed it. "Well?" I asked.

"We fight to win-"

"Win what?"


"Well, that's a bummer, the planet is dead." I crossed my arms. "What then?" I asked.


"Of your tyranny?" I asked.

"Of the caste-"

"Well that's long gone." I stated, "The war is pointless now."

"Argh, we give up now and we'll be subjugated into it again." He said.

"If anything, you'd be stuck into a cell for war crimes." I crossed my arm. "You know what-"


"How about, I ask the Autobots what they would do if the war was over and if there was peace or a truce?" I asked.


"On what?" I asked.

"What happens to them and us." He stated, "It's Optimus isn't it?" He asked blandly, as if he'd already accepted it.

"Noooyeesss." I mumbled.

"Come again?" He asked.

I nodded mutely. He glared at me, raising my panic levels, "Keep that glare up and I'll have a spark failure, a real one." I told him.

He glared at me for a solid minute, with rather deep vents. "When did this start?" He asked.

"The courting? Three months?" I suggested. We've known each other for about a year and we only spent three months courting?

"How?" Meg vented.


"HOW did it start?" He raised his voice.

"A deep feeling of emotional recognition?" What was I supposed to say?

He blinked and sat down on his berth with a vent.

"What?" I asked.

"What am I supposed to do?" He snorted.

"Don't kill him?" I suggested.

"Then the war goes on forever." He said.

I'm actually really surprised as to how well he is taking this. Well, not so well in the sparkbond but well non the less.

Never mind.

He threw a punch which I barely avoided. "Bruh." I started.

"If you weren't my brother." He hissed.

"I wouldn't be standing here right now." I crossed my arms. "Don't you want the war to end?" I asked.

"On my terms." He said.

"Then take one of 'em prisoner and blackmail them into peace if that'll boost your ego!" I argued.

"Which one would you suggest?"" He asked.

"Any?" They all care about each other.

"Hmm. Out."


"Out!" He said and shoved me to the door. I stumbled out as the door closed, "Piece of shit had a sparkling with Optimus?" I heard Meg ask himself. "Argh."

"He was pissed at you for killing-" I started as the door opened. I ran for my miserable existence.

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