76: Friendly Drink

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I headed back to the Nemesis, I didn't want to get caught in Magnus' fit of rage. Optimus just let it play out and watched with Alphy as I left.

As I flew, the Nemesis came into view but Megatron was flying even closer. I decided to sneak up on him. I got higher and flew directly above him, then I cut the engines.

I plummeted directly at Megatron and just before I hit, he pulled out of the way.

I dropped straight past, cursing.

I enabled the engine and flew up to him frustrated. He was giggling, "Aren't you stealthy?" He joked, I huffed.

I really expected that to work.

"Did you expect that to work?" Megatron laughed, rubbing it in.

"No." I mumbled.

He snorted in disbelief and we headed to the Nemesis.

"Want to race?" I asked.


Well that was a let down, and he was in a good mood! I silently sulked while flying back with him, he seemed to have noticed.

"Do you want to get a cube?" He asked, did I seriously just guilt trip him?

"Yup." I said quickly, this was the next best thing. "What kind?" I asked, trying to push the limit.

"Regular." Megatron said as we landed, "At least for you."

Was he seriously putting restrictions on what I was to consume? I hummed, no way he was drinking and I wasn't.

"So, you been proper drunk before?" I asked.

"No." He said.

"Right." I said and recalled a memory, "So that video recording of you drunk is fake?" I asked as we walked.

He stopped, looked at me with a blank expression and returned to walking.

"Oh, you know it!" I teased and skipped after him gleefully. "Hugged Soundwave and Orion didn't you?" I asked.

"Not a word." He growled.

"Okay, Okay..." I paused and stared at him, "Want to try again?" I asked and wiggled my optic ridges.

He turned sharply, "If, if we do, we do it off the Nemesis." He said and we kept walking to the energon storage.

Dreadwing seemed to have heard the last statement and seemed a little confused before he walked off.

"Fine by me," I said. "Want to get your Nightmare fuel?" I asked.

"Not with you in the proximity." He said as we entered the storage.

I grabbed lots of high grade, without him noticing, and cramped it in my chassis. Megatron took a little too, but not nearly as much as I. He caught me take another cube of high grade and smoothly switched it out for one of his regular cubes.

He than had to audacity to drink MY cube of energon, infront of me. A smug smile was clear on his faceplate as he devoured the cube before I moved onto the next one.

This time, I managed to get some of it down the hatch.

You back yet? Egg asked.

Yea, I'm drinking with Megs. I told her.

Ohh, that must've been hard to achieve, I'll let you concentrate. She said.

Good idea. I said and cut the connection. Megatron was on a second one, "Want to go off the Nemesis, under the stars?" I asked, trying to seem inconspicuous.

"Sure." He said and walked out, I followed excitedly. He didn't even know what I was trying to do, or he did, and just didn't want me to know he did.

We flew down to Earth right next to a cliff, I got out some high grade, but once again, Megatron switched it out for some regular energon.

Where does he keep getting that from? Most likely, the same place I was getting mine from.

He put MY high grade in his chassis and traded it for some regular, without a word.

He was asking for a fight, I swear.

"Can I just have one?" I pleaded.

"You already had one." He said and sat down next to the edge of the cliff, I followed and let my peds dangle.

Soundwave and I are going to scatter the Eggs all over, okay? Egg said.

Okay, put one in Meg's berth. I told her.

Got it. She snickered and got to it.

"So, how was your day?" I asked him as we looked at the stars, I actually had education in Astronomy, and navigation.

He raised a ridge, "Do you actually care how it was?" He asked.

"No." I said, truthfully. I'm surprised Megatron looked surprised at that. "But that's something you ask when you want to be nice." I told him.

He raised a ridge. "Okay." He told me.

"Now I know everything you did today." I told him, my voice coated in sarcasm. I got out another cube and Megatron hastily swapped it, putting MINE in HIS chassis.

"Yup," he agreed, "And you're not having any high grade, because you just got out of a coma." He explained.

Made sense, I guess. I glanced over to his high grade. "How many is that?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "Three?"

"Did you have a stressfully day or something?" I asked him.

"Had a fight, before you woke up."


He nodded.

"You fight like brothers-" I started.

"Don't call us that." Megatron growled, his sudden change of mood alarming me.

Yea, maybe not a good idea, then I'd be trying to get in a romantic relationship with my "brother". But if we ended up as sparkmates... Megatron and him would be brothers.

Another thing to add to the list: How to piss off Megatron.

"Eh." I said, I tried not to cough out the plain taste of the energon I was given.

Eventually, Megatron relaxed and lied down. That must've been a tough fight with Optimus, and Optimus seemed alright.

Oh, Megatron lost the fight.

Then I realized Megatron had fallen into recharge.

How was I supposed to get him back to the Nemesis? I don't. I looked at him and poked his faceplate, I wasn't tired enough to go to recharge so instead, I went for a little fly.

I flew around for a bit, then I found something.

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