176: "Bleep"

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"Wanna get some energon?" I asked, he nodded then shook his helm.

"He needs formulated energon." Shockwave concluded after a glance at him, "Too young... And perhaps wash tanks-"

"NOOOO!" Optimus shrieked.

"It will be difficult to hold your energon-" Shockwave started.

"I can do it!" Optimus said, finally speaking a little clearer.

Shockwave handed him a small cube, "It is formulated." He added, wow, he works fast.

"Twanks." Optimus started and sipped on it. Egg walked up to him, he was only slightly taller. She looked horrified.

"Why were you helping Egg steal uranium anyway?" I asked.

Shockwave glared.

"Twicked me." Optimus pouted then yawned.

"You're tried." I pointed out.

"No I'm not!" Optimus started.

"We should probably get to your berth-"

"NO!" Optimus snapped.

I blinked, "Oh, right, this is embarrassing for you. I can smuggle you in- do you have a mesh blanket?" I asked Shockwave, he pointed at a cupboard and started examining Optimus.

"MEEP!" Optimus started, not liking to be touched by the cyclops.

I found a blanket soon enough, "Think this is big enough?" I asked Optimus as he pouted.

"No-" I unfolded it challengingly, "Maybe."

Stubborn one ain't he. Egg grumbled.

I threw the blanket over him and wrapped him up before throwing him over my shoulder.

"Ooof!" Optimus started and wiggled around.

"You're gonna have to stop wiggling." I started.

"It's tiwght!" He started and quieted down, then I could hear his engine purr.

"What are you-"

"Sorry!" He almost shrieked.

I looked over at Shockwave, "I'll work on it." He grumbled.

"Great! Eggy-"

I'm coming. She grumbled and wobbled after me. I'm not looking after him though! I have enough chicks!

"Yea yea, first time mother of three, not four." I grumbled. "Do you think he's small enough to ride you?" I asked as we walked to our berthroom.

Have you seen how thin my legs are? They rival Soundwave's digits! Egg squawked.


"Is 'bleep' your default response or something?" I asked.

"Nooo." Optimus started but then fell silent, "Bleep?" He asked a little quieter.

"Eh?" I asked, then Megatron popped out of nowhere, he looked grumpy. "Sup?"

"You were ignoring me-"

"Oh how terrible, of course I did that on purpose just to antagonise you- I had a seizure dip-shit."

Megatron blinked, "Are you alright?"


"Why did you-" Megatron started but spotted the bundled blanket over my shoulder. "What is in there?"

Optimus stiffened in panic.

"Egg." I said but then realised she was sitting on my ped, "Eggs! Lots of eggs!" I corrected. Smooth.

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