51:Little Spitfire

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Optimus was up and working early again. He didn't notice the fire on the berth or me and Egg. Egg and I watched him quietly type at the console.

Then the berth caught fire, the whole berth.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed and jumped up, grabbing Egg.

Optimus' helm snapped up in shock as he looked over to us. Luckily the fire stayed on the berth and did not spread.

We watched it silently.

"How?" Optimus asked, breaking the silence.

I pointed to Egg, "She didn't mean it though." I explained and he look over to Egg.

"You need to come up with better lies." He said, "Help me find the fire extinguisher."

I got up and followed him, we looked around, Egg looked in the lower parts. She let of a squawk and we turned our helms to her.

She nodded her helm at the red small thing.

"Good girl." Optimus said and scratched her neck. I tried to get the fire thing but it was so damn small!

I squeezed it, white stuff exploded up.

"What did you do?" Optimus asked, looking up at me as if I can't do anything right.

"It's so small and I have sharp digits!" I exclaimed in panic, we all looked over at the berth. The fire was still contained.

"I'm sure it will stay put..."

"Maybe it will die out?" We looked over to it.

Yea, it will be fine.

"Hey, are you fire proof?" I asked.

"Pardon?" Optimus asked.

"Not you." I nodded at Egg. She sorta shrugged.

Optimus looked downright confused but seemed to push it to the fact that I'm simply unique.

"Do you think Ratchet will mind?" I asked Optimus. He shrugged and got back to work.

"What ya doin'?" I said, slipping under one of his arms and hugging his torso.

He smiled slightly, "Tracking energon signals." He turned back to work while I stared at his faceplate.

I feel like I'm only just starting to appreciate him. I kept admiring his faceplates and he caught me at it, I grinned. He blushed and activated his battle mask.

Ratchet walked in, yawning. "Morning." He said as he saw us.

"Morning." Both I and Op said back and his mask slipped away.

"Feeling better?" Ratchet asked me and I nodded. "Good." He said and strode past into the medbay, Optimus and I exchanged panicked glances.

"WHY IS THE BERTH ON FIRE?" Ratchet yelped and ran back out.

Optimus pointed at me and I pointed to Egg.

I felt mild amusement come from Egg and jumped over to her. I sat down and hugged her, "I felt that!" I exclaimed and she squawked excitedly. Optimus and Ratchet exchanged looked of equal confusion.

Ratchet rolled his optics, "How would the CyberChicken have set the berth on fire?"
I looked at Egg and she shook her helm.

"A magician never reveals their secretes." I said smugly, "Hey, can you fly?" I asked Egg. She flapped a bit and hovered slightly.

I high-fived her.

"Where's the fire extinguisher?" Ratch asked.

"Oh that was an accident." I said.

"He popped it." Optimus explained, nodding at me.

"What fuelled it?"

"Energon," I said and got my last cube out for Egg to refuel on.

"It was deliberate?" Ratchet seethed.

"For some light, it was dark." I explained, Optimus seemed to understand. Ratchet grabbed a wrench and I shrieked before I hid behind Optimus.

"Ratchet." Optimus warned.

Ratchet glared silently, as if debating it.

Optimus grew uneasy under his glare.

"Hey." I tapped Optimus' shoulder, he looked over to me, "Wanna go for a walk outside? Away from this fraggit." I grinned.

Optimus looked over to Ratchet, uneasy.

"Fine." Ratchet grumbled and glanced back at the berth.

I pulled Optimus away from him and out the base, the sun was only just getting over the horizon. "I can walk." Optimus told me as I dragged him to a large ship.

"Who's is that?" I asked as I stopped in front of it. Wasn't Wheeljack tinkering on that a while ago?

"It belongs to Ultra Magnus." Optimus said with a tint of warning lacing his tone.

"And that one?" I pointed to the smaller one.


I nodded, "You know..." I begun and Optimus looked over to me. "I can kind of see them in a romantic relationship."

Optimus barely kept in a snort as Egg finally arrived outside. "They are far from that."

"Huh, well I want to have some fun." I said and transformed into my alt, activating my holoform. Optimus instantly panicked.

"No. If agent Fowler sees you-"

"Does he not know that this is a holoform?" I asked and Optimus shook his helm. "Only Ratchet?" Optimus nodded.

"I won't tell him then, but maybe we could drive around Jasper?" I asked. Optimus thought on it then nodded.

"I am driving." He said before he went to alert Ratchet that he was going for a drive. He came back and transformed into his alt, it was big. He turned on his holoform, I got in him.

We then drove off.

"I don't see how you can't pick an flight mode." I grumbled as he drove over a bump.

"It's more firm. More contact." He explained and drove a little faster.

Then I realized, I left Egg at my alt... She can fend for herself. "Can you put on some music?" I asked, poking the radio.

He attempted multiple times, it did not go well. I glared at him, "I haven't used this much." He stated.

"Just like your spike?" I grinned and he turned to glare at me. "I could help with that." It just slipped out.

Optimus stopped and opened the door on my side. "Out."

"What? Why?" I asked and stepped out.

"So you can work on your filter." He said, "Although, it is amusing." He muttered and shut the door before driving off. Rude. I disabled my holoform and ended up back at base.

I flew off, with Egg, and once I put some distance between me and the base, I requested a bridge.

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