136: We're going on a Trip

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Optimus made sure I stayed down by using his weight to pin me down. In other words, I had a very stiff blanket.

But it was a great excuse for me to hug him! Then I spotted Alpha Trion, he was staring in question.

"He had some high grade." I explained as Optimus let off a sneeze.

"RATCHET!" He shrieked and jumped up. "I'm mortally ill!!" He added as he ran out.

"He was scared by his own sneeze." Alphy called and Ratchet dragged his light weight leader back to me. He looked like he was near tears. Soundwave was recording, as usual.

Oppy buried his helm in me and started giggling. At that moment, Meg seemed to be sickened to the core and came over, "We're going-"

"Why?" I asked with a grin.

"You need a break from that." He said and dragged me up.

"Hey!" I argued as he tore me away from Optimus as if removing a band aid.

"OH! Where are we going?" Oppy asked and followed.

"You're staying." Trion said.

"But-" Then he tripped over. He let out a huff, "Fine." Then he noticed he cut himself. "RATCHET-"

At that point Meg had dragged me through the bridge and his cries were cut off. "You have to admit, it's funny." I grinned, full of energy.

"It's ridiculous if anything." He grumbled.

"Ah ha, well I'm going to the chicks." I said and started walking off.

"They're not in your berthroom." Meg stated.

I stopped dead, "HUh?"

"Shockwave offered to take them off my servos-"

I started sprinting but Meg grabbed me. "Let go-"

"You'll over exhaust your spark, I'll come, I'm going there anyway." He added and we started a painfully slow walk to the lab. And once we arrived, it was a sight to behold.

Megatron recoiled as if it was acid in his optics.

"It was their idea." Shockwave stated.

"We need to go over the blue prints for the Omega Lock with the Autobots." Meg started, getting down to business.

"Did you make these?" I asked Shockwave.

"Er yes."

The Chickens were draped in robes and witch hats, Egg also sported a grey beard.

They wanted to do a cosplay. Egg said, Soundwave's been reading them a human story, Harry Otter or something. Egg explained, I'm Bubbledore.

"Admirable craftsman ship." I told Shockwave, he shrunk a little in embarrassment.



A few days later.



We were on the way to Cybertron, or on our way to the space bridge, same thing really. And we had stock piled a ridiculous amount of energon. We most of us were in the command unit the others had to stay out cause they were either: To clumsy (Bulkhead), Idiots (Smoke), busy using the hallways as a race track (Bee and Knockout), senile (Trion), too big (the Predacons). Or they wanted to delay travel plans so socialize with human children (Ratchet).

So that left, Me, Meg, Magnus, Sound, Shockwave, Screamcream, Dreadwing, Breakdown, Wheeljack, Arcee, Optimus, and the chickens (who were balancing on Shockwave's boob) to fit in a room not meant for so many bots.

Shockwave realized too, "I'll move down to the omega lock." He stated and dumped the chickens on me.

"Spiffing idea." Starscream muttered, displeased with the visitors.

"We're going on a trip-" I started.

"In our favourite rocket ship." Oppy added.

"Flying through the sky." Breakdown said.

At that point, Optimus bumped into me. "Sorry." He apologized. There goes the treaty.

I got even by bumping him back, but for some reason Dreadwing moved between use, I cast him a questioning glance.

He sighed and whispered, "Since you both lack self control-" Optimus rolled his optics, "And seem to have forgotten about terms of the treaty, I intend to make it my responsibility to keep Lord Megatron out of a murderous mood." He explained.

"Fair enough," Optimus muttered, "What polish do you use?" He added.

Dreadwing and I raised a ridge.

"Sandpaper?" Starscream suggested.

"Low glare, he stole it from Knockout." Breakdown chimed in.

"I did not-" Dread huffed.

But Ultra Magnus had overheard and started to recite entire paragraphs from The 'basic' Laws and regulations.

"This is unnecessary Magnus." Optimus said, earning a fowl glare from the second in command.

"We're entering the space bridge." Arcee chimed in, displeased with the socialization between the factions.

"Oh." I realized as we entered, "We forgot Arachnid."



We landed with a surprisingly heavy thunk.

Is this Cybertron? Egg said, her and the rest of the chickens had fallen over.

Yup. I told her.

I haven't even looked out the window and I hate it. She grumbled, struggling to get up as she kept falling.

Optimus looked down at her in worry, "Have you ever been on Cybertron?" He asked.

If looks could kill Optimus would have joined the Allspark, Egg shook her helm.

"Why do you hate it?" I asked.

The gravity is too damn strong. She grumbled, getting more pissed by the second.

"Well, it's a bigger planet." I added and picked up the chickens. "Wait, why did we land?" I asked, didn't the Nemesis need to be airborne to revive the planet?

"Shockwave wanted to examine the core first." Meg noted.

"Oh! I'll help." I said and bonded down.

Don't drop us! Egg hissed so I subspaced her.

"Go with." I heard Meg grumble as I left, "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

And I was quickly joined my Dreadwing and Magnus, who was 'sent by Optimus'. Pfff, I don't need sparkling sitters! We met Shockwave, who recoiled at the idea of us coming but appreciated the fact we could carry stuff, and we begun our decent.

Of course, Dreadwing and I could fly, so we skipped the stairs. "They're totally having a very awkward trip." I noted as we looked up the well, our view slightly obstructed by a dead core.

"Hmm?" Dread asked as he began to unload.

"Magnus and Shockwave, they both aren't very social." I added and soon the two arrived, Magnus looking relieved, and Shockwave, well, he held no expression other than a slightly dimmed optic.

Shockers started to examine the core, so we looked around, trying to understand shit.

"Oh!" I exclaimed and pointed at the core's shell. "It's recovering." Magnus rolled his optics so I dragged him over. "What do you see?"

"A wall."

"To the untrained Optic perhaps, but these creases show the beginning of citrated Energon, self generated by the spark using a process called Geolipithical regeneration-"

Shockwave looked over in surprise and seemed to tune in a audio to the lecture I was giving Magnus, who clearly didn't enjoy it.

Dreadwing seemed to be going brain dead listening so he flew back up.

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