118: Wat are those?

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After we showered, we took notice on just how many marks we left on ourselves. Not only had we left, what humans call hickeys, on our neck cables but also dents around our interface plating. Well, bots normally don't look down there anyway.

We both made it to the main room, Trion had woken up and Bumblebee had arrived with Raf and Arcee with Jack.

"Miko has detention." Arcee told us, ignoring me.

At that moment, Bulkhead rolled up with Miko, "She ditched detention." He corrected and dropped her off next to the other humans who were already on the couch.

Optimus guided the other three over to a monitor and went over some energon signals, soon sending them through a bridge.

"What are those things on you neck?" Miko asked as the other three bots disappeared.

"Hm?" I asked, leaning in closer.

"These things?" Miko asked, pointing as some dents, tinted blue from some... committed kisses.

"Ah those..." I started, Optimus glanced over. "Some rocks fell on me on the way over." I lied.

Alpha Trion knew what was up and glared daggers at Oppy. "He's fine." He mouthed.

Then I got a call, and it wasn't from Megs! So I picked up.

"Yup?" I asked.

"So." Predaking stated.

"Yes?" I asked as the others looked over, "Just Predaking." I told them.

"Um.... Darksteel and Skylynx- mainly Darksteel, wanna meet more bots-"

"Not the 'Cons?" I asked.

"They're of limits." He reminded.

"So you want me to expand their social circle?" I asked, already waking to the door.

"Yes." Predaking said, sounding rather defeated.

"Where are you going?" Optimus asked, I was already out the door.


The Preds want a larger social circle. I told her, I'll come back for you I added.

"I'll be back." I told him and took off. "So, where are you?" I asked as I flew out further, the base was out of sight.. Then I looked up. "Hi." I said and hung up the call.

Pred squawked at me and gestured to land, the other two following. we transformed on a nearby hill.

"How did you-"

"You smell, I knew where their base was for awhile just haven't told anyone." He said and eyed the dents on my neck cables.

"We get to meet more bots?" Darksteel jumped forth while Skylynx glared at me.

"Depends..." I said.

All three said, "Huh?"

"There's rules." I told them and Pred seemed to get the picture.

"I'll be going, they know where the cave is, if you want them to leave." Preddy said.

"Yup." I said and the other two hugged him goodbye, he fully enjoyed that hug.

"Ok, rule one: No hurting anyone." I said.

The both nodded eagerly.

"Including each other." I added.

"Yup- What. Why not?" Skylynx asked while Steel kicked his shin.

"Cause, when you fight, you crash into stuff and that could hurt the humans, they're very small and fragile." I told them and they nodded, "Rule two: No transforming into beasty mode while inside." They nodded, "Rule three: You can't tell anyone where the base is." I told them.

"Why not?" Steel said.

"Well, there's a war and you wouldn't want your future friends to get hurt." I told them, "So lets practice, Steel, say something to piss off Sky." I instructed.

"You're ugly-" And he was tackled of the hill.

"Alright, you failed, we can't visit them." I said.

They instantly got back up, "Won't happen again." Sky said.

"You're desperate, ain't you?" Steel mocked.

"I want other sources of socialization than you." He shot back coldly.



Around 30 minutes later, they had organized a temporary truce, so we strolled over to the base as it was close.

"Okay, behave." I told the both as we stood outside the door, some humans were gaping at their size, I mean, they were bigger and me, and maybe even Op. I stuck my helm in, Ratchet had come back with Wheeljack and Smoke and Mags were also back. "I'm back." I said.

"Oh goodie." Ratchet said, voice dripping with sarcasm. As he bridged the other three back, they had no results.

"And I brought friends!" I said and dragged the other two in, Steel was grinning while Sky stood there, having no idea what to do.

Magnus looked flabbergasted along with Smoke and Ratchet.

Optimus looked like he was trying not to yell.

"This is Darksteel." I pointed at the least spiky one with some orange and dark grey, "And this is Skylynx." I said and pointed to the spiker one with more white details. "And they were created Yesterday." I added.

"More Predacons?" Miko finally asked.

Steel was about to transform for demonstration but I slapped him, "Not enough room." I told him.

"Sure there is-"

"Remember rule two?" I asked.


"No transforming indoors." Sky reminded him.

"They're Predacons?" Ratchet asked.

"Yup, Predaking and I made them." I said, "With cloning!" I added, before they think we did some crazy interfacing.

Magnus looked like his cables were gonna burst.

"And why are they here?" Optimus asked.

"Socialization!" Steel said and started shaking their servos but paused at Arcee, "Oh look at her, she's so cute!" he said, clearly thinking she was a youngling and started patting her on the helm.

He learn his lesson quick.

Bee and Wheeljack strolled over to me, "Is this a good idea?" Bee asked.

"The 'Cons aren't going to know about them." I told them.

"Ah... Beep Beep?" Sky attempted, confused with Bumblebee's voice.

"Megatron tore out his voice box." Wheeljack explained and looked back at me, "What happened to your neck cables?" He asked. Bee looked over and smirked.

"Or rather, who?" Bee teased and elbowed Wheeljack.

"I'm flexible." I lied, this led to them trying to nip their own neck cables.

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