146: Part 2: The Swap

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Megatron landed with a thunk.

Optimus tried to make himself scarce and invisible (like he normally did) but it was him Megatron was after. Or me. Either way, it was him.

"Well?" Megatron started, very pissed.

"Hm?" Oppy asked, "Oh I- um..." He started and looked over at me for help. "I had a spark failure?" Optimus suggested.

"Oh really?" Megatron asked sarcastically, "Then why could I feel your emotions?" He asked.

Optimus blinked, "You can feel my emotions?"

"Yes and you're more serious than usual." Megatron said as Egg took Magnus out of Oppy's servos. Or my servos? He was using my frame.

"Well we were on a serious mission." I started.

"Shut up." Megatron snapped.

"You can't just-" I started.

He threw a punch-it was surprisingly easy to dodge. "Missed." I teased, the second hit me dead in the faceplate. It didn't even hurt! I'm immortal!

"I'm gonna-" Optimus started, probably starting to make threats, but remembering that's not something I do, "Get drunk." He nodded to himself.

"Oh sure you are." Megatron snarled.

"Visit Gold?" He suggested

"Oh yes! Little Gold! He needs company!" Egg said.

Meg raised a ridge in her direction. Egg just stroked Magnus (Her frame) in response.

"Give me her-" He started and reached for Magnus. I had never seen a chicken so terrified. Even if it was a SIC in a chicken's frame.

"SQUAWK!" Magnus shrieked in panic and jumped over to me. Seeking the comfort of Optimus, or his frame at least.

"Aw she likes me more than you." I teased, then Magnus remembered who I really was and attempted to get to Optimus.

He was intercepted by Meg. "Now I'm taking this bloody chicken to Gold." Meg grumbled.

"But-" Optimus started.

Megatron shot of, with a terrified chicken.

"Ah, he'll be fine." Egg grinned.

"Stop smiling, it looks so wrong." I said.

"We should get back to the Nemesis." Optimus said and squatted.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"My jetpack-" Then he realized the problem.

"You're gonna have to use my alt mode." I said, doing a cheerful wiggle.

"Don't do that."

I did another cheerful wiggle.

"Don't- arh." He gave up and transformed. "How do you fly?" He asked as he flopped to the floor.

"It's like pushing out a fart." I said, this worked for Meg, why not Op?

"What?" He asked, Egg had already started driving, commenting on the lovely navigator she now had (and the interesting video files Magnus downloaded).

"How do you use the jetpack?" I asked, then I found the throttle and shot up into the sky faster than expected. I left a scream in my wake.

It was a good motivator for Optimus, he was levelish with me in moments. "Don't kill me!" He started as his engines kept cutting out.

"Don't kill me!" I argued back, I got the hang of the jetpack fast and started to do barrel rolls.

"Can you try help me?!" Oppy asked in panic. He was all over the place.

"You're fine, oh, there's the Nemesis!" I said.

"How do I land?!" He shrieked.

"How do I land?!" I shrieked back.



I landed surprisingly smooth, Optimus however... He full on body slammed into the side of the hull (he transformed way to early). But it looked somewhat realistic. Egg arrived just as he started sliding down the hull.

"Ha!" And she begun to giggle.

"That hurt more than expected." Optimus mumbled as he finally reached the bottom.

"Yea, everything that happens to me, doesn't hurt!" I exclaimed.

"Same!" Egg said.

"I miss my frame." Optimus whined, I shot him a glare, "But then again-"

"My frame is great!" I argued.

Optimus cast me a glare.

"Maybe you-" I froze, "Oh shit."

"What?" Optimus asked.

"I now have a low high grade tolerance."

"How many cubes can I do?" He asked.

"You're safe with five." I muttered.

"How much uranium can I do?" Egg asked.

"Ask Shockwave?" I suggested. And she was gone.

"Uh, I think I'm going to recharge." Optimus said.

"And you call me lazy." I teased as we walked in.

"In that frame I'm not." He argued and walked off.

"Where are you going?" I asked, not following.


"My berthroom's that way." I said and pointed to the opposite direction.

"Fine, it's bigger after all." He grumbled and headed off. "Could you make sure Ultra Magnus is fine?" He asked.

"Sure." I said, and he was gone. I snorted, Ultra Magnus was fine. And this frame could totally handle some nightmare fuel!

I snuck off to Meg's berthroom, taking care not to slouch, that wasn't a primely thing to do. I got to his berthroom. The facial recognition wasn't working! Why- Ohhh. I paused, I'm stupid. But I knew the passcode!

I got in after two failed attempts, found the nightmare fuel and took a huge gulp. I felt it's effects instantly and fell to the floor, dazed. I managed to put the nightmare fuel back in the cupboard though.

Oh right! Optimus' frame has a low tolerance! Wow! This was weird!

Then the door opened and Meg walked in. "What-" He cut himself off as he spotted me on the floor- or in his veiw- Optimus. "Prime." He growled.

"Heeeeyyy." I whispered, trying really hard to stay in character- but I was drunk.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he tried to kick me up from the floor.

"Owwwwww." I whispered as I tried to get up by clawing up Meg's frame.

"What are you-"

"Trying to stand, hold on." Everything I said came out as a whisper. I successfully climbed up his frame and got into standing position. "Ok." I nodded, thinking. I gave him a hug, "Thanks."

"What is wrong with you?" Meg snarled.

I pointed, not so straight, at the cupboard of goodies.

Meg scowled, "Fragging lightweight. How did you even know-"

"I-" Then I reminded myself, "Quilly, told meh." I said as Meg struggled to drag me out. It was hard to drag someone when they were hugging you.

"Don't call him Quilly."

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