13:The other one

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I was just wondering the halls aimlessly, maybe I should get back to the Nemisis. I'm a Decepticon and I haven't even got the location of the Autobot base! Megatron might even be worried! And what of Knockout? He has no one to buff his finish!

My thoughts were interupted as Smokescreen came up to me. "Hey, just to let you know." He started. "Another Autobot came to Earth, chasing a Decepticon."

I raised my optic ridges, another Decepticon, in just two days. I nodded, "and I need to know why?"

Smokescreen vented as if it was obvious. "He's here."

"Ah," I said. "What are their designation's, the Autobot and con?" I asked.

"Wheeljack, he's a wrecker. And Dreadwing." He explained.

"Wow, you must really 'dread' him." I snickered, unable to hold back the pun.

Smokescreen rolled his optics, "this is why we're not best friends."

"Oh come on."

"Oh and I gotta tell him you're here." He added.


"Might be a bit alarming." He said.

"Exactly, I can scare the scrap out of him." I told him and he grinned.

"Alright, I'll keep my trap shut. But if you get decapitated... It's your fault." He said before he left and I was left alone. Oh well, might as well get some energon. I need a refill.

I strutted to the energon storage and grabbed a cube, I was about to leave but then I saw a hidden hatch. Well, not so hidden. A peak couldn't hurt, I looked around, there was no one near. I opened it and saw high grade. That's nice to know where that is. I resisted the urge to take some, it was still morning after all. I shut the hatch again.

I left the storage feeling satisfied with my find, nothing could get me in a bad mood now! I jinxed it- as the humans would say- as a ped collided with my face plates. It knocked me to the floor, I looked up.

Above me stood a Christmas colored Autobot, with long katanas in his servos.

"What in the pits are-" he started clearly still trying to get over the shock of seeing "Megatron".

"What are you?" I asked confused, he blinking in response. I rolled my optics, "I mean, are you a samurai, cowboy or ninja? I'm bloody confused." I said honestly.

"You hit your helm of something?"

"Well, if I did I wouldn't remember it, would I? Hold up, you kicked me!" I gasped.

He had enough, "enough of your mind games." He brought his Katanas forward, I got the gist of what he meant and scrambled to my peds.

"Hey, let's not jump to conclusions... Literally." I said hastily waving my servos. He jumped at me, I barely dodged before I turned and fled. He gave chase but not before letting out a confused, "huh?"

Scrap, scrap, scrap.

I need to find Optimus! Or anyone! Not Arcee though, she'd probably join in. I turned a corner, where the hell was I? I must've gotten lost in my still-in-progress escape. I felt as if his ped steps faded slightly, and I silently thanked my longer legs.

I turned again and quickly entered a room before my attacker came around the bend, I heard him run by. I let out a vent of relief, I lost him. I looked around the room, now my refuge, and noticed a frame sitting on a berth, holding a datapad.

I barely managed to suppress a shriek of surprised. I nervously chuckled, "ah, Optimus. This your berthroom?"

"Yes, may I ask-" he started before I cut him of.

"There's a savage ninja-cowboy-samurai wishing to gut me. You gotta help me pal." I said moving over to him and sitting beside him on the berth.

"I did not understand your statement."

I turned to look at him. "What part?"

"The first sentence." He clarified.

"Ah, all human concepts. I don't get them entirely but watching horror movies with Knockout helps." I said. "But what I meant is, that your peachy buddy is trying to maim me." I said, cracking a smile.

He nodded, "I told Smokescreen to tell you both of each other's presence."

I debated whether or not to tell him the truth. "Nope, he told me no such thing, must've slipped his processor." I clapped my servos together in summery. "It would be best if you explained." I suggested.

Optimus nodded, but was cut short when he got a call through his com. He paused before replying, "yes he is with me." He hung up and looked at me, "Ratchet has explained."

"Awesome, you're a life saver." I said and got up.

Optimus watched me before he too got up, setting the datapad on the berth. "I find it is Ratchet that saves the lives, he is the medic after all."

I chuckled, "figure of speech. You coming to the main room?"

He nodded, "yes, I need to have a talk with Smokescreen."

I resisted a snort as we walked to the main hall. Once we got there everyone turned to acknowledge us before continuing with what they where doing. Optimus pulled Smokescreen aside and the left to the hallways to walk and talk. While doing so Smokescreen cast me a confused look.

I felt a servo on my shoulder pad and looked at who it belonged to. It was the Christmas colored bot. "Hey, Quill." He said, nicknames already?

"Sorry, must've gotten of on the wrong ped. But hey I didn't know." He apologized.

"It's alright Jackie, it's Smokescreens fault." I said pushing the blame further into Smokescreen, he had it coming. He started a landslide on me after all.

"No hard feelings?"

"Nah, karma will catch up on you." I said patting him on the shoulder pad, "and I reckon it's overdue." I added. "Now don't mind me, I'm gonna get that energon cube I dropped."

I went back into the hallways just a Optimus can out with Smokescreen behind him, helm hanging. He saw me and turned to track me.

"What the hell was that for?" He exclaimed when we where further away from the main room.

"Huh?" I asked playing dumb.

"Optimus gave me a full on lecture, of how immature I was." He explained. "I even told him that it was your idea, and then he went into another lecture of how I went against my better judgement."

I smirked, "well you did." I pointed out as we walked in the storage room.

"What no-"

"You said it yourself, 'I went against my better judgement.'" I quoted him.

"I was quoting Optimus!" He complained.

I hummed and took a cube. Before I left Smokescreen he yelled after me. "I gotta mop the floors thanks to you!"

"Have fun!" I yelled back before disappearing from his view.

Thank you to those who have voted, it really encourages me!

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