78: Pranking the Warlord

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I flew over to the shipy, with the leg. Oh, this was going to be great! I made my way into the cloning chamber, after I got lost a bit. I looked around, how was I supposed to do this?

Then, I heard ped steps, I peeked around the corner stealthy but got a hard fist to the faceplate. I almost dropped the leg.

"Scrap, Megatron." I heard Arcee curse and Ultra Magnus went for another swing. I was so not in the mood for this, I whipped him with the leg in warning like a angry femme and he seemed to shocked and confused to do anything.

"Oh, apologizes." He said as I glared at him, Arcee looked down at the leg.

"How'd you manage that?" She asked.

"The same way I managed the other four." I told her.

Magnus blinked as if he only just noticed it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Last time I encountered the two alone they wanted to torture me for information.

"Tracking a signature, yours it seems. And You?" Maggie said.

"Preparing payback, are you the only ones here?" I asked, trying not to hiss.

"Bulkhead and Wheeljack too, we split up." Arcee said, "What payback?" She asked as Magnus contacted the others.

"Guilt tripping Megatron." I said.

"How?" Magnus chimed in.

"Fake my death." I said.

"Bit extreme." Magnus mumbled as he looked at some scans.

"For that to work, he'd have to care about you." Arcee said. We both glared at her and she seemed to rethink her comment, "Which in sure he does." She said bitterly and quickly left.

Magnus and I glanced at each other awkwardly. He broke the silence, "What's going on between you and Optimus?"

Well that's not what I was expecting. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He frowned, "Alpha Trion and I talk often and we are not blind."

I shrugged.

"He said you were in his berth room one night-"

"I had high grade!" I argued in defence.

"And there isn't a bit of truth behind it?" He crossed his arms.

"Okay, maybe I like him." I huffed.

Magnus made and expression saying, 'I knew it.' "Just 'like' him?" He asked.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Well, I'll leave to do, whatever it is you're doing." He said and turned to leave.

"You keep this to yourself!" I yelled after him.

"Yes yes." He muttered.

I think he took the others with him because no one else bothered me. So I got to work.

I actually found an instruction manual, so everything was a whole lot easier.

I got some of my energon into this tank thing and connected it to one of the clones. One was enough. Then I waited, not to patiently. It took it's damn time!

Then the details formed, I stopped the process once it was done. Don't want it to live, I examined the lifeless version of me, it had a perfect faceplate. Easy fix.

I decapitated it. Now for the plan. I kicked it's detached helm to the side. Then I looked back at it and put it in my chassis, might come in handy.

I dragged the helm-less corpse outside and some way away from the ship, so it was out of view.

I dropped it and stabbed it a few times to get the energon leaking. Then I stepped back. Perfect! Good stress relief, either I'm stabbing me or my brother.

Now for stage two.

I bundled up as much artificial fear as I could and released it through my spark-bond with Megatron (making sure Egg couldn't feel it). Then I added a little more.

"HELP!" I screamed through the spark-bond, I felt Megatron close it for a second and he opened it back up.

"What?" He asked vilely.

I sent more fake fear, "HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I screamed at him and hastily cut of the spark-bond. Then I quickly hid behind the a huge bush with a snicker.

I could feel worry from my brother but I didn't open the spark-bond.

Then a ground bridge podded up and Megatron strode through, he froze once he spotted my decapitated clone.

I felt a bunch of emotions from his as he stared at the helm-less frame.

Okay, so maybe this was a bit extreme.

He was a whirlwind of emotions but kept a numb faceplate. There was so much grief and regret! He started looking around for the helm, anger flaring while he did so.

I dunno if I'm going to come out, he'd probably kill me. He got closer to the bushes, a mixture of a snarl and hurt on his faceplate. Now or never.

"Surprise!" I jumped (with fake confidence) up and almost crashed into him.

Then he went into a temporary stasis lock...

I watched him fall to the floor in surprise.

To many emotions, maybe?

I poked him like the many times before. Nothing. Well, at least I know he loves me. He wouldn't have felt grief if he didn't.

Laserbeak said Megatron went to get you, what's taking so long? Egg asked.

Did a prank and now Megatron's in a stasis lock. I told her.

Huh? How? She asked.

Found clones and made it look like I was dead. I told her, she was silent.

You have a bad sense of humor. She said.

I realize that now. I told her and sat down on Megatron, Primus, he was out. I wonder if he's going to be mad or sad...

You'll be lucky if he lets you live, but you have to live, my chicks need a uncle. She said.

I'll do my best. I told her and Megatron shuffled. I froze, he would not like it if he woke up to see me sitting on me.

Maybe I can have a spark failure and he'll take pity on me.

He opened his optics and turned his helm to me, I should have gotten off when I had the chance.

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