193: "What's Tea?"

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I went straight to the washracks to wash off Zinc's wee widdle. Of course I ran into Ultra Magnus on the way there.

"The hallways are chock-full today eh?" I asked.

"Oh Primus I thought it was the other one." Elita started and I noticed Optimus was there too.


What is that on your servo?" Magnus asked, all disgusted.

"Chick piss-"

"Erggh." He shivered and scrambled further away.

"Why do you-" Elita-one started.

"Because a chick pissed on me." I said bitterly. I thought that was obvious.

"What chick did you piss off?" Magnus asked.

"'Piss off.'" I quoted, "I didn't know you like puns-"

"That's not what I-"

"Megatron scared him." I shrugged, "Gonna go wash this off-"

"Where is Megatron?" Optimus asked.

"With the chickens, giving them a lecture." I said.

"Not something I thought I'd hear." Elita mumbled.

"Bet." I said, "I'll ask Egg." Where yo at? I asked.

"Why Egg? Just ask Megatron." Optimus started.


Never mind. I told Egg. Where yo at? I asked Megatron.

Cells. He answered.

"Cells- wait why?" I asked. Why?

Scare tactic. Megatron grumbled.

Fair enough, though when Egg says stop you stop. I added.

Not like I'd want to go against her. He grumbled.

"Why are they-" Magnus started, a little concerned.

"Scare tactic." I nodded wisely. "Why are you looking for Meg?" I asked.

"Politics." Optimus grumbled.

"Worked well last time didn't it?" I asked sarcastically.

"When?" He asked.

"Before the war, cost you a friendship." I snorted while Optimus barely managed to suppress a scoff. "Come by for a social visit later will you?" I asked.

"Hmm? Alright." He said as he walked off.

What was I doing? I wondered as I stared off dreamily. Oh right, chick piss. I managed to get to the washracks without further interruptions and wash of the yuck.

We require pick up. Egg started not even fine minutes later. I started making my way to them.

Where there anymore accidents? I asked.

They require a bath too. Egg added.

Yay. I grumbled and picked up a mesh blanket on the way there, don't want to be soiled anymore than need be.

I passed the other three plus Megatron on the way there, they all looked like they were in a rotten mood. "Chicks?" I asked.

"Cell B." Megatron grumbled and that was that.

I found them as the door opened, the two of them huddled in the furthest corner while Gold smugly cuddled with Egg. Copper and Zinc saw me and let out pleads, obviously mistaking me for the other one. I threw the blanket on the slightly wet chicks and bundled them up. Their squawks sounded more confused now.

Egg looked less pissed now too, so that was good. She still expected me to carry here though, I popped her and Gold on my shoulder and we all left quietly.

We made it to the washracks without running into anyone and plopped the chicks into the sink.

"Peep?" They seemed confused untill I let some coolant run in.

"You're already wet, don't start complaining about being wetter." I grumbled as I got a wee dizzy and swayed. Egg glanced up at me, trying to seem indifferent. "Just dizzy." I mumbled as she somehow flapped up to the sink.

I'll clean them. She said and huffed some fire at the water, creating a hot bath. That was rather nice of her?

"You sure?" I asked.

Yes yes. She said and I left. Might as well go to the mess hall and get some energon. Once I got their I was surprised to see Magnus, Optimus (who looked awkward) and Mrs-Miss pink all having a drink. I stumbled over to them rather loudly.

"What now?" Optimus said rather foully.

"Jeeze okay-" I started and made to move away.

"Wait no-" He started and grabbed my arm to drag me down next to him. He looked a bit less awkward. "I thought you were Megatron." He explained.

"Ohhh, where did he go?" I asked, "I though political discussions were long and tedious?" I added.

"They are." Magnus started and slid me a cube (thanks? Is it poisoned?).

"Megatron was just-" Elita started then struggled to find the word.

"In a bad mood." Magnus started.

"Short and snippy." Elita added.

"Short tempered." Optimus finished, as he eyed the vent. I could see a little blinky recording light that looked like it belonged to Lazerbeak, it pulled back rather quickly once I raised a ridge.

"To be honest, chicks just crashed his ship." I muttered.

"How are they?" Elita asked.

"Bit shook, but Egg is cooling off." I nodded and took a sip.


"Oh! You guys used to court right?" I blurted out.

Magnus grimaced, barely suppressing a groan.

"Long time ago-" Optimus started, getting a little blue in the faceplate.

"Yes, very, very long ago." Elita added rather rushed, also going blue.

"Rough break up?" I asked.

"No no." Optimus shook his helm.

"Just fell out I guess." Elita added as Magnus excused himself.

"Fell out of the ship?" I asked.

Elita looked confused.

"No one was 'shipping' us." Optimus grumbled.


"Why are you complaining?" He shot back.

"I'm not! Just here for the tea."

"What's tea?" Elita asked.

"Human drink." Optimus said shortly, "There's none here-"

"Not the drink, the expression. I'm here for the gossip. Dah." I clarified.

"Oh Primus, another Rodimus." Elita groaned.

"Don't compare me to that aft spanker-" Optimus choked on his drink and went a little more blue. "Gee what are you so flustered about?" I asked.

Elita put down her drink and got up, "I'm off, Prowl needs to have a chat."

"Chat as in-"

"Chat- just chat." Elita snorted and left (albeit in a good mood).

I looked over to Optimus, "Aft spanker." I whispered at him and he went blue again. "Is this a kink?"

"What no-" Optimus started, albeit rather defensively.

"Hey, I'm not judging! I'd be open to it!"

"No that's not-"

"Come on."

"No, end of conversation." He started and crossed his arms all seriously. His exhaust stack then let of some steam that flew straight into my face. "You deserve that." Optimus snorted.

"Shush." I said and tried to slap him dispite my poor visibility.

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