61:Alternative Painkillers

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"Argh." I growned, "Optimus, carry me." I requested.

"You can walk." He said, I sat down.

"I'm gonna call Megatron." I told him and instantly, he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "Maybe not." I added.

They waked on, my pain slowly increased so I stiffly pulled out a cube of high grade. This can be used as painkiller, right? Smoke and Bee smirked at the sight.

I got to my third once Optimus noticed, he instantly confiscated it. "How many is this?" He asked.

"First." I lied, "Can I have it back?" I asked as Bee and Smoke kept a straight face, they were on my side!

Optimus hesitantly handed it back. Heh.

And then I snuck another three, it defiantly distracted me with the pain. That's for sure. And it made Optimus's plating look twice as good. Smoke and Bee were watching with anticipation.

I looked at the floor. "Optimus?" I asked.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What did you like about the floor?" I asked.


"When you had high grade, why did you like the floor?" I continued and Smokescreen snickered.

"I don't know." He said stiffly. "Why?"

"I wanna know why I liked the walls." I paused, "When I had high grade with Predaking." I explained.

"Perhaps, it is because you had high grade." He said.

"Is that why I fragged Predaking?" I asked and Optimus definitely stiffened.

"I wonder what form he was in." Bee whispered to Smoke.

"I didn't remember it." I added sadly and looked around. "When are we there?" I asked.

"Soon." Bumblebee said.

I huffed. "Optimus?"


"Can you walk that way?" I asked and pointed to the wall.

"That's a wall." He pointed out.

"I know."

"So why?" He asked.

"I want to hug it." I stated and he took me of his shoulders and down on the ground. He looked at me and narrowed his optics.

"How many cubes did you have?" He asked.

"Dunno, but they would know." I said and pointed at the other two, they both shrunk down as Optimus turned to them.

"You knew and did not stop him?" He asked them lowly. They both nodded timidly. Optimus looked at them but walked on, leaving them to follow, both looking down at their peds.

I tried to follow but immediately fell over. "Ow." I grunted and they glanced over.

Optimus helped me up, Primus bless him. "Can I have a hug?" I asked.

He definitely debated saying 'no' but then he gave me a small embrace.

This left me grinning widely and the other two trying not to laugh. "Your hugs are better than Megatron's." I stated and hopped after him, rather lopsided.

Finally we were bathed in sunlight, "Yay!" I exclaimed and skipped forward. "I'm gonna sit down. Everything hurts." I said and did so.

Optimus commed for a bridge then turned to me. "Will you be fine on your own?" He asked.

"Yup." I said and fell on my backstruts, now laying in the dirt.

Eventually they left and I felt so lonely. Megatron? I asked through the spark-bond.

Yes? I got back.

I'm lonely. I told him.

Did you get out of that cave? He asked.

Wait, how did he know? Yup. How did you know? I asked him.

I followed you and then saw the Autobots. He explained. Do you need a ground bridge? He asked.

Yup. And a form of transport. I added and soon a ground bridge opened with Megatron coming through.

"Hi." I said and looked up at him as e leaned over me. "Painkillers took a vacation." I said. "High grade helps though." I said in afterthought.

"You're intoxicated?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright, get up." He ordered and I tried but only fell into him. So I decided to give him a hug, he let out a sigh and picked me up.



I fell into recharge.



Then I woke up in the medbay, Starscream was there with Knockout. I checked my internal clock, it was morning so I slept through the night.

"I don't understand why Megatron keeps him around. He's useless." Starscream grumbled and gestured to me, he must still think I'm asleep.

"He's his brother." KO pointed out.

"Yea, what's your excuse?" I tuned in and they both jumped, Starscream leaving not soon after. "He's just jealous." I crossed my arms in a huff.

Knockout strolled over with a scanner, "Yup." He said. "You need some more Magnesium." He said and took some molten liquid and injected it into me.

I hissed, "It's hot!" I complained.

"If it were cold, it would be solid." He said. "Would you prefer a chunk of metal clogging your tubes?" He asked.

I shook my helm.

"That's what I thought." He smirked.

"Couldn't you turn it into gas or something?" I asked.

"Then it would be unstable." He shrugged and Breakdown walked in.

"Hello." He greeted us both and I gave him a sleepy wave. "So, I heard you got stuck in a cave." He stated.

"Not really, there was always an exit." I told him and got up, Knockout glared at me.

"Slow movement." He growled and let me leave. I walked down the hallways and came across Soundwave, I though he would walk straight past but instead he blocked my path.

"What's up Sound?" I asked.

He displayed a video on his visor, it was in Skockwave's lab. I watched, in the video I entered and grabbed a CyberChicken. Oh scrap.

"That's not me." I lied, "That's Megatron." I added.

He zoomed in on my optics and arm. "Okay, maybe that is me." I admitted. He glared at me to go on. "I couldn't leave her there." I told him. "And I'm not giving her up, we are symbiotes. Just like you and Laserbeak." I crossed my arms.

That seemed to do it, Soundwave nodded. Then he played a recording.

"'Find the CyberChicken.'" It was Shockwave's voice.

"Did you tell him that I took her?" I asked and he gave a small shake of his helm. "Please don't tell anyone." I pleaded and he nodded.

I grinned, "Do you wanna meet her?" I asked and he nodded.

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