80: Social Butterfly

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We barley got any sleep. Soundwave let Laserbeak stay in my berthroon, he went off to his own. I think Laserbeak was trying to get him to pick him up.

Soundwave was probably saying something along the line of, "They're your responsibility, you got yourself in this mess."

I mean, I can see why Laserbeak would want to get out.

Egg and I watched the devils jump up and down on him, with no end in sight.

Five minutes later, they fell over due to exhaustion. They are so cute! Egg giggled as they all snoozed on Laserbeak. For some reason, she slapped Lazerbeak with her wing. They're perfect, birdbrain, and you agreed to this. She snapped as she squawked.

Laserbeak chirped and got out a tentacle and creepily stroked Zinc.

"They talk yet?" I asked.

Not well. Egg said.

"Can Laserbeak understand them?" I asked.

Yup, you just don't have our language integrated in your translator, Soundwave does. She added.

"Wait, so everything you say, Soundwave can understand?" I whispered, realizing that we were talking rather loud.

Yup, I found that out after I trash talked him, I got some colourful squawks back. She told me and snuggled up next to Laserbeak.

"So, how could I get that integrated?"

Just ask Knockout to program Bird speech in your translator. She said and closed her optics.  I'm going to get some rest, 'night. She said.

I checked my internal clock and found that it was indeed night. "Goodnight." I said and left to find Knockout.

I made my way to the Medbay, he wasn't there. So I checked his berthroom Nope. One place left I guess.

I made my way to Breakdown's berthroom, I heard grunting from inside. So I threw the door opened and watched them fall of the berth, they looked up at me in panic.

"Going well?" I asked, "Or hard?" I added.

"What do you want?" Knockout huffed and got up while Breakdown awkwardly stood there.

"I want you to integrate bird speech into my translator." I told him, he blinked.

"Why?" Breakdown asked for him.

"Because I want it." I told him.

"What he means is, what reason do you have for it?" Knockout snickered.

"Fun." I said. They both looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate. "Soundwave squawked at me and I want to know what he said." I lied.

"Ah, well, if you're anything like Megatron, which you are. Then your translator will not be compatible with it." He said. So Megatron already tried to get bird speech programmed? How else would KO know?

"Huh?" Breakdown and I asked.

"It wont work, your translator isn't as flexible as Soundwave's." He said, "Anything else?" He asked.

"No." I said and kicked his door before leaving. That was a disappointment. What should I do now? Maybe I should visit Dreadwing, haven't seen him in a while.

I headed to his berthroom, and since I have some respect for him, I knocked on the door. He took his time to answer, "My lord." He greeted, straightening up a bit.

"Nope." I said.

He raised a ridge, "When did you get your faceplate fixed... Sort of fixed." He corrected.

"Awhile ago." I said, "So, what were you up to?" I asked and peeked in.

"I was reading." He said, confused. "What can I help you with?" He asked.

"Oh, I came for a social visit." I told him, "Wanna go for a fly?" I asked.

"It's rather late."

"Nope, plenty of thing we could do, besides, it would build up team spirit." I told him.

"Sure, I'll just get ready." He said.

"Ok, I'll get Predaking to join." I told him, he paused. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't really been comfortable around him since the death of the Predacon clone's deaths." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, with the whole plan-" He cut himself off. "You don't know, do you?" He asked.

"About what?" I asked.

"Exactly how the clones died." He narrowed his optics.

"The Wreckers killed them." I said, was there more to this?

Dreadwing blinked, "Yup, sounds 'bout right, I'll see you on the landing deck." He said and headed back in his berthroom.

Well that was weird, I shrugged it off and strutted up to the landing deck. Predaking was recharging.

So I sat down next to him until he realized. I stared at him. Apparently you can feel someone's gaze on you.

I waited, but the I got bored so I shrieked into his audio receptors. He jumped and got into fighting stance, wings flaring.

"Wow, I got you good." I clapped my servos as his wings dropped at the sight of me. He huffed and transformed.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Wanted to ask, do you want to go for a fly with me and Dreadwing?" I asked.

He blinked, most likely surprised that it wasn't a sexual request. "It's a bit late for that." He said.

"Have you ever played flashlight tag?" I asked him, he shook his helm as Dreadwing came up. I repeated the question to him. He shook his helm.

I sighed, "Do you guys know what tag is?" This time they nodded, "So it's basically that, just it's played in the dark and you tag someone by shining the light on them." I told them. "Do you guys have built in lights?" I asked.

"Yes." Dreadwing said and we both turned to Predaking.

"This game is very much to my disadvantage." Predaking said, referring to size.

"Your wingbeats are quieter that our engines." Dreadwing pointed out.

He nodded, "I have a light." He said slowly.

"Great! Lets not go to far from the Nemesis." I said. "And Predaking will be 'it' first." I turned to him, "Count to twenty." I told him and took off. Primus, I should have told him to disable his audio receptors.

Dreadwing followed me. "Together, we are twice as loud." I told him.

"My engine is actually quieter, so if I split off, he'd follow you." He said in a matter-of-fact.

So, my friends only stay around to profit off me. Yay.

Then we spotted a large mass moving toward us. A light coming from it's centre, we barley avoided the flame.

I should have clarified what kind of light!

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