70:Part 2: A Prejudiced Adventure

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For some reason, I thought this was a good idea.

I nodded and added a cowboy hat onto my avatar.

"What's that?" Megatron asked as he slowly drove closer, using some bushes as cover. A military base was no problem for someone with thousands of war-time experience.

"My disguise." I grinned. Then I got a message from Egg.

Your emotions were a roller coaster again. She said and awaited a response.

I introduced Megatron to human stuff, he hotwired a car. He looked so happy. I said happily.

That explains it. What are you up to now? She asked.

We're about to break into a military base and hijack a tank.

Nice, call me once you got it, Ratchet wants my attention. She said gleefully.

What was Ratchet up to?

"There." Megatron huffed, "There are some grenades in the back-"

I looked back and sure enough, the previous owner kept grenades in the backseat.

"-I want you to throw these." He nodded at the military base, a wire fence encircled it, the tank was rather close, in the open. It's like they're just asking for it.

"Er..." I didn't want to do something Optimus would disapprove of.

Megatron looked at me then brought a hand to his head. "Oh, how silly of me." He joked, "You can't aim." He said and reached back for a grenade.

He brought the window of the car down (which he didn't have to do as there was a big hole in the windshield), pulled the pin and tossed the grenade.


We hastily got out of the car and ran for the tank.

Humans where already approaching, pulling out guns and alarms were flaring.

We climbed onto it and popped the lid up, got in and closed the lid. "You know how to drive this?" I asked.

"I don't have to." Megatron snickered and got to work, I looked out the weird eye thing to see out side.

"You gotta turn around." I told him, he did, the humans kept shooting. We made it on the street and we had a hard time steering it, but Megatron was grinning. He was so happy, even in the spark-bond.

We got it, got a bunch of humans yelling at us. I told Egg.

Yea, Fowler is pissed. 'Same human that abducted Optimus' alt apparently. Egg snickered.

I frowned in panic. Does Optimus know about this? I asked.

No, would probably be best if he didn't, I'll cover you. She said.

Thanks. I said and got back to navigating us.

"Why'd you panic?" Megatron asked.

He felt that? Of course he did, I mentally facepalmed. "No reason." I lied, "3 o'clock." I said and he turned onto a new road. "Now hit it!" I giggled and we speed off. We hit a possum.

I turned the scope around to see if the humans were still following us. Yup, and they were pointing a bazooka straight at us.

"Oh scrap." I mumbled as they shot.

"Huh?" Megatron asked as it hit us and scrambled us inside the tank. It would have killed a regular human.

The tank wasn't working so we just sat there awkwardly staring at the other as the humans tried to pry the lid off.

"Best pretend that we are humans." I told Megatron and he nodded in agreement.

Once they did, they looked awfully surprised to see us, alive.

"Hands where we can see them!" One demanded, Megatron looked over to me and smirked, raising his hands. They roughly dragged us out of the tank and held our hands behind our backs.

The stuffed us in the car and drove to the base without a word. Once we got there, they dumped us in a room and cuffed us both to a table.

"Oh, dear, what would we do?" Megatron sneered sarcastically as another human came in.

Agent Fowler.

Megatron new who it was instantly, he glared.

Fowler was glaring at me, I mean, I 'stole' Optimus before. He slapped a file onto the desk and slid it to me. I skimmed over it but Megatron read it thoroughly. He totally knew that it was Optimus. He was a little pissed through the spark-bond.

"Names?" Fowler growled.

"M-" My brother started.

"Megan!" I interrupted, "His name is Megan and mine is Quintus." I lied quickly.

"That's a feminine name." Fowler said and looked over to my brother.

Megatron glared at me.

"He acts like it." I snickered.


He almost slapped me across the head, I swear.

"You-" Fowler gestured to me. "Are going to be moved to another military base. While you-" He glared at 'Megan'. "Are going straight to prison."

Fowler looked at us and awaited our reactions.

We tried to keep a straight face for as long as we could but eventually ended up laughing our asses off.

Fowler was so pissed, he left the room.

"I can't believe..." Megatron caught his breath. "That he thinks, that for a moment, we will let him." He wheezed as we discretely 'slipped' our hands out of the cuffs.

"Heh, We can't just-you know-" I nodded at the camera and moved under it. Megatron did the same.

We disabled our holoforms together. I transformed out of my alt and so did Megatron.

"That was exhilarating!" He grinned. "We should do this more often."

I grinned, as long as he was happy, I was happy. "So you have fun?" I asked, what a stupid question.


"Good." I grinned and finally relaxed.

How to get out of trouble:
1- Have a spark failure or pretend to have one.
2- Let Megatron commit human crimes.

I'm making a list! I didn't expect to get past one!

I gotta make one for Optimus.

"Yes?" Megatron brought me out of my thoughts, he was on a call. He ended it quickly. "I need to get back." He said, still smiling slightly.

"Ok-" I started as he transformed and took off. I watched untill he was out of the view.

Might as well go back too. I transformed and flew off.

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