91: The talk

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Above is a little drawing I did of Egg, if anyone wanted a reference.



Egg started fussing over him before she started lecturing him.

Soundwave and I watched and snuck a glance over to Predaking every now and then. He was tossing and catching Copper, who seemed to be enjoying himself.

Egg hadn't noticed, but the vibe Laserbeak was giving off wasn't a positive one. I elbowed him in the side as he caught Copper. "Better stop that before Egg notices." I warned lowly.

He nodded and sat the little chick down, who then pecked irritably at his ped.

"Eh?" Predaking asked as he lifted his ped up, then put it back down with a thump. "Yes." He said and I realized he was on a com.

"What's going on?" I asked as Soundwave left with Laserbeak, without a word, as always.

"Autobots are invading a mine." Predaking said briefly before, he too, left.

I looked over to Egg and spotted her comparing cards. Oh, shucks! I would have won! She cursed as the chicks gathered up on my berth. So, how'd it go with Op? She asked with a grin.

"Ah." How do I explain?

How about you start with: Why do you smelt of trans fluid? She giggled and squatted down next to the chicks, they were listening intently.

"Oh, yea, we fragged." I nodded than paused, "Aren't they a little young?" I asked Egg as I nodded to the chicks.

Just a bit. Carry on. Egg edged on.

I opened my intake but was interrupted by Gold. Egg blinked before turning to me, Gold wants to know what fragging is.

"Oh, right, always wanted to explained this to a young one." I clapped my servos together.

Egg looked like she regretted this decision already. Was she expecting a live performance or something? I turned to the chicks and knelt down dramatically. "So when two bots love each other very much-"

So you love Optimus? Egg interrupted.

"Yea, we're courting." I told and her beak dropped. "Anyways, When two bots love each other very much," I repeated. "They take out their valve or spike, gotta be different otherwise the puzzle doesn't fit, and do this-" I brought up my servos, made a ring with my left digits and took my right index and slid in through the loop.

The chicks looked horrified, not Gold, he was inspecting himself. Then he peeped another question.

Ah... Egg started, Nice to know you love me, but that would be incest. She explained and looked back at me. And how did that go?

"Good, and now we are in a serious relationship... Which you can't tell anyone because Meg's would have my helm!" I stomped my ped, mainly for the chicks.

They nodded loyally.

And, as if summoned, a knock came from the door. I waved the CyberChickens off and they hastily scrambled to their hidden nest. I took my time getting to the door.

"Yup?" I asked as I spotted Meg. With the lovely make-up.

"See what I did there?" He asked as he stepped inside.


"I knocked, on the door. I hope you learned something from that." He muttered before his optics fell upon my room. He blinked, "What happened?" He asked, seemingly pissed that his beautiful ship had one messed up room.

"Predaking." I said, he better not notice the chicks ped prints.

He noticed them, "Lie." He called out. "Shockwave had a CyberChicken." He started.

"Why?" I tried.

"It could breathe fire." He went on and faced me, "You've been harbouring it." He said blandly.


Stand you're ground, you've got an army. Egg instructed.

"Nope." I said and stood up straight.

Good. Egg encouraged.

"But if I did-"

Megs raised a ridge and I swear I heard Egg bury her faceplate in her wings.

"-What would you do?" I continued.

He got closer to the Egg's flappy door. "Take it back to Shockwave."

"And what would he do?"

"He was just testing genetic structure So, mutate it more." He shrugged as his ped brushed against the little door, moving it slightly.

Ah shit. Egg cursed as the chicks gave a panicked squeak.

Megs looked down before looking back at me. "Not harbouring them?" He asked as he crouched down and stuck his faceplate in. He emerged with scorched optic ridges as Egg gave an angry squawk.

I would have been laughing if it weren't so serious. Then he threw a servo in and wrenched her out, gripping her firmly by the neck. Her wheezing greatly triggered me.

I transformed my gun and aimed it at him. "Drop her." I hissed as I threw a quick glance to the hatch, the chicks had stayed put.

"Now really." Megatron glowered, "You don't have the bearings."

I lowered my gun slightly, aimed right at his precious bits, "You won't have any soon."

Megatron considered this for a moment before loosening his grip around her, but that didn't stop her from clawing at him.

"Down." I demanded.

He rolled his optics and gently set her down. Egg wobbled over to me still venting heavily. I lowered my gun and replaced it with my servos, Megatron kept a blank expression.

Did he see the chicks? I asked her as I kept a steady gaze on my brother.

At that point the chicks burst out and raced past Megatron to get to their carrier.

Megatron did nothing more than hum in amusement before he walked for the door, he paused. "I won't tell Shockwave, as long as you keep their eggs out of my berthroom." He said then disappeared.

I shut the door and looked back to Egg, she had flopped over her and fell flat on the floor with a huff. He's fragging scary. She panted, as I got closer I could her hear spark vibrate steadily.

We spent the rest of the day hugging and cuddling to calm each other down.

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