205: Negative Processor cells

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"Sup Egg." I started and Magnus wondered off with Bee. She somehow had a bed-head, no clue how.

"Brrr." She started grumpily.

"He fled." Optimus clarified and tried handing her the leads, "Oh right, no servos." He added as she gave him a 'are you kidding' look.

"Need help looking for the chickies?" I asked, she let out a huff and I took that for a yes. "Alrighty, any clue where they went?"

"Probably somewhere far away to have fun." Optimus tried.

No, they know they'll get in more trouble if they leave the ship unattended. Egg told me and clucked aloud at the same time.

"Maybe Megatron knows, they like him, or the predacons?" Optimus asked as Darksteel appeared beside him.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"Have you seen the chicks?" I asked.

"Chicks? Chicky chicks, chick-chick-chick-"

"Have you seen them?" Optimus asked.

"No." He let of quickly before running away giggling.

We all stared after him for a bit. "Okay, I'll ask Meg." I said, Yo, have you seen the chicks? I asked.

No. He said after an unusually long silence.

"Hes with them but doesn't want us there." I translated.

Did he say that? Egg asked

"No, he just said he hadn't seen them."

"Then he's either covering for them or doing something he shouldn't be doing." Optimus nodded wisely.

"Lets check his berthroom." I said and we all headed there slowly.

You know we could have already been there if you just carried me. Said the slowest in the group.

"Nah, it's good fitness." I said and got my pede singed in the process. "Bah, fine!" I said and picked her up. Great, now I'm rewarding bad behaviour.

We got to his door eventually and we didn't bother knocking. "So-" I started as I peeked my helm in.

Inside was a half-full bucket of blue paint and a clumsily painted pentagram with Megatron in the middle.

"Erm." Optimus started as I noticed the chunk of energon on his helm and the chanting chicks.

"They needed a sacrifice." Megatron let out slowly (and annoyed) as the chicks paused their chants.

Dark magic. Egg let out slowly.

"Don't tell me you're a religious chicken." I grumbled as she jumped of me and started squawking.

"Egg, I'm sure its all in good fun." Optimus started as I dug through Megatron's cabinets while everyone was distracted.

Meanwhile, Megatron finally felt safe enough to remove the chunk of dark energon from his helm, "Get out of my-"

"That's what she said." Optimus muttered impulsively.

"Cabinet, I was going to say cabinet." Megatron grumbled, annoyed he was now dealing with an additional two idiots.

"I forgot to ask, how does it taste?" I asked and grabbed the chunk of energon he was holding.

"Bitter." He said as I took a bite. It hurt my denta but I managed to swallow a small shard.

"Why did you-" Optimus started, "Might as well start eating rocks at this point." He grumbled as he helped put on the leads on the dejected chicks.

"Hurk, why do you eat this?" I asked appalled.

"I'm cutting back on it- You're shaking." He said blandly.

"Yes, it tastes terrible!" I said before half-heartedly dying.



I woke up in the medbay. Always a good sign, it means someone cares. "My denta are itchy." I said to no one in particular, it was itchier when I talked. Then someone shoved a fist in my mouth. "Erm?"

"Might as well check for decay then no?" Knockout asked rhetorically.

"You could have asked." Alpha Trion stated as Ratchet led him out.

"Mh hm, Bye." He grumbled. "What were you thinking?" Ratchet asked me as Trion left.

"Yummy?" I said and groaned at the itch.

"Denta are fine, probably nerves misfiring, happens after seizures." He explained, "hey at least you purged the dark energon from your systems!" Knockout said.

"I did?" I asked and winced again.

"Yep, got all over the floor from what I heard." Ratchet grumbled. Well that would explain the taste in my intake.

"Did Optimus see?" I asked worried for my own dignity.

"He went to clean up the chicks. So yes, very likely." Ratchet grumbled. "Also bad news." He said.

I raised a ridge challengingly.

"We've just found that your tank lining has been worn thin over time, from hard energons. Like high grade but probably also from poorly filtered energon. So you'll be put on a med-grade diet for the time being." He said and after some dumbstruck blinks from me, he added. "No high grade until it regenerates.

"What?" I shrieked, "Ow my denta- No high grade, for how long!?"

"A vorn at least." Knockout said as I blinked dumbly again. "83 years."

"83-" I gulped, "What if I do..."

"Your tank can leak, you'll be incontinent." Knockout said.

"And it'll be painful." Ratchet added, as if that first part wasn't a strong enough deterrent.

"I wanna cry." I said as I flopped back down.

"Do it quietly." Ratchet grumbled.

"Can't you just replace it?"

"With what? Where are we going to find a spare tank." Ratchet asked and I looked over at Knockout. "Why are you looking at him-"

"You were an organ dealer right-"

"Lets not throw that term around so loosely." Knockout cringed, "Ultra Magnus is kinda strict."

"Why do you have a medical license." Ratchet asked but not really.

"I don't?" He said, "I don't have any tanks sorry."

"Well there'll be plenty of bodies laying around, just harvest them!" I argued, ignoring my itchy denta, just as Optimus and Megatron walked in.

"Well that's a sure way to get life threatening diseases." Knockout chuckled. "Mind, there was this one time where I took a filter from a 3 month dead mech and put it in a autoboot prisoners systems... Hehe..." Knockout rambled, and based of Ratchet expression, that would have been a painful experience.

"Have you told him he can't have high grade yet?" Megatron asked, looked me dead in the optic, and took a swing from what I could assume was that very substance.

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