169: SCRAP it LETS go

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After about an hour listening to both of them whine, their vision finally returned.

"Wait, where's Soundwave?" Megatron asked.

"He left with Ratchet and Alpha Trion." I said.

"When?" Optimus asked and squinted, "Still a little blurry." He added.

"When they figured you won't stop arguing." I snickered and patted Egg, "What's this thing I'm holding?" I asked

"Egg." Megatron started.

"No, it's a chicken. You failed, sit down." I smirked.

"I meant Egg the Chicken!" Megatron protested as I turned to Optimus.

"What do bees make?" I asked.

"What does that have to do with Optic tests?" Megatron started.


"Oh! You have a pet name for me?" I teased.

Oh my, you're so quirky. Egg let out while Megatron growled.

"Did you hear that?" Optimus asked and looked around.

"Yea, sounds like you're loosing your sanity." Megatron grumbled.

"At least I have not already lost it." Optimus shot back as he stood up. "I am going to go look outside-"

"I'm coming." I started.

"Pick me up." Egg demanded and I did so. We left, with Megatron following, because why not? He doesn't have any friends.

"Okay, did any of you hear that?" Optimus asked.

"No-" I started but was cut off by Optimus' blaster fire. "What are you-"

"SCRAPLET!" He shrieked.

"Okay, stop shooting- you hit it!" I shouted over his shooting. He stopped to look at it's charred frame.

What is that? Egg asked.

"A Scraplet, what's left of one- where's Megatron?" I asked, he just disappeared.

I've never seen him sprint so fast. Egg started.

"He ran?" I asked.

He sprinted. Egg corrected.

"From a Scraplet?" I asked.

Hey, don't ask me, I don't even know why he started shooting. Egg grumbled.

"I dunno, it would take at least fifty of them to-" I started but Optimus was frantic, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong? What's wrong! This is a crisis!" Optimus shrieked and tried to compose himself.

What are Scraplets? Egg asked.

"They're like mosquitoes." I said.

"Mosquitoes? They eat Metal!" Optimus yammered.

"Well, they don't suck energon-"

What's the problem? It's dead.

"Where there's one, there are thousands!" Optimus started, wow, so dramatic.

Egg thought on that for a bit. Fuck it, put me in you chassis, we must find my chicks.

"Oh wow." I started and put her in, "A edible shield." I noted, "What a great protective spot." I yammered.

It'll buy me time. Egg grumbled.

"Come on." I started to pull along Optimus but he stood rooted to the spot. "What?"

"We need to go-"

"Without the chicks?" I asked and he finally followed. We eventually found the chicks with Ratchet, "They're alive!" I started.

"Well, they don't even count for a snack." Optimus grumbled.

"A what?" Ratchet asked as I basically swallowed the chicks with my chassis.

"A snack." I repeated.


"There are Scraplets-"

"There's a Scraplet. We only saw one, and it's dead." I corrected.

"A dead Scraplet is nothing to be worried about." Ratchet grumbled as the chickens squawked.

"It was not dead when we found it." Optimus started, Ratchet blinked. "Let the others know." He added and he waddled away, waddle waddle.

"Oh no you don't-" Ratchet started and stuck to his side. "I'm not dealing with this for a second time." He added.

"I'm coming too- Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere safe, and if the Scraplet came from Cybertron, it won't be Cybertron." Ratchet said, always the voice of logic that one.

"Hey, since they're bugs, maybe Airachnid can control them." I started.

"It doesn't work like that." Ratchet said as they came across Megatron surrounded by the Predacons.

"Eh Megs! Thought you pulled a runner." I said.

He did. Egg squawked.

"It was a tactical retreat." Meg said.

"They go for the big ones first." I started. "Scraplets." I added under the Predacons confused stared, only Predaking looked alarmed.

"Sacrificing soldiers, it's what he does best." Ratchet grumbled.

Megatron scoffed, "Scraplets and fire don't mix well." He said, "Where are the chicks?" He asked.

"Safe." I grumbled.

"Hmpf, fine, go and hide." Megatron grumbled and Optimus waddled away.

Then the alarms went off and he waddled faster. "Where are we going?" I asked as Ratchet followed. "Lets just sit in our berthrooms-"

"Yup." Optimus and Ratchet agreed and we were in Optimus' berthroom soon enough.

"So we're just going to sit here?" Ratchet asked as I let the chickens out.

"Yes?" I started, "We have chickens to protect us." I said and suddenly there was scratching on the door. We all froze.

Then the scratching turned into beeps and Optimus opened to door. It was Bee.

"There's Scraplets!" He started.

"We know." Optimus said and closed the door, at least he gained some composure.

"They got me!" Bee started and showed off some bites and Wheeljack forced his way in.

"There's not enough room." Ratchet started and pushed him out.

"Come on sunshine-" He started as Bulkhead and Magnus peaked their helms in.

"Hide in my berthroom." I said, "It's next door." I added and they did so. We locked our door, or the ship went into lockdown, either way, we were locked in. "So now we wait-" I started and Optimus grabbed me. "What-"

"Oh, don't be such a sparkling." Ratchet grumbled as Optimus clutched me as if I were a teddy bear.

"I am not-"

"Are you scared?" I asked.

He let out a little sniffle, "No." He lied as Bee also cuddled into him.

"Aw, sweetspark-"

"Argh." Ratchet started and I shot him a glare, "If I knew you had pet names I would have taken the other berthroom." He grumbled.

"Hey fuzzle muffin-" I started purely to annoy him but Optimus covered Bee's audial receptors and I figured I should stop.

You know what would be a good idea? Egg asked.

"No?" I asked.

A story! She said and I got out Orion's diary.

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