182: Going Places

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"So how is this going to work?" Optimus asked and basically clapped his servos out of excitement.

"I'll open a rift-"

"Hold on-" Ratchet started, "He's a sparkling-"

"Not for much longer!" Optimus started and gave a little giddy jump, Ratchet seemed horrified at his behaviour. "Rift?"

"Stand in the chamber." Shockwave instructed and pointed at the corner, at a chamber.

"Erm." Optimus started, he would totally break his peds if he jumped down from the table. "Help?" He asked and I put him back down again. "Thanks." He said and waddled over to the chamber, stepped in and waited.

"I'll activate it, you need to stay still." Shockwave said.

"Hold on, I want to check over-" Ratchet protested but Optimus closed the door.

"I can't hear youuuu." He teased as he closed it.

And Shockwave was a master science aswell of ignoring bots, so he flicked a switch and the chamber filled with pink mist. When the doors opened the smoke flowed out.

"Well that was fast." I muttered and hoped Optimus didn't come out with two helms. Though as he walked out his figure became apparent. He was normal again!

"Oh thank Primus." He mumbled.

"How did you even-" Ratchet started.

"He tried to help the chicken steal uranium." Shockwave clarified.

"You look normal-" I walked a circle around him, "-Ish."


I stared through the hole in his back, I could see a Cybertron's surface through it. I poked my servo in, then my arm, it went through.

"How are you doing that?" Ratchet asked, noticing my arm had vanished into Optimus' back and wasn't coming out the other side.

Then I tried sticking my helm in too and I got stuck. "Help?" I asked as I looked around, yup, definitely a portal to Cybertron.

"What are you doing?" Optimus asked and his voice was rather muffled, he turned around and my legs stumbled around.

"This is so weird." I said as someone pulled me out.

"What is?"

"Lets not panic-" Ratchet started as Shockwave wondered over, he let out a 'hmm'.


"You have a portal in your back, Egg could fit through-"

"Portal?" He asked and tried turning around to see it.

"Yea watch." I said and he stilled, glancing over his shoulder. I punched the portal and got stuck again.

"Huruk!?" Optimus yelped and jumped forward, trying to get me unstuck. He only yanked me with him and let out a scared shiver. "Get out!"

"I'm trying!" I argued and tried to wiggle it out, then yank it, that worked. "I'm free!" I shrieked as Ratchet walked up with a mirror and angled it so Optimus could see.


"I'll get Egg so we can see where it ends up-" I started.

"Cybertron's surface it looks like." Ratchet grumbled.

"And where on Cybertron!" I added. Egg, where are you at?

I'm a little busy right now, I need to concentrate. She said.

With what? I need you to explore a portal that appeared in Optimus. I explained.

Mate, I'm doing parkour over lava right now (chicks are with Laserbeak), a portal sounds cool though. She said and I didn't get anything back.

"Egg is indisposed-"

"Did you tell her-" Optimus started.

"She's busy doing parkour over lava." I said and got the great idea to stick my lower body in the portal. I managed to get both my legs through but my hips couldn't pass through. I slung my arms around Optimus' neck (which made it look like he was giving me a piggy back) and tried to get out.

"Get out!" Optimus started, "And parkour over lava-"

"I'm stuck and I have no idea." I said and gave up trying to get out. Then I felt something touch my legs. "SCREEEEE-"

"What?" Ratchet asked.

"SOMETHING TOUCHED MY LEGS!" I screamed and started kicking out through the portal and ended up hitting something solid, "Screeee-"

"Calm down!" Ratchet started, "We can fix this." He said and looked over at Shockwave who was just watching silently, "For starters, we can pull you out."

"The touching stopped." I said as I kicked around a little more, "I'm in you." I giggled gleefully as Shockwave tried to pull me out.

"No, you are stuck." He concluded.

"What?" Optimus started, a little more panicked than expected.

"But I could make a mass displacer." He added.

"How long would that take?" Optimus asked as I flicked his audial.

"A few hours, and I'll be able to reverse the portal." Shockwave added as Optimus sagged in relief, "However I suggest you do not travel far." He added, "I do not think it wise to travel through space and time while traveling through space in time in a second plane-"

"What?" I asked while Ratchet and Optimus nodded in agreement, "Ohhh, right." I nodded, seeming smart although I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I'll look over your frame Optimus, to make sure everything else is normal." Ratchet said and gestured to a stool.

Optimus walked over to the stool in the corner, while carting me around.

"I am not going to sit on you, am I?" He asked.

"Nah." I said as he sat down, " But now you've sandwiched me between a wall and yourself." I added.


"It's fine." I said and continued to flick his audials.

Then Megatron walked in, he walked straight at Shockwave. "Shockwave." He started.

"Yes my Lord?"

"Starscream has come across something of an oddity I hoped you could explain." Megatron went on.


"There's a pair of legs kicking around just above the surface of Cybertron."

"Do they by chance look like your legs?"

"Yes-" Megatron started and Shockwave just pointed at me, between the wall and Optimus, "What did you do?" He said and then started a full circle around me and Optimus to get a better look. "Primus! What did you do?" He said again, with more urgency this time.

"He stuck his legs in a portal in my back." Optimus explained.

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