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I have no idea how, but I missed alot. Either I wasn't paying attention or they completely forgot about me. The halls were empty when I walked around. I learnt through a Vehicon that they all went to Cybertron. Without me!

Something about the Omega lock, the ship was now flying to a tower. Steve said it was to be called Darkmount. Doom and gloom, yay!

To be honest I was pissed, was I not important enough to go on missions? I need to clear my helm, where was the high grade? I swear Soundwave personally saw to it that it was hidden.

So I begun searching, not in the storage, I knew that. Way to obvious. So I begun looking everywhere, even places that I was not fimillar with. That path soon led me to the cells.

Amora's form was hanging from cuffs, I tried to slip away before she noticed.

"And where are you going?" I stopped in my tracks as her voice hit my audio receptors.

"Somewhere important." I grumbled in irritation, nothing's going my way today.

"And where would that be?" She hissed.

"Anywhere else." I said and hastily left.

Soundwave must have a cruel sense of humor, I couldn't find it anywhere. I decided to check the energon storage, the only place I hadn't looked. And guess what, it was there. He must've thought I wouldn't check there because it was too obvious.

Or he didn't hide it at all, but for now... Let's begin. I stuffed many cubes of high grade into my subspace before I began consuming.

I had waaaaaaayyyy to much! As I made my way down the halls I stumbled every step and the swaying didn't help. But I didn't use the walls they didn't look friendly. They could eat me!

"Um, Quillux, sir?"

I turned to see a Vehicon, Steve, "heyyyy!" I waved with my servo which was not in use. The other was holding a purple leg, I have no idea how that got there.

Steve decided not to question it, "Lord Megatron has requested your presence." He stated, oh cool!

"Lead the way!" He begun leading me, I latched onto his arm to keep my balance.

"Sir?" He questioned. "Are you well?"

"Had a little high grade." I confirmed.

"A little?"

"Barely any." I said honestly, at least I think I did. We continued to walk and we arrived sooner than I had expected.

We were at the top of a massive tower, and there was a big thing next to a one eyed mech.

"Shockwave this is Quillux- who's leg is that?" Megatron started but I wasn't listening.

"Oh, what a cute muffin." I squealed as I skipped up to the predacon, which I had just identified. I proceeded to pet him, he lowered his helm and nuzzled my side, glaring at the leg I was still holding.

"Oh, you want this?" I asked.

"Ignore him." I heard Megatron mumble from behind.

I shook the leg and he swished his tail, I chuckled playfully. "Let's play a human game huh?" I suggested. "I throw and you fetch." I said and shook the leg again before I threw it. It went a little to far.

He immediately leaped after it, going over the edge with it before coming back with the leg in his jaws. He dropped it before me, heavily dented, I glared at it. "I doubt she'll miss it." I mumbled.

"Who?" Knockout listened in to what I had said.

"Amora." I mumbled.

He rushed of, realizing that she probably needed medical attention, but not before he snagged the leg as well.

"Hey!" I yelled before I turned back to the predacon, "he's such a spoil sport." I said and returned to petting him. For how much high grade I had, I was surprisingly calm. My spark however, was not.

The predacon nuzzled my chassis, did he sense it? It gave another pang of pain, is high grade bad for it? Nah. I fell against the predacon's side and got out the mixture Ratchet had made for me.

What is that? I heard my twin ask through the bond.

Dunno, can't remember. I had a bit of high grade. I half lied. I looked up at him and saw him turn to Shockwave.

"Have a look at the mixture Quillux has." Clearly Megatron has learnt I'm not always honest.

I panic as the cyclops turned to me, I chuckled nervously. "Shoot, pal, you gotta help." I said to the predacon as I stuffed the mixture in my subspace. The bloody traitor turned away from me. I stumbled away from the creepy one and went over the edge. Quickly I transformed and took off for the Nemisis. For how much high grade I had, I flew rather straight. My spark gave another stab and I crashed into the side of the Nemisis next to one of the small windows.

During my scramble to hold on I spotted a interesting figure through the window, and they in turn, me. It was Smokescreen, he was holding a whooping hammer. We stared at each other, both questioning the other's predicament. He gave a awkward wave and I a forced smile, rather irritated with my spark, as I clung on. Smokescreen finally hurried away and I was left alone.

Quillux. An angry growl came through the sparkbond.


Where are you?

Wouldn't you like to know. I snorted, I could see my twin from my perch but he could not see me? Annoyance came through before surprise and amusement. He had spotted me and had already sent the predacon to fetch me.

He easily snagged me then dangled me upside down, irritating my spark further. Thankfully I was set down gently infront of Megatron. He approached. "You are going to go with Shockwave, is that understood?" He looked menacing as he said it.

I gave a small whimper, the high grade making me child-like. I nodded.

"Good." He grumbled.

Shockwave began to walk, expecting me to follow, I did. I hugged my chassis in comfort for my irritated spark which still hadn't stopped the pain. I was close to tears and the high grade was not working.

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