158: Dumb And Dumber

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My master's children were chaotic. It didn't help that she just left! But they were calming down a bit-

After three hours!

Luckily it just took two more minutes for them to fall into recharge. Oh thank Primus- they used such weird words.

"Psp." Mr Orange started, peeking his helm into the room.

"What?" I whispered aggressively.

"I'm a medic-"

"So? There's nothing wrong with me!" I started.

"You had a spark failure." He pointed out.

I paused, I suppose that makes a persuasive argument. "Hmpf." I huffed as I walked out.

"Sit down."

"You can't tell me what to do." I started.

"Please." Mr Orange added.

I huffed and sat down on the berth. He started scanning while I let out some grumbles. Them Mr angry walked in.

"Where's Egg?" He asked.


"Alpha Trion needed her." Mr Orange started, not even looking up.

"For what?"

"An emotional emergency. Why are you after her-"

"Inappropriate social media use." He explained.

Mr Orange had to put down his scanner to comprehend that. "You have a social-"

"Dumb and Dumber- look it up- or better, don't." Megatron grumbled and looked down at his datapad, "'A Prime Suspect'?" He asked as he read some stuff. "Oh that fragger." He grumbled and left.

"What crawled up his aft pipe and died?" I asked.

"I don't want to know." Ratchet muttered.

"Hmfp, oh! The Star Saber still glows for me!" I added.

"Agh, so? I don't know why."

"So grouchy." I grumbled, "So, Wheeljack's invested with you, isn't he." I teased.

Ratchet spluttered, "I've told him to stop-"

"Sure." I rolled my optics.

"And how would you know, you-" Ratchet paused. "What's my designation."


"And the guy you're courting?"

"Para- Optimus." I said, "Why?" Then I realized, "Ohh, I lost my memories- and insulted almost everyone I met." I snorted, "Well, I'm fine thanks- I don't think I have more sparky stuff."

"Sparky stuff? Ah." Ratchet started and walked over to a cupboard, he got out some sparky mix and handed it to me.

"Thanks- toodles." I said and headed out.

Now, where's Egg? Eggy. I started.

Not calling me master anymore eh? She asked.

I got my memories back you dork.

Darn it. She muttered

Where are you at? I asked.

Oppy's new berthroom.


Next door to yours She said.

Cool, and Megatron's after you. I added. Inappropriate Social Media- you have social media? I asked as I started walking over

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