194: Make-over

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It was rather late when we left the mess hall. "I'm off to recharge." Optimus said.

"Same." I nodded and we walked in silence. "Are you sure-" I started and remembered I shouldn't press him. "Never mind."

"Hmm." Optimus hummed, kinda pleased. He stopped in front of his berthroom, "Goodnight." He started before heading in.

"Yep." I said as I followed.

He looked at me for a moment.

"What?" I asked, "Oh you want me to bugger off-"

"No no, this is fine." Optimus nodded and lied down, I flopped down on him. "Ow." Optimus started with a small chuckle.

"If you let me shave-"

"It's fiiine." He laughed and we both powered down.



When I woke up I found my self in an uncomfortable position. I glanced at Optimus, he was still recharging. Should I risk moving? He probably wont wake up...

I shuffled around slightly into a more comfortable position and almost fell of the berth. Geeze, we need a bigger berth.

"Hrmm?" Optimus asked. For a moment I was tempted to slap his aft. Then decided against it cause it would have been hard to reach.

"Hrmm hrmm?" I asked back as Optimus shuffled a bit a opened his optics to look down. "I'm not doing anything sexual!" I argued as he raise a ridge.

"No, just stabbing me." He muttered as he flopped back down. "You've drawn energon." He added and I lifted myself of him.

My shoulder spikes had impaled him on the side of his chest, somehow getting between his plating. There was a tiny bit of energon. "Oops- Sorry." I knew shaving would have been a good idea.

"It's fine." Optimus said.

"No it's not." I argued.

"Yes, it is."

"Did Elita ever stab you when you slept?" I asked, trying to form an argument.

"No but-"

"So it's not okay-"

"We didn't recharge together." Optimus added.

I blinked at him, "Did she ever stab you?"

Optimus looked at me as he purged his memories. "With a stylus pen-"

"She did what?" I asked, rather alarmed.

"It was an accident." Optimus said.

"How does one stab you with a pen?"

"It was jokingly-" Optimus said.

"Hmpf." I said and flopped back down on him before remembering why I had lifted myself off him in the first place.

"Ark!" He explained.

"Sorry." I said rather loudly and lifted myself off him. Again. I fell of the berth in the process and spotted Lazerbeak under the berth. Okay? "Imma go shave." I started.

"You are not shaving!" Op almost shouted and got up in a hurry, pausing for a moment to have a look at his leaking side.

I eyed the wound. "Yes." I started and made my way for the door.

"No." Optimus started, "Don't you dare-" He started but I already closed the door on him.

"What is this about?" Wheeljack asked from behind me with Bulkhead beside him.

"He doesn't want me to shave." I complained as if Optimus were crazy to suggest otherwise.

"Your shoulders?" Wheelie asked.

"Yea, too sharp dah." I smirked as I skirted around them. "I'm just dulling them this time!" I added as Optimus came out. "Not hacking them off!"

"At least let Knockout help you." Optimus tried.

I was about to argue but realized that would be a good idea. "Okie." I said and wondered off. I made it to the medbay and for once in his life, Knockout was working.

"Eh?" He asked as I came in.

"I need help with cosmetics." I said.

"Oh!" He said rather excitedly. "Please do continue."

"Can you shave my shoulders?" I asked.

"Er what?" He asked, slightly disappointed.

"You know, make 'em less stabby." I explained.

"Ok then." He said and got out a sander. "Why though?"

"I stabbed Oppy with them." I said as the sander started shaving my shoulders, it felt rather weird. The vibrations travelled down my neck and made me shiver. It wasn't an unpleasant felling though. "What's with the mess?" I asked, having a proper look around for once.

"Oh?" Knocky said numbly, "Argh reorganizing, restocking. With all the incoming Cybertronians there'll be a higher work load. We're setting up some ground bases for easier intake." He explained.

"Right." I nodded smartly, despite not understanding much. He was already moving on to my other shoulder so I had a look. "Er?" The once-spikes were nicely rounded but all scratchy.

"I'll smooth them over." Knockout added.

"Coolio." I said as Magnus came in with Megatron, they both raised a ridge. "I'm shaving maturely now." I added and Megatron scowled.

"Have you done an inventory check?" Meg asked.

"Yeeeaaa." Knockout drawled, his attention divided, "We can spare Magnesium and Uranium. Perhaps a bit of Medical grade energon."

"Where is it?"

"It's been piled in the freeze bay." He said.

"Right-" Meg started.

"You're already polishing!" I exclaimed in surprise, actually paying attention to what Knocky was doing.


"So fast!"

"Of course! I'm a professional."

"Ahem." Magnus started, gaining Knockout's attention. "You're expected to take a trip to the medical ground base sometime today."


"As a social excursion. To improve relationships among the nails, mainly between other medics and patients." Meg explained.

"Ohhhhh fun!" Knockout paused, "Why me?"

I snorted as he packed away his tools, "You're social and don't look like Megatron." I said, "Oh and take Breakdown too! For comical relief-"

"Comical relief?" Magnus asked.

"He cracks some good jokes." Knockout said and looked over at Meg, who was staring at my shoulders in dismay.

"Yes, you can take him." He said.

"Can I come?" I asked.

"No." Megatron said.

"What if I bring the chickens?" I asked.

"Why does that matter?"

"If I have chickens all over me, I might come off as more caring. And if I smile-"

"Fine." Meg grumbled and left with Ultra Magnus.

"Can you make my purple accents blue?" I asked Knockout.

"Yes! I've been wanting to paint those for ages!" He said.

"Or red? What would work better?" I asked, Knockout shrugged.

We ended up going with Red.

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