90: Poker

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"Yup?" I asked into it.

"Did you have a spark failure?" Megatron asked sleepily.

"Yup, did you try to get me through it?" I asked.

"Yes." He said. " Why were you so happy?" He asked, I swear, I could hear him grinning.

"Me? Happy?' I scoffed sarcastically, "No, that can't be right."

"Well, happier than usual." Megatron said, he was in a good mood for sure. Ahh, so he felt all that.

"Had a nice time." I said and paused, "Exploring Earth."

"You did more than that." Megatron said.

"Ah no." I lied.

"I woke up giggling, out with it." He said, was I really that happy that I infected him with my joy?

"I was... A little drunk..." I tried, "Would you mind sending a bridge?" I asked and instantly a bridge popped up. I strolled through positively! Nothing could hurt me now!

The gloom of the Nemesis greeted me.

"Just high grade?" Megatron asked from behind me, I turned to face him and nodded once. I think some more happiness leaked through the bond because he cracked a small grin. "Odd, I never felt you that happy before." He muttered, tilting his helm.

"Yup." I nodded.

"But last I checked, high grade doesn't reek of trans fluid." Megatron deadpanned.

"Ah..." Well, ain't he blunt. "That's my business." I pointed out, shrugged and glanced around, "Where's Soundwave?" I spun my helm back round.

"No idea-"

"I'm gonna go look for him." I interrupted and sprinted off before he could call me back. He probably thinks I jerked off or something.

I headed off through the halls and ended up going straight to my berthroom. As soon as I opened the door, I spotted Predaking and Soundwave.


"Ah?" I asked, very conscious of the fact that Egg was sitting right next to the dragon and that Copper was sitting snug on his shoulder.

Oh, hey! Egg greeted, Soundwave gave a nod in acknowledgment.

I looked over to Predaking.

"So, ah... When did you get here?" I asked him.

He blinked, as if he only just realized he was here, "Oh, this little guy-" He gestured to Copper who let out a little peep. "-Went exploring and I came across him, thought he was Soundwave's so I just brought Copper to him." He explained, "Next thing I know, I'm playing poker with a Cyberchicken." He nodded to the cards he was holding.

They're playing poker?

I'm winning! Egg jeered audibly as she looked down at her cards which were stood up in a improvised stand. Soundwave looked over to her, as if reading her processor. Anyway, how'd things go with Optimus? Egg asked as well as squawking audibly. Why'd she do that?

Soundwave, who understood, looked at her and me as if I spat in his energon. Which was pretty surprising as he had no face.

"I'll tell you later." I told her as gold peeked my ped.

"Oh!" Predaking started, not having understood what Egg had said, "The Chickens can breathe fire!" He said excitedly.

I looked around the melted room, "No shit."

"You smell." Predaking stated. Oh right, he has good senses.

"Thanks for the information." I grumbled.

"Did you frag someone?" He asked and lowered his cards. Soundwave projected a smirking emoji onto his visor.

"Ah, no." I said, he aggressively put down the cards and dragged me outside.

"I smell trans-fluid." He stated with a frown and crossed his arms. Did he feel betrayed?

Make up a lie, make up a lie. "So what, I masturbated, didn't know you had such a strong opinion on it." I huffed.

"Did you 'masturbate' with Optimus?" Predaking snorted.

My venting hitched in my throat.

"You smell like him." He stated.

"How do you know what he smells like?" I accused, might as well try and turn this around.

"I have strong senses." He shrugged it off.

"Ah... Wanna get back to poker, before they peek at your cards?" I asked, already dragging him back in. Egg and Soundwave were waiting patiently as I pushed Predaking back down and I sat down on my berth, glad he dropped the subject.

The continued the game.

Lets just say that when you're playing against a expressionless mech, Poker is pretty hard to win. Egg was pretty close though.

They soon started another round and so, I excused myself. They ignored me completely, much to focused on the game.

I headed off for the washracks before someone else confronted me about the smell. Once I got there, I spotted Dreadwing, brooding. The atmosphere became awkward so I did my business and left as fast as I could.

Then I spotted Zinc out of the corner of my optic. He was in the end of the hallway, sitting proudly. I scrambled over to him quickly. "What are you doing?" I screeched, then Starscream came around the bend.

I hastily blocked Zinc from view with my ped. Zinc remained silent, he knew he was in trouble.

"What are you doing?" Starscream asked as I had just blocked his way.


"Then get going." He hissed, not willing to go around me. I bent down, scooped up Zinc, still shielding him from view, and put him in my chassis. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I asked as I turned back round.

"You put something in your chassis." He poked me with a sharp digit.

I rolled my optic and reached in, pulling out me clones helm. Screamer stared, "Megatron has fallen." He muttered before he walked off.

Well that's not the reaction I was expecting. Ah, Megs.

Yes? He asked, sounding tolerant.

Ya know that clone I killed...


I kept the helm. I informed him.

Oh great. He didn't sound tolerant anymore.

Yea, and now, I think Starscream thinks you're offline. I added.

He snorted as amusement came through, This should be interesting.

That's all I heard of him, I started to walk back to my berthroom. Zinc gave a little peep, it sounded like an apology.

I arrived at me berthroom and opened the door. Those three were still at it, I snorted. "Great sparkling sitters you are." Now that I had their attention, I crouched down and let Zinc out.

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